MCQ on Geography of India with special reference to West Bengal for WBCS/SSC/Misc Competitive Exam/etc.
1. The area of land of India is approximately .......... sq. kms :(a) 25 lakh (b) 28 lakh (c) 30 lakh (d) 33 lakh
2. The length of Indian soil from North to South is around :
(a) 1800 kms (b) 2200 kms (c) 2900 kms (d) 3200 kms
3. Which one of the following is border line between India and China ?
(a) Durand Line (b) Macmohan Line (c) Radcliffe Line (d) None
4. The length of India is latitude from South to North is around :(a) 25° (b) 29° (c) 32° (d) None of these
5. Indian Standard Time is the local time of city of :
(a) Delhi (b) Allahabad (c) Lucknow (d) Patna.
6. In respect of 1ST the local time of the city of Calcutta is :
(a) The same (b) faster (c) slower (d) None of these
7. The difference in longitude between the Indian Standard Time and Pakistan Standard Time is :
(a) 7.5° (b) 15° (c) 22.5° (d) None of these
8. Which one of the following States of India receives Sunshine at the earliest ?
(a) West Bengal (b) Himachal Pradesh (c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) None of these
9. Which one of the following regions of India receives highest volume of rainfall every year on an average ?(a) Eastern region (b) North-Eastern region (c) Northern Region (d) Western Region
10. Which one of the following States of India has got sea-port ?
(a) Rajasthan (b) Madhya Pradesh (c) Gujarat (d) Bihar
11. Which one has got no border with foreign country ?
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Tripura (c) Gujarat (d) Orissa
12. The oldest mountain range of India is :
(a) Himalayas (b) Nilgiris (c) Aravallis (d) None of these
13. The biggest State of India in respect of land area is :
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Madhya Pradesh (c) Rajasthan (d) None
14. Which one of the following States has got highest density of population on the basis of 1991 census report ?
(a) Kerala (b) West Bengal (c) Bihar (d) None of these
15. Which State has got borders with largest number of Indian States :
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Madhya Pradesh (c) Bihar (d) None
16. Smallest unit of administration in India is (in Area) :
(n) Chandigarh (b) Daman & Diu (c) Lakshadweep (d) None
17. Which one of the following has not been correctly matched ?
(a) Garos : Meghalaya (b) Khonds : Orissa (c) Mundas : Bihar (d) Todas : Maharashtra
18. Which one of the following group live in Madhya Pradesh ?
(a) Jarawas (b) Kols (c) Lushais (d) Lepchas
19. In which State Corbett National Park is located ?
(a) Gujarat (b) Uttar Pradesh (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Uttaranchal State
20. Which one of following rivers has originated outside India
(a) Indus (b) Ganga (c) Cauvery (d) None of these
21. Which one of following has not outflowed in Bay of Bengal ?
(a) Brahmaputra (b) Cauvery (c) Narmada (d) None
22. Which one of the following has not outflowed in any ocean ?
(a) Krishna (b) Luni (c) Godavari (d) Sabarmati
23. The longest river of South Indian region is :
(a) Cauvery (b) Godavari (c) Krishna (d) Mahanadi
24. The rivers of South India are generally :
(a) snow-fed (b) rain-fed (c) both rain & snow fed (d) None
25. What is the approximate length of the Ganga river ?
(a) 1500 kms (b) 2000 kms (c) 2500 kms (d) 3000 kms
26. What type of soil is found in maximum percentage in India ?
(a) Alluvial (b) Regur (c) Red Soil (d) Sandi soil
27. Which one of the following lines has passed through India ?
(a) The Equator (b) Tropic of Cancer (c) Tropic of Capricorn (d) None of these
28. By which time the biggest State of India is larger than the smallest State of India (in area : approximately)
(a) 50 times (b) 75 times (c) 90 times (d) 120 times
29. By which times the population of biggest State of India is higher than that of the smallest State of India as per 1991 Census ?
