Question for Practice on General Science
1. Diametre of the moon in relation to that of the earth is around(a) One-half (b) One-third (c) One-fourth (d) One-sixth
2. Which one is used to alter AC current to DC current ?
(a) Reactor (b) Rectifier (c) Dynamo (d) None of these
3. Which is popularly known as 'Dry Ice' ?
(a) Solid Carbon-di-oxide (b) Solid Hydrogen (c) Solid Methene (d) None of these
4. Which one is not the symbol of the concerned element ?(a) Copper : Cu (b) Gold : Au (c) Iron : Fe (d) Silver : Si
5. Which one of the symbol for 'Tin' ?(a) Sn (b) Xn (c) Pb (d) Ti
6. Which one has not been correctly matched ?(a) Laughing Gas : Nitrous Oxide (b) Water : Hydrogen Oxide
(c) Plaster of Paris : Calcium Sulphate (d) Washing Soda : Sodium Chloride
7. On which planet Spaceship from the Earth has already reached ?(a) Jupiter (b) Venus (c) Mars (d) None of these
8. Maximum limit beyond which a person can become deal is(a) 60 db (b) 80db (c) 100db (d) 120 db
9. Safety fuse wire used in domestic electrical appliances is made of wire of metal of :
(a) Low resistance (b) Low melting point (c) High melting point (d) None of these
10. A piece of stone thrown horizontally from a height will have its path as
(a) horizontal (b) vertical (c) Circular (d) Curve
11. In a compound the proportions of constituents is found to remain
(a) always fixed (b) sometimes fixed (c) never fixed (d) None of these
12. Which one of the following remain present in 'Vinegar' ?
(a) Ascorbic acid (b) Nitric acid (c) Acetic acid (d) None of these
13. The metal known as 'Brass' is an alloy of :
(a) Copper and Tin (b) Copper and Zinc (d) Zinc and Silver (d) Copper, zinc and silver
14. Which type of food is produced directly by Photosynthesis ?
(a) Protein (b) Carbohydrates (c) Glucose (d) Vitamin
15. In producing Oxygen, manganese dioxide plays the role of :
(a) reducing agent (b) oxidizing agent (c) catalyst (d) None
16. Which one is not essentially required to produce gun-power ?
(a) charcoal (b) sulphur (c) Potassium nitrate (d) Sodium Nitrate
17. The disease 'Small pox' is caused by :
(a) bacteria (b) virus (c) fungus (d) None of these
18. Fishes breathe through using their :(a) fins (b) skin (c) gill (d) vacuole
19. If an object is kept between two mirrors facing each other then the images of the object will be : (Mirrors not parallel)
(a) One (b) Two (c) numerous (d) None of these
20. The angle of the latitude on the North pole is :
(a) 0° (b) 45° N (c) 90° N (d) 180° N
21. A solid ball of which one of the following metals will not float on mercury ?
(a) Aluminium (b) Iron (c) Tin (d) Gold
22. Chemical name of 'muriatic acid' is :
(a) sulphuric acid (b) Nitric acid (c) hydrochloric acid (d) Acetic acid.
