Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 10/16/2015 - 18:10

Categorywise Probable Questions


Ø Map Pointing (For 1 Marks)

Ø Scoring 10 Marks

 (a) Lahore (b) Poona (c) Goa (d) Kanpur (e) Murshidabad (f) Delhi (g) Bombay

(h) Manglore (i) Varanasi (j) Bassein (k) Nagpur (l) Gwalior (m) Jhansi (n) Chandennagar

(o) Champaran (p) Baroda (q) Srirangpattam (r) Barasat (s) Varanasi (t) Bareilly

(u) Chauri Chaura (v) Gwalior (w) Panipat (x) Oudh (y) Calicut  (z) Hyderabad (za) Agra



Ø Objective Type (For 1 Marks)

Ø Scoring 10 Marks


(a) In which year did the Cripps Mission visit India ?

(b) Who was the first President of independent India ?

(c) Which day is celebrated as U. N. Day ?

(d) Who were criticised as ‘political mendicants’ ?

(e) Which day was observed as Raksha Bandhan ceremony in protest against the Partition of Bengal ?

(f) Who founded the Gadar Party ?

(g) Which country declared war on Serbia in 1914 ?

(h) When was founded the League of Nations ?

(i) When was signed the Munich Pact ?

(j) Who is known as ‘Frontier Gandhi’ ?

(k) What is the name of Hitler’s autobiography ?

(l) Name a centre of popular uprising during the Great Revolt of 1857.

 (m) Who began the ‘Shuddhi Movement’ in the 19th century ?

(n) Name a ‘Swadeshi’ industry set up in the early 20th century.

(o) What was the German Parliament known as ?

(p) According to the Indian Constitution can President’s rule be imposed upon the government in the centre, as it can in the states ?

q) By which Act did India gain independence ?


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