WBJEE Biology Question Paper 2014 (Eng)

Submitted by administrator on Sat, 05/31/2014 - 11:22

1. One molecule of triglyceride is produced using

(A) One fatty acid and one glycerol

(B) One fatty acid and three glycerols

(C) Three fatty acids and three glycerols

(D) Three fatty acids and one glycerol


2.Glutenin is an important protein in

(A) Potato        (B) Wheat        (C)  Soyabean        (D) Spinach


3. Which one of the followings is enriched with a non-reducing sugar ? 

(A) Grapes       (B) Germinating barley grains       (C) Table sugar       (D) Mother's milk 


4. Select the correct statement related to mitosis.

(A) Amount of DNA in the parent cell is first halved and then distributed into two daughter cells.

(B) Amount of DNA in the parent cell is first doubled and then distributed into two daughter cells.

(C) Amount of DNA in the parent cell is first halved and then distributed into four daughter cells.

(D) Amount of DNA in the parent cell is first doubled and then distributed into four daughter cells.


5.  The frequency of crossing-over occurring between two genes located on the same chromosome depends on 

(A) Length of the chromosome

(B) Position of the centromere

(C) Activities of two genes

(D) Distance between two genes


6.  Chlorophyll molecules are located in the 

(A) Thylakoid membrane       (B) Thylakoid lumen        (C) Stroma         (D) Inner chloroplast membrane


7. The primary cell wall is mainly made up of

(A) Lignin         (B) Pectin        (C) Cellulose         (D) Protein


8.  Which of the following statements is wrong for sucrose ?

(A) It is disaccharide 

(B) It is a non-reducing sugar

(C) It accumulates in the cytoplasm

(D) It is comprised of maltose and fructose


9.  Which of the following is always ABSENT in prokaryotic cells ?

(A) Ribosome         (B) Mitochondria       (C) DNA        (D) Cell wall


10.  Which of the following tissues provide maximum mechanical support to plant organs ?

(A) Sclerenchyma        (B) Collenchyma        (C) Parenchyma         (D) Aerenchyma


11. The Respiratory Quotient (RQ) of glucose is

(A) 0.5         (B) 0.7       (C) 1.0       (D) 1.5


12.  Cross-pollination through insect agent is called

(A) Anthropophily        (B) Malacophily         (C) Entemophily         (D) Ornithophily


13.  Cleistogamous flowers are

(A) Bisexual flowers which remain opened

(B) Bisexual flowers which remain closed

(C) Open female flower

(D) Open male flower


14.  Which one of the following is a growth regulator produced by plants ?

(A) Naphthalene acetic acid

(B) Zeatin

(C) 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid

(D) Benzyl aminopurine


15.  In apple, edible portion is

(A) Mesocarp        (B) Epicarp        (C) Endocarp        (D) Thalamus


16.  Anish is having colour-blindness and married to Sheela, who is not colour-blind. What is the chance that their son will have the disease ?

(A) 100%       (B) 50%        (C) 25%        (D) 0%


17.  Insect pest resistant Bt-cotton plant was developed using

(A) Somaclonal variation       (B) Micropropagation       (C) Somatic hybridization       (D) Transgenic technology


18.  In which one of the following, expenditure of energy is required ?

(A) Osmosis        (B) Diffusion         (C) Active transport         (D) Passive transport


19.  Emasculation ensures cross-pollination in

(A) Staminate flower       (B) Bisexual flower        (C) Neture flower         (D) Pistillate flower


20. The protein component of a holoenzyme is known as

(A) Coenzyme       (B) Cofactor         (C) Prosthetic group        (D) Apoenzyme


21. Pseudopodia are produced by

(A) Plasma Cell       (B) Mast Cell        (C) Adipose Cell         (D) Fibroblast Cell


22. Formation of polysome does not require

(A) rRNA        (B) mRNA       (C) tRNA        (D) snRNA


23. Km is

(A) Product        (B) Enzyme       (C) Constant        (D) Unit


24. Proteins helping in Kinetocore formation of yeast are

(A) CBF2 and Kar3 P       (B) CBF2 and CBF3        (C) CBF3 and Kar3 P       (D) CBF2, CBF3 and Kar3 P


25.  Juvenile hormone in insects is realised from

(A) Protocerebrum        (B) Corpora Cardiaca         (C) Corpora Allata         (D) Thoracic Gland


