Class X History Syllabus
Modern India and the World
Topic 1
Expansion of British Empire in India (no detailed narratives of battles are required. Stages of imperial expansion should be clearly stated )-different stages (1765-1856 A.D.) Foundation of the colonial administration (gradual growth of colonial structure of administration is to be reflected)
Topic II
British Raj - Colonial impact on Indian Economy - land revenue policy and breakdown of the agrarian economy - changes in the British Commercial Policy - decline of indigenous manufactures.
Topic III
Protest , resistance and uprisings during the first century of British rule (Peasant and tribal uprisings) - the uprisings that took place in Bengal in the 18lh century are to be mentioned. For each uprisings a short paragraph may be used . Other than the underlined uprisings only brief mention of the rest will suffice . Viz Sannyasi . Fakir. Farazi and Wahabi movements . Mopla insurrection in South India . Chuar. Santhal , Kol movements in Eastern India . Bhil and Kol insurrection in Western India . Revolt of 1857 (the characteristics of popular upsurge should be clearly reflected . (Unnecessary references to and quotations of historians should be avoided) Map -1, Illustration -2
Topic IV
European background of 19th century nationalism in India (Reference to European nationalism of 19th century is required. Reference to how the Indians were Influenced with the main trends of the European nationalism of 19th century is required. Some principal trends of European nationalism are to be mentioned ) -genesis of Indian nationalism - education policy of the British-rise of the English educated middle class - social reform movement-awakening of national consciousness - first phase of nationalism - founding of the Indian National Congress
Topic V
Early phase of the Indian National Congress - split between Moderates (much importance to be given) and the Extremists - militant nationalism - Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi movement -revolutionary movements.
Topic VI
a) Imperialism and the background of First World War (the learners are to be acquainted with the knowledge how the European imperialism contributed to the background of the War)-Post war Europe and India - Mahatma Gandhi and the transformation of indian nationalism.
b) Non cooperation and civil disobedience movement .
Topic VII
a)Background of World War-II - Fascism in Germany and Italy (how the internal conditions of Italy and Germany influenced rise of Nazism and Fascism are to be mentioned)
b) Fascist aggression-collapse of democracy-failure of the League of Nations.
c) Second World War (Causes of the War are not be dealt with in detail)
Topic VIII
a) Main stages of national movement in India in the decades 1930-1940 A.D. : Congress (mention varied trends proactive within the Congress to refer to the inner divisions in Congress (F.B. Socialist Group etc) Left Politics (Rise of Communist Party) Revolutionary movements (revolutionary politics during the Thirties - Punjab and Bengal) 1942 movement under the leadership of Gandhi & its features. Subhas Chandra and I.N.A. (Subhas Bose and his Azad-Hind Fauz) Post Second World War popular uprisings (Rashid Ali Day, R1N Revolt, Student movement)
b) Background of communal politics. Reflection of qualitative change in communal politics in the decade 1930-40 is required. Two-nation Theory. Partition of India and Indian Independence (background-of partition of India to be discussed)
Topic - IX
Constitution of Independent India - Salient features. Institutional framework of the Indian Democratic Republic. Growth of parliamentary democracy in Independent India - instead of one-party domination multiparty system
Topic - X
Search for peace in the post - war world. Formation of the U.N.O. Cold war : its origin. National Liberation Movements in Asia and Africa. India's policy of Non-alignment.