Zoology Paper-II
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
Group - A
(Answer any three questions.)
1. Discuss in brief the nucleosome model of chromosome 20
2. How is synthesis of MRNA brought about to DNA template ? State the roles of Sigma factor, the coreenzyme and rho factor in this process. 20
3. Comment on : (any four)
(a) DNA finger printing (b) Reverse transcription (c) Promiscuous DNA (d) Daenyl ketoauria (e) Downsyndrome. 5X4 = 20
4. Give an account of the modern concept of evolutionary theories. 20
5. What is adaptive radiation ? State the law proposed by if Osborn regarding adaptive radiation in mammals and justify the with a suitable example 20
6. What do you know about Zoological nomenclature ? Write the rules of international code of Zoologica nomenclature. 20
Group B
(Answer any two questions.)
7. What are enzymes, co-enzymes and isozymes ? Give examples. Write briefly on factors influencing enzymes, activity. 6 + 14 = 20
8. State the difference between glomerular filtrate and urine . Give a note on counter current mechanism. What do you mean by obiligatory and facultative absorption of water in kidney ? 4 + 10 + 6 = 20
9. Comment on (any two)
(a) Oranizer concept. (b) Fate map . (c) Structures and functions of chorio-allantoic ptacenta. 10x2 = 20
10. Write notes on (any four ) :
(a) Michael is constant. (b) Cholesterol. (c) Properties of monosaccharides. (d) locine number and saponification, (e) Electro-phoresis . (f) Herlng-Breuer Reflex. 5x4 =20