(a) 100 times (b) 200 times (c) 300 times (d) More than 300 times
30. With which State the mountain peak 'Mahendragiri' is associated ?
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Andhra Pradesh (c) Gujarat (d) None
31. Which State has highest percentage of area under forests ?
(a) Assam (b) Tripura (c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) None of these
32. Which one of the following States lost territory repeatedly ?
(a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra (c) Assam (d) None of these
33. Which one of the following is the biggest supplier of minerals in value among the States of India ?
(a) Jharkhand (b) Bihar (c) Maharashtra (d) Madhya Pradesh.
34. Which one of following States has got no border with Goa ?
(a) Karnataka (b) Maharashtra (c) Gujarat (d) None of these
35. In which State Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary is located ?
(a) Maharashtra (b) Gujarat (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) None
36. In which State the place where great war of epic 'Mahabharata' happened in ancient period ?(a) Punjab (b) Madhya Pradesh (c) Gujarat (d) Haryana
37. Which State of India produces highest volume of Apples ?
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Himachal Pradesh (c) Punjab (d) None
38. With which State the town named ' Pahalgam' is associated ?
(a) Punjab (b) Uttar Pradesh (c) Jammu & Kashmir (d) None
39. Which State has got a city known as 'Garden city' ?
(a) Karnataka (b) Gujarat (c) Tamil Nadu (d) None of these
40. Which State has got highest number of rivers ?
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) West Bengal (c) Kerala (d) None
41. Which State of India has got largest number of SC/ST people ?
(a) Assam (b) Madhya Pradesh (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) None
42. Which one of the following is third largest both in population and area among the States of India ?
(a) Bihar (b) Maharashtra (c) Rajasthan (d) None of these
43. Which State was called 'Jewel of India' by PM Mr. J. L. Nehru ?
(a) Nagaland (b) Manipur (c) Kerala (d) None
44. The State receiving highest volume of rainfall in India is :
(a) Tripura (b) Arunachal Pradesh (c) Assam (d) Meghalaya
45. Lusai Hill District of British period is now known as :(a) Mizoram (b) Manipur (c) Nagaland (d) None
46. Which one of the following States is inhabited by entirely tribal groups of people ? (Among the alternatives) :
(a) Orissa (b) Nagaland (c) Tripura (d) None of these
47. In which State Hirakud Dam is located ?
(a) Bihar (b) Uttar Pradesh (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Orissa
48. Which State of India has got highest percentage of total area of the State under cultivation ?
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) West Bengal (c) Punjab (d) Tripura
49. In which modern State 'Matsya Union' was formed in 1948 ?
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Rajastan (c) Gujarat (d) None
50. Which State has got border with three foreign countries
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Sikkim (c) Rajasthan (d) None of these
51. In which State Third highest Mountain of world is located ?
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Himachal Pradesh (c) Sikkim (d) None
52. In which State Guindy Deer Sanctuary is located ?
(a) Karnataka (b) Tamil Nadu (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) None
53. Which one of the following States has got good availability of Natural gas ? (Among the alternatives) :
(a) Mizoram (b) Nagaland (c) West Bengal (d) Tripura
54. Uttar Pradesh is the biggest State in population but its position in respect of area is ........ among the States of India :
(a) 2nd (b) 3rd (c) 4th (d) 5th
55. What is the approximate number of people living in West Bengal on the basis of 1991 census ?
(a) 6 crore (b) 7 crore (c) 8 crore (d) 10 crore
56. Around how many islands are there in the Andaman and Nicobar group of islands :
(a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 300 (d) 400
57. In which State 'Kanyakumari' is located ?
(a) Kerala (b) Tamil Nadu (c) Karnataka (d) Andhra Pradesh
58. Which State is not associated with a Joint Capital ?
(a) Punjab (b) Haryana (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) None of these
59. Which one of the following States has got no border with the Union Territory named Nagar Haveli.
(a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) None of these
60. Daman and Diu are remaining in coastal areas adjacent to :(a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra (c) Karnataka (d) None of these.
