☼ Economic Life of The Civilisation
• Indus civilisation was agriculture-based economy.
• Main Crops of The Indus Civilization were— Wheat and Barely; Evidence of cultivation of rice in Lothal and Rangpur (Gujarat) only. Other Crops : Dates, mustard, sesamum, cotton etc. Indus people were the first to produce cotton in the world.
☼ Animals— Sheep, goat, humped and humpless bull, buffalo, boar, dog, cat, pig, fowl, deer, tortoise, elephant, camel, rhinoceros, tiger etc.
• Cow and lion were not known to Indus people. From Amari, a single instance of the Indian rhinoceros has been reported.
• A very interesting feature of this civilization was that use of Iron was not known to the people.
☼ Imports and Exports of Indus Civilization
• There was extensive inland and foreign trade. Foreign trade with Mesopotamia or Sumeria (Modern Iraq), Bahrain etc. flourished.
- Gold were imported From Kolar (Karnataka), Afghanistan, Persia (Iran)
- Silver were imported From Afghanistan, Persia (Iran), South India
- Copper were imported From Khetxi (Rajasthan), Baluchistan, Arabia
- Tin were imported From Afghanistan, Bihar
- Lapis Lazuli and Sapphire Badak were imported From shan (Afghanistan)
- fade were imported From Central Asia
- Steatite were imported From Shaher-i-Sokhta, Kirthar Hills
- Amethyst were imported From Maharasthtra
- Agate, Chalcedonies and Carnelians were imported From Saurashtra and West India.
- Agricultural products, cotton goods, terracotta figurines,pottery, certain beads (from Chanhudaro), conch-shell (from Lothal),ivory products, copper etc.