26.  Genes which are located only in the X-Chromosome are known as

(A) Epistasis genes        (B) Holandrik genes        (C) Operator genes         (D) Antiepistasis genes


27. Industrial Melansim is an 

(A) Effect of industrial pollution

(B) Effect of mutation

(C) Evidence of survival of fittest

(D) Evidence in favour of Natural selection


28. The concept of Hot-Spot was first introduced by

(A) Mayer      (B) Simpson       (C) Myers       (D) David


29. With the rise of water temperature, dissolved oxygen

(A) remains unchanged

(B) increases in amount

(C) decreases in amount

(D) is more available to the aquatic organisms


30. Intermediate host of malarial parasite is

(A) Pig        (B) Man         (C) Mosquito         (D) Larva of Mosquito


31.Which codon is not an indicator of completion of protein synthsis ?

(A) UAG       (B) AUG        (C) UAA        (D) UGA


32. 'Kyoto Protocol' is a multination international treaty for

(A) Phasing out green house gases

(B) Controlling ozone destroying substances

(C) Management of hazardous wastes

(D) Conservation of biodiversity


33. The objective of 'Ramsar Convention' was

(A) Forest conservation     (B) Wildlife conservation      (C) Wetland conservation     (D) Biodiversity conservation


34. Which of the following human parasites require mosquito to complete their life-cycle ?

(A) Ascaris lumbricoides and Wuchereria bancrofti

(B) Leishmania donovani and Plasmodium ovale

(C) Ascaris lumbricoides and Leishmania donovani

(D) Wuchereria bancrofti and Plasmodium ovale


35. In which diagnostic system, Piezoelectric effect and Reverse Piezoelectric effect are involved ?

(A) EEG       (B) CAT       (C) USG        (D) MRI


36. Main cause of Eutrophication is

(A) Fluctuation of temperature

(B) Unusual growth of aquatic vegetations

(C) Enrichment of nutrients

(D) Abundance of microorganisms


37. The body of Rohu fish is covered by

(A) Cycloid scale but the tail is homocercal

(B) Placoid scale but the tail is heterocercal

(C) Cycloid scale but the tail is heterocercal

(D) Placoid scale but the tail is homocercal


38.  Management of National Park is controlled by

(A) State Government

(B) Contral Government

(C) United Nations

(D) Non-Government Organizations


39. Which one is an example of living fossil ?

(A) Coral        (B) Ascidia         (C) Octopus        (D) King crab


40. The removal of 'Keystone' species will affect

(A) The producers        (B) The consumers         (C) The ecosystem        (D) The decomposers


41.  Objects less than 0.2 µm in size cannot be seen under light microscope because

(A) The wave length of visible light is 3900 Å to 7800 Å

(B) Only two types of lenses are used

(C) Maximum magnifying power of ocular lens is 20 X

(D) Maximum magnifying power of objective lens is 100 X


42. If the sequence of bases in the coding strand of a double stranded DNA is 5'-GTTCGAGTC-3', the sequence of bases in its transcript will be

(A) 5'-GACUCGAAC-3'      (B) 5'-CAAGCUCAG-3'       (C) 5'-GUUCGAGUC-3'       (D) 5'-CUGAGCUUG-3'


43. Immunity that develops in the fetus after receiving antibodies from mother's blood through placenta is

(A) Naturally acquired active immunity

(B) Artificially acquired active immunity

(C) Naturally acquired passive immunity

(D) Artificially acquired passive immunity


44. The serous membrane which covers the lungs is called

(A) Pericardium        (B) Peritoneum         (C) Perichondrium         (D) Pleura


45. The volume of air that can be breathed in by maximum forced inspiration over and above the normal inspiration is called

(A) Expiratory Reserved Volume

(B) Inspiratory Reserved Volume

(C) Vital Capacity

(D) Inspiratory Capacity


46.  How many ATP are produced when one molecule of FADH2 is oxidized to FAD through Electron Transport System ?

(A) 2       (B) 3        (C) 1        (D) 4


47.  Which valve is present at the opening of coronary sinus ?

(A) Mitral valve       (B) Eustachian valve        (C) Thebesian valve        (D) Tricaspid valve