61. The people of which one of the following region have got highest per capita income ? (On the basis of 1991 census)
(a) Pondicherry (b) Delhi (c) Punjab (d) Goa
62. Which region of India has got highest density of population ?
(a) Chandigarh (b) Pondicherry (c) West Bengal (d) Delhi
63. Arround how many persons live in the Union Territory of Lakshadweep ?
(a) 60 thousands (b) 1 lakh (c) 2 lakhs (d) 3 lakhs
64. The Union Territory of Pondicherry has four sites. These are Pondicherry, Karaikal, Yanam and Mahe. State which one of the following has not been correctly matched relating to location :
(a) Pondicherry : Tamil Nadu Coast (b) Yanam : Andhra Pradesh Coast
(c) Mahe : Kerala coast (d) Karaikai : Karnataka coast
65. Which one of the following is not in Delhi ?
(a) Bahai Temple (b) Humayun's Tomb (c) Surajkund (d) None
66. Which State has received highest benefits from Kosi project ?
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Bihar (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) None
67. Tunga-Bhadra Project is in :
(a) North India (b) West India (c) South India (d) Eastern India
68. Rihand Project gives maximum benefits for :(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Madhya Pradesh (c) Punjab (d) None
69. What percentage of total land area of India is under forest ?
(a) 15% (b) 20% (c) 25% (d) 30%
70. In which State the river Mahanadi has emerged ?
(a) Orissa (b) Madhya Pradesh (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) None
71. Winch State is not associated with the Cauvery Water dispute ?
(a) Karnataka (b)Tamil Nadu (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) None
72. In which State Central Rice Research Institute is located ?
(a) West Bengal (b) Andhra Pradesh (c) Orissa (d) Utter Pradesh
73. In which State Gandhisagar Dam has been constructed ?
(a) Rajasthan (b) Madhya Pradesh (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) None
74. On which river Nagarjunsagar Project has been constructed ?
(a) Cauvery (b) Krishna (c) Godavari (d) Ganga
75. In which State Mettur Dam has been constructed ?
(a) Karnataka (b) Tamil Nadu (c) Kerala (d) Andhra Pradesh
76. Around what percentage of National income or Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is obtained from Agricultural sector in India ?
(a) 20% (b) 30% (c) 40% (d) 50%
77. Around what percentage of total cultivated area is under rice cultivation in India ?
(a) 20% (b) 25% (c) 35% (d) 50%
78. How many hectares of land equal one sq. km . of land :(a) 10 (b) 100 (c) 1000 (d) None of these
79. Around what percentage of total cultivated area of India is managed by irrigation ?
a) 30% (b) 40% (c) 50% (d) 60%
80. Which State of India is the biggest producer of Iron ore ?
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Bihar (c) Orissa (d) Karnataka
81. Largest Bauxite producing State of India is :
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Orissa (c) Bihar (d) None of these
82. The highest limestone producing State of India is :
(a) Rajasthan (b) Madhya Pradesh (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) None
83. The biggest Mica Producing State of India is :
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Orissa (c) Bihar (d) Jharkhand
84. Which one of the following has got largest number of sugar Mills ?
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Maharashtra (c) Bihar (d) None
85. A city of which State is called 'The Manchester of India' ?
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Gujarat (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) None
86. A city of which State is known as 'Benaras or Kasi of South' ?
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Karnataka (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) None
87. The 28th State of India is :
(a) Jharkhand (b) Chhattishgarh (c) Uttaranchal (d) None of these
88. Through taking how many districts of Bihar the new Jharkhand was created on 15th November, 2000 ?
(a) 16 (b) 18 (c) 20 (d) None of these
89. Through taking how many districts of Uttar Pradesh the 27th State of India, Uttaranchal was created on 9th November, 2000 ?
