Time Allowed : 3 hours Full Marks : 100
If the questions attempted are in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first up to the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining ones ignored.
1. Write an essay on any one of the following topics: 40
(The candidates and expected to keep closely to what is strictly relevant to the topic in question and to write in an organized way. Credit will be given to precision and exactness of expression.)
(a) Global warming as a threat to civilization;
(b) Secularism and India;
(c) Impact of globalization on India;
(d) Panchayeti Raj as implemented in India;
(e) The role of poets in a transitional society.
2. Give a precies of the following passage and add a relevant title to it. 20
(Use the special sheet provided for the purpose):
Bodily labor is of two kinds, either that which a man submits to for his livelihood, or that which he undergoes for his pleasure. The latter of them generally changes the name of labor for that of exercise, but differs only from ordinary labor as it rises from another motive. A country life abounds in both these kinds of labor, and for that reason gives a man a greater stock of health, and consequently a more perfect enjoyment of himself, than any other way of life. I consider the body as a system of tubes and glands, or to use a more rustic phrase, a bundle of pipes and strainers, fitted to one another after so wonderful a manner as a to make a proper engine for the soul to work with. Had not exercise been absolutely necessary for our well-being, nature would not have made the body so proper for it. by giving such an activity to the limbs, and such pliancy to every part as necessarily produce those compression, extensions, contortation, dilatations, and all other kinds of motions that are necessary for the preservation of such a system of tubes and glands as has been before mentioned............. It is so ordered that nothing valuable can be procured without it. Not to mention riches and honor, even food and raiment are not to come without the toil of the hands and the sweat of the brows. Providence furnishes materials but expects that we should work them up ourselves.
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