Submitted by tushar pramanick on Mon, 05/13/2013 - 19:26

Six Fundamental Rights have been provided by the Constitution :

1. Right to equality

2. Right to liberty

3. Right against exploitation

4. Right to freedom of religion

5. Cultural and educational rights

6. Right to constitutional remedy

►Art. 14 of the constitution provides that the State shall not deny any person equality before the law or equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.


Exceptions to the provision of equality before law, allowed by the Indian Constitution are :

► The President or the Governor of a State is not answerable to any Court for the exercise and performance of the powers and duties of his office.

► No criminal proceeding can be instituted or continued against the President or a Governor in any Court during his term of office.

► No civil proceeding in which relief is claimed against the President or the Governor of a Sta te can be instituted during his term of office in any Court in respect of any act done by him in his personal capacity, without a prior notice of two months.

► The above immunities do not bar Impeachment proceeding against the President and Suits or other appropriate proceeding against the Government of India or the Government of a State.

► Exceptions acknowled ged by the comity of nations in every civilized country, in favour of foreign Sovereigns and ambassadors.

► The guarantee of 'equal protection' is a guarantee of equal treatment of persons in equal circumstances', permitting differentiation in different circumstances.



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