(a) 11 (b) 12 (c) 13 (d) 14
90. Which one has not been correctly matched :
(a) Everest : 8848 metre (b) Godwin Austin : 8611 metre
(c) Kanchengunga : 8356 metre (d) Nanga peak : 8126 metre
91. Around how many years ago the Himalayas emerged ?
(a) 1 crore (b) 3 crore (c) 5 crore (d) 7 crore
92. The connecting Mountain pass between Srinagar and Jammu is
(a) Peerpanjal (b) Banihal (c) Jojila (d) Burzila
93. The length of Dehra Dun valley of the Uttaianchal State is around
(a) 20 kms (b) 25 kms (c) 30 kms (d) 35 kms
94. Which is not associated with the Singalila mountain range ?
(a) Sandakafu (b) Falut (c) Kanchengunga (d) Annapurna
95. The other name of the Western Ghat mountains of India is :
(a) Sahadri (b) Malayadri (c) Sivaleek (d) None of these
96. Which one is not associated with the Western Ghat mountain range ?
(a) Sahadri (b) Malayadri (c) Mahendragiri (d) Harishchandra garh
97. The name of the highest mountain peak of the Nilgiris is :
(a) Doddabeta (b) Amarkantak (c) Dhupgarh (d) None of these
98. The soil of the Deccan trap originated from :
(a) Limestone (b) Basalt (c) Red lava (d) Granite
99. Srinagar of Kashmir is situated on the river :
(a) Satadru (b) Bipasa (c) Chandrabhaga (d) Bitasta
100. Alokananda has merged with Mandakini bear :
(a) Rudraprayag (b) Devprayag (c) Benaras (d) None of these
101. Which one is not situated on the river Ganges ?
(a) Kanpur (b) Mathura (c) Benaras (d) Bhagalpur
102. The Hundru waterfalls of Jharkahand State is on :
(a) Damodar (b) Subarnarekha (c) Sone (d) None of these
103. The area of the biggest river island 'Majuli' has got an area of around
(a) 1000 sq km (b) 1200 (c) 1400 (d) 600 sqkm.
104. Which one has originated from Amarkantak of Mahakal mountain
(a) Narmada (b) Tapti (c) Sabarmati (d) Mahanadi
105. 'Andhra coastal zone' is from Chilka lake area to the confluence of
(a) Krishna (b) Cauvery (c) Pulicot lake (d) Godavari
106. The length of the 'Konkon' coast is around :
(a) 450 kms (b) 490 kms (c) 530 kms (d) 620 kms
107. The length of the 'Luni' river is around :
(a) 350 kms (b) 400 kms (c) 450 kms (d) 500 kms
108. Which one of following is of lowest length ?
(a) Sabarmati (b) Brahamani (c) Baitaroni (d) Subarnarekha
109. The 'Brahmaputra' river is of around 2600 kms in length but it section in India around :
(a) 700 kms (b) 900 kms (c) 1100 kms (d) 1300 kms
110. Cauvery river has originated in the Brahmagiri mountain of :
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Maharahstra (c) Karnataka (d) Chhattisgarh
111. 'Sail water lake' of which region is locally called as 'Playa' ?
