Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 06/13/2013 - 10:36

  English Language & Literature

the names of well-known trains. 'The' is used before a noun which is repeated after it has been introduced once.'The' is not used before name of the language. 'The' is used with the superlative degree of adjective. 'The' is used with the name of directions. 'The' is used with the profession. 'The' is omitted before modes of transportation or travel. 'The' is not used before name. 'The' is not used before the names of seasons. 'The' is omitted before plural countable nouns when they tell about class or cast. 'The' is used before a singular countable noun meant to represent a whole class or kind. 'The' is used before a designation. 'The' is used before the names of the newspapers and magazines. 'The' is used before nationality. 'The' is used before names of monuments or mountain. 'The' is used before the on 
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