23. Nicotine is found in the leaves of :(a) Tobacco (b) Tea (c) Coffee (d) None of these
24. Gene is found to remain present in a human being inside ?(a) Blood (b) Lungs (c) Chromosome (d) Cell Wall
25. Hit required to make 5 gram of 0°C water to boil at normal pressure:
(a) 100 calorie (b) 250 calorie (c) 500 calorie (d) None of these
26. Energy which a body has on account of its motion is called :
(a) Heat energy (b) Kinetic energy (c) Potential energy (d) None
27. Which one is not an element ?
(a) Oxygen (b) Silicon (c) Carbon (d) Marble
28. Gas remaining inside coal field is :(a) coal gas (b) hydrogen (c) methane (d) acetylene
29. The conversion of milk to curd is aided by :
(a) acid (b) alkali (c) micro-organism (d) fungus
30. Iron alloy found to crack easily is :
(a) mild steel (b) stainless steel (c) cast iron (d) wrought iron
31. An alloy of metal with mercury is :
(a) metalloid (b) amalgam (c) permalloy (d) None of these
32. The mass number of a nucleus is :
(a) always less than its atomic number
(b) always more than the atomic weight
(c) sum of the number of protons and neutron present in the nucleus
(d) None of these
33. Nuclear reaction involved in atom bomb is :
(a) fusion (b) fission (c) diffusion (d) None of these
34. In the sun the energy source is :
(a) lithium (b) helium (c) hydrogen (d) carbon
35. Which one is not 'Green House' gas ?
(a) carbon dioxide (b) carbon monoxide (c) methane (d) ammonia
36. Molecular motion in gases is :
(a) random (b) orderly (c) one directional (d) two directional
37. Substance released by an endoctrine gland is :
(a) protein (b) hormone (c) vitamin (d) enzyme
38. Insulin, a protein hormone in a human body is secreted by :
(a) stomach (b) liver (c) pancreas (d) gall bladder39. Protein hormone is made of :
(a) glucose (b) amino acid (c) fructose (d) None of these
40. Baking soda is :
(a) potassium chloride (b) potassium hydroxide (c) sodium bicarbonate (d) None of these
41. Ringworm, an infection on the skin is a :
(a) fungal infection (b) viral infection (c) bacterial infection (d) None
42. A gland near neck which control growth of human body is :
(a) pituitary (b) adrenal (c) thyroid (d) None of these
43. Antibiotic used for treatment of tuberculosis is :
(a) penicillin (b) streptomycin (c) terramycin (d) None of these
44. Which type of a disease 'influenza' or 'flu' is :
(a) viral (b) hereditary (c) bacterial (d) fungal
45. Hereditary material in all living organism is :
(a) Dexyribose Nucleic Acid (DNA) (b) Ribose Nucleic Acid (c) Both DNA and RNA (d) None of these
46. The study relating to lives in outer space is :
(a) aerobiology (b) palaeobiology (c) exobiology (d) None of these
47. Stars seen on naked eyes belong to :
(a) Nebula (b) Milky way (c) Constellation (d) None of these
48. Highly concentrate source of energy in a human body is :
carbohydrates (b) fat's (c) proteins (d) vitamins
49. Cholesterol is mainly composed of :
(a) proteins (b) vitamins (c) lipids (d) carbohydrates
50. Blood sugar in a human body is mainly :
(a) glucose (b) lactose (c) fructose (d) maltose51. Function of protein in a human body :
(a) build connective tissues (b) transport oxygen in blood
(c) catalyze biological reaction (d) All of these
52. In a human body oxygen is transported in blood by :
(a) myoglobin (b) haemoglobin (c) keratin (d) albumin
53. The molecule in a living being which can replicate itself is :
(a) DNA (b) RNA (c) Both DNA and RNA (d) Neither DNA nor RNA
54. Protein found abundantly in eggs is :
(a) haemoglobin (b) keratin (c) albumin (d) collagen
55. An early stage of cancer in a human body may be checked by
(a) radiotherapy (b) chemotherapy (c) surgery (d) All of these
56. Amoeba moves with the aid of :
(a) legs (b) cilia (c) flagella (d) pseudopodia
57. The name 'nature's ploughman' is given to :
(a) cattle (b) cow (c) earthworm (d) None of these
58. 'Ear' is considered absent among :
(a) frogs (b) birds (c) fishes (d) None of these
59. Whales found to live in seas and oceans are :
(a) fishes (b) reptiles (c) arthopods (d) mammals
60. Major part of the demands of energy in the present world is met by
(a) hydropower (b) solar power (c) nuclear power (d) fossil fuel
61. Atmospheric pollutants are found to remain present mainly in
(a) troposphere (b) stratosphere (c) mesosphere (d) ionosphen
62. Ozone layer maintained in proper nature could restrict :
(a) infrared radiation (b) ultraviolet radiation (c) x-rays and gamma rays (d) None of these
63. Important cause of global warming is discharge of :
(a) ozone (b) methane (c) nitrogen oxide (d) chlorofluorocarbons
64. Largest potential of non-conventional energy may be found in :
(a) wind power (b) water power (c) solar power (d) biomass power
65. 'CAD' programme in computer is associated with :
(a) pictures (b) designs (c) page making (d) calculation
66. 'DTP' programme is highly helpful for :
(a) offices (b) accounting (c) publishers (d) designers
67. To improve computer functioning initial research activities were done mostly by :
(a) Microsoft (b) IBM (c) Cambridge University (d) None of these
68. How many digits are associated with Binary code in computer system :
(a) 10 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 2
69. 'Bit' an abbreviation of binary digit may be :
(a) Any one from 1 to 9 (b) Any one from 0 and 1 (c) Any one from 1 to 5 (d) None of these
70. Computer chips are mainly made of :
(a) silicon (b) plastic (c) zinc (d) None of these
71. The stored memory of which can not be changed in normal computer operation ?
(a) RAM (b) ROM (c) DRAM (d) None
72. By which company personal computer named 'Macintosh' was marketed in 1984 ?
(a) IBM (b) Apple (c) Microsoft (d) Samsung
73. 'Silicon Valley' an important computer related manufacturing zone is in:
(a) USA (b) Britain (c) France (d) None of these
74. Country having highest volume of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) jobs in the present world is :(a) USA (b) China (c) India (d) None of these
75. On which information can not be written by the computer operator ?
(a) ROM (b) RAM (c) CD (d) None of these
76. Around how many Bytes may be there within a 'Megabyte'
(a) 1 thousand (b) 1 lakh (c) 10 lakh (d) 1 crore
77. In Binary system 15 is coded as :
(a) 101 (b) 111 (c) 1111 (d) 1100
78. In computer system 'pixels' refer to :
(a) lines (b) dots (c) letters (d) bits
79. The most commonly used High Density (HD) floppy diskette in modern computer has got radius of :
(a) 2.5 inches (b) 3 inches (c) 3.5 inches (d) 4 inches
80. 'Nichrome' wire used in electric heater has got no mixture of
(a) nickel (b) chromium (c) iron (d) copper
81. In electric calender the burning wire is kept inside a bag made of :
(a) silicon (b) mica (d) fibre glass (d) None
82. The density of air in relation to the density of hydrogen is :
(a) 8.6 times (b) 10.2 times (c) 12.8 times (d) 14.4 times
83. Phosphoric acid is :
(a) Monobasic (b) dibasic (c) tribasic (d) None of these
84. Scientist Sandwick discovered :
(a) Electron (b) Proton (c) Neutron (d) None of these
85. Oxygen may be converted into Solid state at a temperature of
(a) -183° C (b) - 219° C (c) - 273° C (d) None of these
86. Water mixture of which is not an electrolyte ?
(a) salt (b) sugar (c) Caustic soda (d) Copper sulphate
87. X-ray can not penetrate through :
(a) wood (b) aluminium (c) lead (d) None of these