(a) Gujarat (b) Orissa (c) Maharashtra (d) Rajasthan
112. Which one of the following cities is situated on Rainshadow region
(a) Gwahati (b) Agartala (c) Shillong (d) Shimla
113. Which one is the biggest river valley project of India ?
(a) Damudar (b) Tunga-Bhadra (c) Chambal (d) Kosi
114. India State having highest production of wheat is :(a) Punjab (b) Haryana (c) Uttarpradesh (d) None of these
115. Highest rainfall is required for the production of :
(a) Rice (b) Wheat (c) Sugarcane (d) Tea
116. The Sugarcane breeding institute of India is located in :
(a) Chennai (b) Chandigarh (c) Lucknow (d) Ahmedabad
117. The Central Instituted of Cotton Research is located in :
(a) Kanpur (b) Ahmedabad (c) Nagpur (d) Madurai
118. National Research Centre for ground nut is located in :
(a) Gandhinagar (b) Junagarh (c) Kandla (d) None of these
119. Which one is not a by-product of coal obtained from coal mine
(a) Saccarine (b) Napthalene (c) Sulphur (d) Neptha
120. The biggest Thermal power station of West Bengal is at :
(a) Bandel (b) Kolaghat (c) Durgapur (d) Farakka
121. Birmitrapur having Dolomite mine is in :
(a) Jharkhand (b) Orissa (c) Madhya pradesh (d) Chhattisgarh
122. 'Bailadila' having iron ore and bauxite mines is in :
(a) Orissa (b) Madhya Pradesh (c) Chattisgarh (d) Jharkhand
123. 'Mysore Iron and Steel company limited' is situated at :
(a) Bhadravati (b) Bangalore (c) Chitradurg (d) Hassan
124. 'Bababudan' hilly area is famous for the mines of :
(a) Manganese (b) Lime Stone (c) Iron ore (d) Tungsten
125. The Tata Iron & Steel Company of Jamsedpur in Jharkhand State is found to use water of river :
(a) Damodar (b) Subarnarekha (c) Ramgantak (d) Kosi
126. Rourkela Steel plant of Orissa is found to use the water of the river
(a) Mahanadi (b) Brahmani (c) Baitarani (d) None of these
127. The Villai Steel Plant of Chhattisgarh State is found to use water of :
(a) Damodar (b) Mayurakshi (c) Gantak (d) Noiie of these
128. Which one is not associated with the State of Chhattisgarh :
(a) Bastar (b) Durg (c) Mayurbhanj (d) Korba
129. The Mining and Allied Machinery Corporation is located at :
(a) Durgapur (b) Ranchi (c) Dhanbad (d) Bhopal
130. Premier Automobiles Limited Company is located in :
(a) Maharashtra (b) Haryana (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Karnataka
131. The biggest Ship and Submarine making plant is associated with :
(a) West Bengal (b) Maharasthra (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Goa
132. An industrial centre known as 'Manchester of India' is located
(a) Maharashtra (b) Gujrat (c) Tamil Nadu (d) None of these
133. The most important Textile centre in South India is :
(a) Madurai (b) Salem (c) Coimbatore (d) None of these
134. The Slate of Uttaranchal has got no border with :
(a) Nepal (b) China (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Haryana
135. The Himalayan group of mountains are examples of :
(a) Fold mountains (b) Block mountains (c) Volcanic mountains (d) None of these
136. In 1960 the State of Gujrat was created through dividing :
(a) Maharashtra (b) Bombay (c) Marathawada (d) None of these
137. New emerging islands in the Bay of Bengal at the Southern Bengal have been given the name 'New Moor' islands and these also called as :
(a) Sundarban islands (b) Purbasha (c) Gangotri (d) None of these
138. What is the approximate length of the coastal lines of India in total :
(a) 3000 kms (b) 4000 kms (c) 5000 kms (d) 6000 kms
139. Smallest Union Territory of India in area is :
(a) Chandigarh (b) Daman & Diu (c) Lakshadeep (d) None
140. 'Tribhuban Road' towards Kathmandu has started from which site of Bihar :
(a) Patna (b) Rouxal (c) Birganj (d) None of these
141. Ladakh plateau, the highest plateau of India has got average height of around :
(a) 3 kms (b) 4 kms (c) 5 kms (d) 6 kms
142. Which one river has not originated from the Bhutan Himalaya
(a) Teesta (b) Raidak (c) Sankosh (d) Manas
143. 'Siachen glacier' the biggest glacier of India, has got a length of around :
(a) 60 kms (b) 70 kms (c) 80 kms (d) 90 kms
144. 'Gurusikhar' having height of 1722 metre is the highest peak of the :
(a) Nilgiris (b) Aravallis (c) Vindhays (d) Satpuras
145. On the basis of 2001 census West Bengal is within :
(a) Very high Density Region (b) High Density Region
(c) Medium Density Region (d) Low density region
146. A region having very high density region must have per population density of more than :
(a) 500 persons (b) 750 persons (c) 1000 persons (d) 2000 persons
147. Which State is within Medium Density region having population density between 251 and 500 persons per sq. km. in 2001 census ?
