[Question No 1 to 25] :
Choose the correct expression from the alternatives.
1. "Patient" means a person under medical treatment and also person having :
(a) high efficiency (b) restlessness (c) calm endurance (d) none of these
2. "March" refers to a month and also :
(a) movement of soldiers (b) order to advance (c) regulated walk (d) all of these
3. "Journal" refers to a newspaper and
(a) daily record of events (b) daily events of financial accounts (c) a news magazine (d) all of these
4. "Nation" means a country and also.
(a) a group of people (b) a piece of land (c) a language of people (d) none of these
5. "Decoration" means beautification and also award of a :
(d) land (b) prize (c) certificate (d) medal
6. "Degree" means an educational certificate and also :
(a) an order (b) a measuring stick (c) an angular distance (d) none of these
7. "Diamond" refers to a gemstone but placed before "jubilee" refers to :
(a) forty (b) fifty (c) sixty (d) hundred
8. "Dictate" means to say other to write and also to :
(a) command (b) help (c) recite (d) none of these
9. Which one is not meant by "Hardwares" ?
(a) metal tools (b) military equipments (c) computer equipments (d) iron sheet
10. "Chamber" refers to a "room" and also a hallroom or house relating to :
(a) Government (b) Parliament (c) Ministry (d) University
11. "Comfort" is not used to refer:
(a) use of fort (b) consolation (c) luxurious living (a) releave from pain
12. "Column" refers to vertical pillar but "Columnist" refers to :
(a) pillar maker (b) supervisor (c) writer for newspaper (d) builder
13. "Watch" means a time-piece and also to maintain close :
(a) vigil (b) interaction (c) relationship (d) communication
14. "Order" refers to command also to have :
(a) progress (b) punishment (c) discipline (d) none of these
15. The player was "booked" refers to the idea that the player was:
(a) registered (b) punished (c) rewarded (d) ousted
16. "Slight" means "very little" and also to :
(a) reduce (b) look after (c) praise (d) ignore
17. "Company" refers to a business unit and also a/an :
(a) association of people (b) trade union (c) group of people (d) political party
18. "Exercise" refers to exertion of body for health and also the act of educational or military :
(a) adventure (b) achievement (c) practice (d) training
19. "Deeply" means to a great depth and also :
(a) Skillful (b) profoundly (c) cleverly (d) strongly
20. "Press" refers to a printing machine and also :
(a) command (a) profession (c) cameraman (d) none of these
21. "Present" denotes "just now" and also a/an :
(a) gift (b) honour (c) cleverness (d) none of these
22. Which one does not mean half:
(a) semi (b) demi (c) mini (d) hemi
23. Which one is not the meaning of "Tender" ?
(a) a rate chart (b) young (c) right on properties (c) compassionate
24. Which one is not the meaning of the word "Tempter" ?
(a) state of mind (b) calmness (c) passion (d) very great
25. Which one does not refer to the word "Ring" ?
(a) chime of bells (b) ornament for finger (c) a circle (d) cleanse With water
[Question No 26 to 35] :
Find the first word of the question for which the given sentence is the answer.
26. In his stories the wrong doers are punished.
(a) whom (b) who (c) How (d) when
27. For having an accident the journey was cancelled.
(a) how (b) why (c) when (d) where
28. We have been living in this town for last five years.
(a) when (b) how (b) why (d) was
29. Men made fire at first by hitting stones.
(a) when (b) how (c) did (d) none of these
30. We can not do away with all our old customs.
(a) did (h) how (c) would (c) can
31. Of the three shirts, I purchased the white one.
(a) what (b) which (c) did (d) whom
32. This umbrella belongs to one of my friends.
(a) what (b) which (c) whom (d) did
33. My friends are flying up and down the Nile.
(a) when (b) where (c) how (d) whom
34. They reached the day before yesterday.
(a) what (b) when (b) how (d) where
35. There is no episode on wild life.
(a) was (b) were (b) did (d) none of them
[Question No. 36 to 65] :
Choose suitable word/words to complete the sentence in a meaningful manner.
