Nobel Prize Winner in Literature - 2019

Submitted by avimanyu pramanik on Fri, 01/03/2020 - 22:44

The Swedish Academy has announced that 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature has gone to Mr. Peter Handke, an Austrian novelist, on October 10, 2019. Mr. Peter Handke receives it for "an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity has explored the periphery and the specificity of human experience".

Mr. Peter Handke, 76, was born in Austria. Mr. Handke is considered as one of the most influential writers in Europe after the Second World War. His works include novels, essays, note books, dramatic works and screenplays. Mr. Handke's work is characterised by a strong adventurous spirit with a nostalgic inclination. He is the author of books such as 'The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick' and 'Slow Homecoming'.



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