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Orissa (c) Rajasthan (d) Bihar
148. 'Siliguri' of West Bengal is having highly expanding population mainly for :
(a) Immigration (b) Land Communication (c) Industries (d) Government policies
149. How many urban centres are there in India on the basis of 2001 census report :
(a) 3 thousand (b) 4 thousand (c) 5 thousand (d) 6 thousand
150. The fifth largest city in population on the basis of 2001 census of India is :
(a) Bangalore (b) Hyderabad (c) Ahmedabad (d) Surat
151. The biggest city of Uttar Paradesh in population is :
(a) Lucknow (b) Kanpur (c) Agra (d) Beneras
152. City ol Oranges' of India is :
(a) Darjeeling (b) Srinagar (c) Nagpur (d) None of these
153. International seaport having biggest hinterland area is in :
(a) Maharashtra (b) Andhra Pradesh (c) Gujarat (d) West Bengal
154. The First paper mill of India was set up in 1830 AD in :
(a) Surat (b) Srirampore (c) Madras (d) None of these
155. The most important bauxite collecting region of India is :
(a) Korba (b) Bailadila (c) Palamou (d) Chaibasa
156. Which one has not been correctly matched ?
(a) Cement : Sindri (b) Explosive : Gomia (c) Aluminium : Ghatsila (d) Steel : Jamsedpur
157. Which one has been correctly matched :
(a) Gangpur : Lime stone (b) Mayurbhanj : Copper (c) Lohardaga : Iron (d) None of these
158. With which river the Massanjor embankment is associated ?
(a) Damodar (b) Subarnarekha (c) Mayurakshi (d) None of these
159. in which State sugarcane production is highest per acre of land :
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Punjab (c) Haryana (d) Tamil Nadu
160. Which one is not the name iron ore mine area :
(a) Dallirajhara of Chhattisgarh (b) Kemangundi of Karnataka
(c) Sirigan of Goa (d) Talcher of Orissa
161. The biggest Iron and Steel production Factory of India is :(a) Bhilai of Chhattisgarh (b) Jamsedpur of jharkhand
(c) Rhurkela of Orissa (d) None of these
162. Out of total 7 Union Territories of India which one is biggest in area :
(a) Delhi (b) Andamans (c) Dadra (d) Pondicherry
163. Indian State having second lowest density of population is
(a) Sikkim (b) Jammu & Kashmir (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Nagaland
164. Length lake in the desert area of Rajasthan is popularly knowi as:
(a) Dun (b) Tal (c) Rann (d) Dhand
165. The second important source of power or electricity in India is :
(a) Thermal power (b) Hydro power (c) Nuclear power (d) None
166. Of total land area of India the percentage of Alluvial plain area is around :
(a) 20% (b) 30% (c) 40% (d) 50%
167. The Middle Ganga plain area has started from :
(a) Lucknow (b) Allahabad (c) Benaras (d) Patna
168. Dhupgarh, the highest peak of the Satpura mountain range has height of :
(a) 1150 mtr (b) 1250 mtr (c) 1350 mtr (d) 1450 mtr
169. The highest mountain peak of the South Indian region is :
(a) Dodobetta (b) Anaimudi (c) Kalsubai (d) None of these
170. Ten degree Channel lies between :
(a) Great Andamans and Little Andamans (b) Andamans and Nicobars
(c) Lakshadeep and Minicoy (d) None of these
171. Vora ghat waterfalls near Jabalpur is on river :
(a) Tapti (b) Cauvery (c) Narmada (d) None of these
172. Which irrigation project has not been correctly matched ?
(a) Malprava : Karnataka (b) Ukai : Gujrat (c) kakrapara : Orissa (d) Kansabati : West Bengal
173. Rana Pratap Sagar project is associated with river :
(a) Rihand (b) Chambal (c) Tungabhadra (d) None of these
174. 'Matunga' having automobile factory is in :
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Haryana (c) Maharashtra (d) None of these
