Zoology Paper-II
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
Group - A
(Answer any four questions.)
1. Describe the ultrastructure and functions of mitochondria. 12+4
2. What is endotherms ? Give idea on the heat production in the body. Compare ectothermy and endothcrmy. 3+9+4
3. What is speciatibn ? Describe the process of speciation, in brief, taking example of any bistope ? 3+13
4. Describe the sequential events in the process of fertilization in brief. What is its significance? 12+4
5. How does ammonia form in the body ? Give idea in brief the metabolism of ammonia with reference to ureotelic, ammonotelic and uricotelic organisms. 2+4+5+5
6. (a) Give an account of the steps of initiation of DNA replication in an eukaryote. Name the enzymes involved in each step. What is the base sequence characteristic of initiation region ? 3+2+2
(b) Give idea about the PCR. 4
(c) In recombinant DNA studies, what is the role of restriction endo-nuclease, terminal transferase, vectors, host cells, and calcium chloride. 5
7. Write notes on any four of the following ;
(a) Foetal membrane in chick
(b) Type concept
(c) Mimicry
(d) Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
(e) DNA as a genetic material
(f) Mechanism of image formation in ommatidium. 4x4
Answer any four questions,
8. What are difference between phenetic and cladistic concept in systematies ? What are the weaknesses of the purely phenetic method ? 8+8
9. What is osmoregulation ? Describe the process of osmoregulation in protozoans and annclidas. 6+10
10. Distinguish between sex determination and sez differentiation. Give idea on the sex determination methods in Drosophilasp. 4+12