Zoology Paper-II
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
Group - A
(Answer any four questions.)
1. Give a brief account of Chemical Hypothesis with regard to Origin of Life. 15
2. Describe the ultra structure and explain the functions of Golgi Complex. 8+7=15
3. Elucidate one gene-one polypeptide concept. 15
4. Explain the physiology of Photoreceptive mechanism of retinal elements of vertebrate eye in bright and dim light. 15
5. What is placenta ? What are the different types of placenta ? How is it formed in rabbit ? State its functions. 1+3+8+3=15
6. What is an enzyme ? What is prosthetic group ? Describe the effect of substrate concentration, temperature, and PH on the role of enzyme action. 1+2+4+4+4=15
7. Write short notes on any three.
(a) A.T.P.
(b) Types of clearage.
(c) Role of bile in fat digestion.
(d) mRNA and tRNA.
(e) Living fossil,
(f) Process of translocation. 3x5= 15
Answer any two questions.
8. Explain the fate of Glucose in the animal body after its absorption through intestinal wall. 20
9. Briefly describe De Vries theory of mutation and correlate the theory with Neo Darwinism. 20
10. Explain allele and multiple alleles with examples. How would you prove that blood group (O.A.B) is a multiple allele ? Mrs. De and Mrs. Roy had babies at the same hospital at the same time. Mrs. De took home a boby girl and Mrs. Roy received a baby boy. However, Mrs. Roy was sure that she had a girl and brought suit against the hospital. Blood test showed that, Mr. Roy- 'O' type, Mrs. Roy- 'AB' type, Mr. & Mrs. De- both 'B' type, baby girl- 'A' type and baby boy- 'O' type. Had an exchange occured ? 5+10+5=20