Zoology Paper-I
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
If the questions attempted are in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first up to the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining ones ignored.
Answers may be given either in English or in Bengali, but all answers must be in one and the same language.
Furnish only essential illustrations where necessary.
Group - A
(Answer any three questions.)
1. Write scientific names of human malaria. What is its infective stage to man ? Describe the asexual life history stages of any one of them with labelled sketch. 2+1+12+5
2. What is a larva ? Describe different types of larva. Describe different types of larvae found in arthropods. 2+14+4
3. What are the characteristics of Amphibia ? Where from amphibian arose ? Classify the existing amphibians with Indian examples. 3+2+12+3
4. What are the characteristics of marsupials ? Name one marsupial outside Australian continetn. Write the affinities and systematic position of Marsupialia. 3+2+11+4
5. Write brief note on any four of the following :
(a) Metagenesis in Obelia
(b) Larval stages in digenetic trematodes
(c) Present day concept of amoeboid locomotion.
(d) Biological status of Sphenodon sp.
(e) Difference between poisonous and nonpoisonous snake
(f) Torsion in mullusca
(g) Regeneration
(h) Social behaviour in honey bee 5x4
Answer any two questions.
6. What is ecological niche ? What is Autecology ? Describe the interrelationship in trophic level in an ecosystem with example. What is pyramid of biomass ? Give names of green hourse gasses. 2+1+9+4+4
7. What is certral tendency ? How can you calculate the mean median and mode ? What is Null hypothesis ? What is variability ? Give examples. 2+6+6+6
8. Write scientific names of four silkworm moths. Describe different diseases of silkworm moths. 4+16
9. Write notes on any four of the following :
(a) Biological rhythm
(b) Altruism
(c) Migratory behaviour of birds
(d) r and k selection
(e) Social organisation of termite
(f) Students t-test 5x4