48. Which of the following organs does not produce any digestive enzymes ?

(A) Salivary gland        (B) Pancreas        (C) Liver         (D) Stomach


49. The disease that occurs in mature adult human being due to deficiency of calciferol is

(A) Keratomalacia        (B) Osteomalacia        (C) Glossitis       (D) Pernicious anaemia


50. Which blood cells can engulf bacteria by phagocytosis ?

(A) Eosinophil and Basophil

(B) Basophil and Lymphocyte

(C) Neutrophil and Monocyte

(D) Neutrophil and Lymphocyte


51. Which excitatory neurotransmitter is involved in the transmission of impulse at the neuro-muscular junction ?

(A) Epinephrine       (B) Serotonin         (C) Acetyl choline         (D) Glycine


52. Which area of cerebral cortex is responsible for the interpretation of speech ?

(A) Brocca's area        (B) Wernicke'a area        (C) Premotor area         (D) Association area of sensory cortex


53.  Which of the following pituitary hormones is secreted without the involvement of a releasing hormone (RH) ?

(A) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

(B) Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

(C) Oxytocin

(D) Prolactin


54. Which of the following hormones is a derivative of fatty acid ?

(A) Gastrin        (B) Thyroxin         (C) Estrogen         (D) Prostaglandins


55. Which of the following is NOT involved in muscular contraction ?

(A) Calcium ion         (B) Troponin         (C) Actin         (D) Magnesium ion


56.  Proximal convoluted tubule of nephron is responsible for

(A) Filtration of blood

(B) Maintenance of Glomerular Filtration Rate

(C) Selective reabsorption of glucose, amino acid, NaCl and water

(D) Reabsorption of salts only


57. Which of the following processes was discovered by Lederberg and Tatum (1946) ?

(A) Transduction        (B) Transformation         (C) Asexual reproduction        (D) Conjugation


58. The component of bacteria that retains the crystal violet stain during Gram-staining is

(A) O-antigen         (B) Lipopolysaccharide        (C) Peptidoglycan         (D) Cytoplasmic membrane


59. Which of the following bacteria is observed as chain-like formation ?

(A) Escherichia coli        (B) Bacillus subtilis        (C) Streptococcus pyogenes        (D) Micrococcus flavus


60. During gene cloning, the enzyme used to join the insert DNA with the plasmid vector is

(A) DNA ligase       (B) Restriction endonuclease        (C) Alkaline phosphatase       (D) Exonuclease


61. The partial floral formula of a flower is K(5)C5A(∞)G(5). Which of the following set of information is conveyed here ?

(A) gamosepalous, polypetalous, syncarpous and superior ovary

(B) polysepalous, polypetalous, syncarpous and inferior ovary

(C) gamosepalous, gamapetalous, polycarpous and superior ovary

(D) gamosepalous, polypetalous, syncarpous and inferior ovary


62. In a plant species, flower colour yellow is dominant over white, and fruit shape round is dominant over elongated. Crossing was performed between two pure lines - one having yellow-flower and round-fruit, and another with white-flower and elongated-fruit. About 20 plants survived in F1 progeny. Plants of F1 were allowed to self-fertilize, an about 960 plants survived in F2. If the traits follow Mendelian inheritance, the number of plants would have yellow-flower and round fruit in F1 and F2 are respectively

(A) 20, 960        (B) 20, 540        (C) 10, 180        (D) 10, 60


63. Match the items in column I with those in column II, and choose the CORRECT answer.

Column IColumn II
P. Control of weedsi. Gibberellin
Q. Induction of germinationii. Cytokinin
R. Ripening of fruitiii. 2,4-D
S. Delaying of senescenceiv. Ethylene

 (A) P-ii, Q-iv, R-iii, S-i

(B) P-iii, Q-i, R-iv, S-ii

(C) P-i, Q-ii, R-iv, S-iii

(D) P-ii, Q-iii, R-i, S-iv


64. Out or 38 molecules of ATP produced upon aerobic respiration of glucose, the break up in ATP production in glycolysis (P), pyruvate to acetyl-CoA formation (Q) and Krebs cycle (R) is as follows :

(A) P = 2, Q = 6, R = 30

(B) P = 8, Q = 6, R = 24

(C) P = 8, Q = 10, R = 20

(D) P = 2, Q = 12, R = 24


65. The correct sequence of organelles in which glycolate and glyoxylate are produced sequentially in photorespiration, is