175. The length of coastal line of the Peninsular India is around :
(a) 6OOO kms (b) 6500 kms (c) 7500 kms (d) 8500 kms
176. Around what percent of total land area of India is in West Bengal ?
(a) 2.3% (b) 2.6% (c) 3.2% (d) 3.7%
177. What was the approximate population of West Bengal in 1991 census :
(a) 6.8 crore (b) 7.1 crore (c) 7.3 crore (d) None of these
178. The land area of West Bengal, in respect of latitude is spread over around :
(a) 5° (b) 6° (c) 7° (d) 8°
179. The land surface of West Bengal has got downward slope towards :
(a) South (b) East (c) South-East (d) None of these
180. Among the district of West Bengal, Kolkata district has got highest population. Which district has got lowest population ?
(a) Darjeeling (b) Bankura (c) Purulia (d) None of these
181. Around what percent of total land area of West Bengal is under forest
(a) 10% (b) 12% (c) 14% (d) 16%
182. Which lype of animals are not found in the forest areas of West Bengal(a) Tiger (b) One horned rhino (c) Crocodile (d) Lion
183. With which foreign country West Bengal has got no border ?
(a) China (b) Bhutan (c) Nepal (d) Bangladesh
184. With which National Highway West Bengal has got road connection with Sikkim :
(a) NH 31 (b) NH 32 (c) NH 34 (d) None of these
185. Around what percent of total area of West Bengal is mountain region ?
(a) 1% (b) 3% (c) 5% (d) 8%
186. Around what percent of total area of West Bengal is considered as Hilly region ?
(a) 5% (b) 7% (c) 10% (d) 15%
187. The Singalila mountain range is situated with the border between West Bengal and :
(a) Sikkim (b) Nepal (c) Assam (d) Bhutan Ans :
188. The height of 'Tiger Hill' lying between Darjeeling and Kuerseong district is :(a) 2615 metre (b) 1885 metre (c) 1726 metre (d) None of these
189. 'Mahananda' plain area is not associated with :(a) Maldah (b) North Dinajpur (c) South Dinajpur (d) Murshidabad
190. The 'Buxa' mountain pass is associated mainly with the district of :
(a) Darjeeling (b) Jalpaiguri (c) Coochbehar (d) None
191. 'Barind' or 'Barendra Bhumi' is mainly associated with the distrlct of :
(a) Murshidabad (b) Coochbehar (c) Maldaha (d) None
192. Which river flowing though West Bengal is not snow-fed ?
(a) Mahananda (b) Torsa (c) Jaldhaka (d) Kalindi
193. Which river flowing in West Bengal is not rain-fed ?
(a) Damodar (b) Kansabati (c) Mayurakshi (d) Teesta
194. Which one has originated from the 'Paglajhora' waterfalls of Kuerseang ?
(a) Jaldhaka (b) Mahananda (c) Sankosh (d) None
195. Which one is popularly known as the 'river of terror' ?
(a) Teesta (b) Torsa (c) Damodar (d) None of these
196. The combined flow of Dwarakeshwar and Silabati rivers is known as :
(a) Haldi (b) Rupnarayan (c) Jalangi (d) None of these
197. Which one has originated in an area of West Bengal ?
(a) Kansabati (b) Mayurakshi (c) Darakeshwar (d) Ajay
198. 'Buxaduar' the place of highest rainfall in West Bengal is in the district of :
(a) Darjeeling (b) Jalpaiguri (c) coochbehar (d) None
199. The highest Railway station of the world 'Ghoom' is at a height of :
(a) 2134 metre (b) 2347 metre (c) 3149 metre (d) None
200. Which one has not been correctly matched ?
(a) Toy Train of Darjeeling has been given Heritage Railway Station by UNESCO.
(b) Mangpu of Kalimpong subdivision is famous for Chincona cultivation.
(c) Lyed Botanical Garden is situated in the Kurseong subdivision.
(d) Himalya Mountaineering Institute is located in the Darjeeling town