36. India has frequently been over run by
(a) enemies (b) invaders (c) invasions (d) terrorists
37. The meaning of "Alma Mater" is
(a) my teacher (d) The universe (c) our country (d) kind mother
38. The antonym of privatisation is
(a) liberalisation (b) globalisation (c) nationalisation (d) centralisation
39. In his lecture I found neither rhyme nor
(a) meaning (b) reason (c) sense (d) logic
40. Many persons are eager to die in
(a) work (b) business (c) activity (d) harness
41. Between India and Pakistan the Kashmir issue is a bone of
(a) clashes (b) contention (c) conflicts (d) none of these
42. Her maiden speech charmed the
(a) visitors (b) audience (c) listeners (d) spectators
43. The host received the guests with open
(a) mind (b) manner (c) door (d) arms
44. The decisions of the party agitated its rank and
(a) staff (b) common men (c) leaders (d) file
45. On having Nobel Prize Prof. Amartya Sen had a feather in his
(a) head (b) honour (c) cap (d) life
46. The manager has efficiency to hit a nail at the
(a) head (b) top (c) bottom (d) wood
47. The chief source of power for modern industries is
(a) workforce (b) electricity (c) management (d) marketing
48. The crocodile is the largest of all
(a) animals (b) mammals (c) vertebrates (c) reptiles
49. The boy was as dumb as a
(a) fish (b) brick (c) statue (d) stone
50. The soldier was as brave as a
(a) tiger (b) lion (c) mountain (d) snake
51. His mental balance was disturbed by a series of
(a) noises (b) accidents (c) events (d) situations
52. On the basis of the judgement the prisoner was set at
(a) liberty (b) freedom (c) independence (d) delight
53. It is stated that when the danger is gone, God is
(a) remembered (b) neglected (c) forgotten (d) worshipped
54. India is a land of ancient
(a) development (b) civilization (c) importance (d) culture
55. The submitted an FIR to the
(a) Court (b) Police station (c) District magistrate (d) Municipal office
56. To have a job, he moved from pillar to
(a) pillar (b) tower (c) post (d) door
57. The Godman states that virtue thrives best in
(a) prosperity (b) difficulties (c) proverty (d) adversity
58. The police decided to set a thief to catch a
(a) robber (b) culprit (c) thief (d) informer
59. The devil would not listen to the
(a) scripture (b) advice (c) holy book (d) holy men
60. The de-jure chief executive of India is the
(a) Prime minister (b) President (c) Parliament (d) Council of minster
61. PSU refers to Public Sector
(a) Unit (b) Union (c) Undertaking (d) Unity
62. The refugees are now in need of
(a) renovation (b) rehabilitation (c) habitation (d) suggestion
63. As he has signed the agreement so he won't be able to
(a) back in (b) back out (c) back up (d) back out
64. Children are found as playful as
(a) mice (b) kids (c) kitten (d) bees
65. The oldman was as wise as
(a) a fox (b) an owl (c) an elephant (d) a crow
DIRECTIONS : Q. 66-75 :
Find out the word from the alternatives which is of nearest meaning of the underlined word.
66. Many munificent persons helped to build the Temple.
(a) pious (b) devoted (c) generous (d) industrious
67. The author prepared the book with fidelity.
(a) attention (b) cave (c) carelessness (d) authenticity
68. The person is well known for his trenchant style.
(a) modern (b) conservative (c) incisive (d) officious
69. He succumbed to his injuries.
(a) became cured (b) died (c) endured (d) had treatment
70. There is no panacea for cancer.(a) medicine (b) treatment (c) remedy (d) sanatorium.
71. There are many indolent persons in our society
(a) idiot (b) slothful (c) inefficient (d) illiterate
72. His sinister motive was not known.
(a) lazy (b) generous (c) menacing (d) conservative
73. His explanation was plausible.
(a) acceptable (b) convincing (c) clumsy (d) judicious
74. The novelist was elated by the publisher.
(a) criticised (b) hugged (c) gratified (d) pirated.
75. The child-lifter was lynched.
(a) arrested (b) beaten up (c) killed (d) crippled.
DIRECTION: Q: 76-85 :
Find out the word from the alternatives which is most opposite in meaning of the underlined word.