(A) chloroplast and mintochondria

(B) chloroplast and peroxisome

(C) peroxisome and mitochondria

(D) peroxisome and chloroplast


66. Cells die at the time of release of secretary materials in

(A) Holocrine gland       (B) Apocrine gland        (C) Merocrine gland         (D) Mixed gland


67. X-ray is needed for

(A) Ultrasonography       (B) CT scanning       (C) MRI        (D) NMR


68. Which of the following statement is wrong ?

(A) Test tube baby grows inside test tube

(B) Test tube baby grows within mother's womb

(C) Test tube baby grows within surrogate mother's womb

(D) Test tube baby grows following uterine fertilization


69. The correct sequence of embryonic development is

(A) Blastula - Morula - Zygote - Gastrula - Embryo

(B) Zygote - Blastula - Morula - Gastrula- Embryo

(C) Zygote - Morula - Blastula - Gastrula - Embryo

(D) Gastrula - Morula - Zygote - Blastula - Embryo


70. The time interval of appearance of fever in the malarial patients depends on the types of malaria. The research evidences suggest that such time intervals are - (1) 36 to 48 hours, (2) 48 hours, and (3) 72 hours. If any such patient experiences fever at an interval of 48 hours, then the said patient suffers from

(A) Only benign tertian malaria

(B) Quarantan malaria or mild tertian malaria

(C) Malignant tertian or Benign tertian malaria

(D) Mild tertian malaria or Benign tertian malaria


71. The structure of E. coli chromosomal DNA is

(A) Double stranded, right handed and circular

(B) Single stranded, right handed and circular

(C) Double stranded, left handed and linear

(D) Double stranded, left handed and circular


72. Absorption of vitamin B12 in human requires "P" glycoprotein secreted from "Q". The correct choice of P and Q are

(A) P = Extrinsic factor and Q = Stomach

(B) P = Intrinsic factor and Q = Stomach

(C) P = Intrinsic factor and Q = Small intestine

(D) P = Exopolysaccharide and Q = Small intestine


73. What type of cartilaginous tissue is found in the inter-vertebral discs ?

(A) Costal cartilage       (B) Hyaline cartilage      (C) White fibrous cartilage       (D) Yellow elastic cartilage


74.  If spermatogenesis process too rapidly, Inhibin is realised. Inhibin reduces the secretion of

(A) Lutinizing Hormone (LH)

(B) Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

(C) Testosterone

(D) Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone (ICSH)


75.  Which of the following statements are TRUE for 'Motor cortex' ?

(i) It is located in the frontal lobe of cerebral cortex

(ii) It contains pyramidal cells

(iii) It is responsible for all visual functions

(iv) It is essential for our thought process

(v) It stimulates wakefulness

(vi) It regulates voluntary muscular movements

(A) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)       (B) (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v)       (C) (ii), (iv), (v) and (vi)        (D) (i), (ii), (iv) and (vi)


76. Identify the correct statement(s) in relation to C4 photosynthesis

(A) Kranz anatomy is an essential feature for C4 plants

(B) C4 plants have higher water use efficiency than C3 plants

(C) Photorespiration can be minimized when C4 pathway is in operation

(D) Conversion of oxaloacetate to malate occurs in the bundle sheath cells


77. Genetically improved crop varieties can be developed in laboratory by

(A) Somatic hybridization

(B) Transgenic technology

(C) Cell suspension culture

(D) Somaclonal variation


78. Sand flies play significant role in spreading Kala-azar because they

(A) Suck blood only from the patients suffering from Kala-azar

(B) Convert amastigote into promastigote

(C) Engulf amastigote at the time of blood sucking from the infected persons

(D) Inject promastigote into the body of non-infected persons at the time of blood sucking


79. Which of the following factor(s) increase blood pressure ?

(A) Increase of cardiac output

(B) Constriction of blood vessel

(C) Activation of parasympathetic nerve

(D) Increase of blood volume


80. Which of the following statement(s) are TRUE ?

(A) Antibiotics can kill bacteria but disinfectants do not

(B) Disinfectants have better bactericidal efficiency than antibiotics

(C) Antibiotics are of microbial origin but disinfectants are chemical compounds

(D) Antibiotics can be injected into the patients whereas disinfectants are not




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