WBCS Preliminary Exam Solved Question Paper 2018 (English Version)
1. Fill in the blank with the correct word : ____ his humiliation, he attended the function. (A) Inspite (B) Not withstanding (C) Nevertheless (D) As of 2. “Call up” means : (A) recollect (B) anticipate (C) befriend (D) invite

WBCS Exam Main Optional question Paper on Anthropology (Paper II) - 2016
Answer any three questions. 1. Discuss in brief about different courses of development of social anthropology in India. 2. Mention the Lower Paleolithic Culture Complexes in India.

WBCS Exam Main Optional question Paper on Anthropology (Paper I) - 2016
Group - A Answer any three questions (All questions carry 30 marks) 1. Define evolution. Discuss in brief modern synthetic theory of human evolution

WBCS Exam Main Optional question Paper on Anthropology (Paper II) - 2015
Group - A Answer any three questions 1. What are the megalithic burials ? Describe in brief different types of Megaliths found in India 2. Village can be described as a structural and functional

WBCS Exam Main Optional question Paper on Anthropology (Paper I) - 2015
Group - A Answer any three questions ( all question carry 30 marks ) 1. Discuss the development of Anthropology in India with special emphasis in post colonial India .

WBCS Exam Main Optional Question Paper on History [Paper II] - 2015
GROUP - A Answer Question No : 1 and any two from the rest 1. Answer any one questions: a) Write a short note on the Charter Act of 1833. b) Write a note on the New Awakening in India in the 19th Century.

WBCS Exam Main Optional Question Paper on History [Paper I] - 2015
GROUP -A 1. Answer any three questions ( word limit 200-250 words ) a) Determine the importance of epigraphy for writing ancient Indian history . b) Write a brief note on the decline of the Harappan civilization .

WBCS Main Examination Paper - I (Bengali) -2015
১। নিজের পরিচয় বিবৃত না করে নিম্নলিখিত যে কোন একটি বিষয়ে আপনার অভিমত কোনো বাংলা দৈনিক পত্রিকার সম্পাদকের কাছে অনধিক ১৫০ শব্দের মধ্যে পত্রাকারে বিবৃত করুন : (ক) নির্মল প্রযুক্তি (গ্রিন টেকনলজি) ও ভারত । (খ) পরিবেশ পর্যটনে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের ভূমিকা ।

WBCS Main Examination Paper - I (Bengali) - 2017
১। নিজের পরিচয় বিবৃত না করে নিম্নলিখিত যে কোন একটি বিষয় সম্পর্কে আপনার অভিমত, কোনো বাংলা দৈনিক পত্রিকার সম্পাদকের কাছে অনধিক ১৫০ শব্দের মধ্যে পত্রাকারে বিবৃত করুন : ৪০ [নিজের নাম ঠিকানার পরবর্তে X, Y, Z ইত্যাদি লিখুন ।]

WBCS Main Examination Paper - I (Bengali) -2016
১। নিজের পরিচয় বিবৃত না করে নিম্নলিখিত যে কোন একটি বিষয়ে আপনার অভিমত কোন বাংলা দৈনিক পত্রিকার সম্পাদকের কাছে অনধিক ১৫০ শব্দের মধ্যে পত্রাকারে পেশ করুন : ৪০
(ক) ভারতের বিভিন্ন প্রান্তে খরা : সরকারের ভূমিকা ।
(খ) ভারতের উন্নয়নের ক্ষেত্রে সবচেয়ে বড় বাধা দুর্নীতি ।
(গ) ছাত্র আন্দোলন ও বৃহত্তর জনজীবনে তার প্রভাব ।

WBCS Main Examination Paper - II (English) - 2015
1. Write a letter (within 200 words) to the editor of a newspaper on the ways and means of preventing the molestation of women and children in India. (Write X, Y, Z in place of your name and address, etc.) 40
2. Draft a report (within 250 words) on the problems of immigration and refugees in the world today. 40

WBCS Main Examination Paper - II (English) - 2016
1. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper describing the rising instances of rough behaviour of taxi and auto drivers. Suggest remedies for the situation. (Write X, Y, Z instead of your name & address). 40

WBCS Main Examination Paper - II (English) - 2017
1. Write a letter (within 150 words) to the editor of a newspaper on to what extent the use of animals in the scientific research acceptable. [Write X, Y, Z instead of your name and address]. 40

WBCS Main Examination Paper - VI (Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning) - 2017
1. The average weight of x, y, z is 45 kg. If the average weight of x and y be 40 kg and that of y and z be 43 kg, then the weight of y is (A) 20 kg (B) 26 kg (C) 31 kg (D) 17 kg

WBCS Main Examination Paper - V (The Constitution of India and Indian Economy including role and functions of RBI) - 2017
1. Parliament can legislate matters in the State List : (A) When a party enjoys ⅔rd majority in the House. (B) By the consent of the legislature of the State conncerned.

WBCS Main Examination Paper - IV (General Studies-II) - 2017
1. Where would the Common wealth Games be held in 2022 ? (A) Johannesburg (B) Gauteng (C) Durban (D) Pretoria 2. What is the name of Australia's first woman Prime Minister ?

WBCS Main Examination Paper - III (General Studies-I) - 2017
1. Who is the author of the Book "Asoka and decline of the Mauryas" ? (A) D. N. Jha (B) RomilaThapar (C) R. S. Sharma (D) A. L. Basham 2. Who composed the Aihole Inscription ?

WBCS Main Examination Paper - VI (Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning) - 2016
1. If P = 50% of Q and Q = 50% of R, then P : Q : R = ?
(A) 1 : 2 : 4 (B) 1 : 4 : 2 (C) 4 : 2 : 1 (D) 2 : 1 : 4
2. The average of first 100 natural numbers is-
(A) 50 (B) 50.5 (C) 51 (D) 51.5

WBCS Main Examination Paper - V (The Constitution of India and Indian Economy including role and functions of RBI) - 2016
1. Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as a Directive Principle ?
(A) Provision of adequate means of livelihood for all the citizens.
(B) Provision of employment facilities to all able-bodied persons.
(C) Protection of workers, especially children.
(D) Securing of equal pay for equal work to both men and women.

WBCS Main Examination Paper - IV (General Studies-II) - 2016
WBCS Examination Main Compulsory Paper IV - 2016 [General Studies-II] 1. Which one of the following internet protocol version is the most deployed internet layer protocal ? (A) IPV2 (B) IPV4 (C) IPV6 (D) IPV8