76. Police tackled mammoth gathering.
(a) peaceful (b) quiet (c) small (d) significant
77. The food was toothsome.
(a) faultless (b) unpleasant (c) winsome (d) pleasant.
78. Plebeian people used to dominate the society.
(a) vulgar (b) inflexible (c) prosaic (d) aristocratic.
79. The boy was highly plucky.
(a) peerless (b) feeble (c) unlucky (d) ugly
80. He used to live in pomposity.
(a) austerity (b) distress (c) purity (d) indiscipline.
81. Promptitude vitally helped him.
(a) inexperience (b) tardiness (c) barbarity (d) rigidity
85. The machine had ramshackle condition.
(a) inactive (b) stable (c) crumbling (d) malignant
83. He liked to repudiate the contract.
(a) cancel (b) discard (c) accept (d) relapse
84. Recumbent person can not prosper.
(a) miser (b) alert (c) haughty (d) urbane.
85. Subal is an outrageous boy.
(a) wicked (b) jolly (c) justifiable (d) lusty
DIRECTION : Q. 86-95 :
Select suitable word from the alternatives for the blank space.
86. Fact is often stranger than ..........
(a) imagination (b) fiction (c) story (d) dream.
87. You must .......... your house in order.
(a) organise (b) arrange (c) set (d) build
88. The humour was an embarrassment to the .......... sensibility of the lady.
(a) soft (b) sober (c) delicate (d) fine
89. He .......... me from going there
(a) persuaded (b) prevented (c) encouraged (d) influenced.
90. Eggs are usually sold ..........
(a) in dozen (b) in dozens (c) by the dozen (d) in the dozen.
91. They have not spoken to each other .......... they quarrelled.
(a) since (b) ever since (c) due to (d) because.
92. The priest addressed the .......... for an hour.
(a) audience (b) staff (c) assembly (d) congregation
93. He asked me where ..........
(a) was my book (b) my book was (c) is my book (d) my book is
94. Now the two political parties are ..........
(a) united together (b) joined (c) together (d) united
95. They could not ........... anything in the dark room.
(a) look (b) see (c) look at (d) look through
DIRECTION : Q : 96- 105 :
Find one word substitute lor the given expression.
96. The one who deserts his religion.
(a) Deserter (b) Turncoat (c) Apostate (d) opportunist.
97. The Act of looking back upon past event and experience
(a) Analysis (b) Retrospection (c) Introspection (d) Rctrogation
98. A post with no work but high pay
(a) Honorary (b) Ex-officio (c) Gratis (d) Sinecure
99. A person who studies and collects postage stamps.
(a) collector (b) philatelist (c) pugilist (d) serigraphy.
100. An event that must happen.
(a) unavoidable (b) impending (c) inevitable (d) cocksure
101. One who does not come for art and literature.
(a) barbarian (b) philistine (c) atheist (d) conformist.
102. One who can not be easily pleased.
(a) celibacy (b) fatalist (c) epicurean (d) fastidious
103. Something that prevents one going on
(a) enclose (b) drawback (c) hindrance (d) bumper
104. One of the bones on which teeth are set.
(a) MuscLe (b) jaw (c) Ankle (d) Femur
105. To have enough money to be able to buy
(a) Afford (b) wealthy (c) rich (d) capacity.
DIRECTION : Q : 106-115 :
Select suitable preposition to be placed in the blank space.
106. You should take caution ......... loss.
(a) on (b) to (c) from (d) against
107. I tried to desist him ......... doing misdeed.
(a) against (b) from (c) upon (d) on
108. He was willing to acquaint ......... the officer.
(a) to (b) on (c) with (d) by
109. Mr. Roy arrived ........ the meeting yesterday.
(a) to (b) at (c) on (d) upon
110. The new job was profitable .......... the contractor.
(a) to (b) for (c) on (d) with
111. The journey was troublesome .......... us.
(a) for (b) with (c) to (d) upon
112. He was a witness ......... the events.
(a) to (b) of (c) at (d) about
113. Do not become jealous ......... success of others.
(a) to (b) with (c) of (d) with
114. The flood hit areas became inaccessible ......... the rescue teams.
(a) for (b) to (c) upon (d) against
115. The girl is endowed .......... various qualities.
(a) by (b) at (c) for (d) with