Zoology Paper-I
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
Group - A
(Answer any three questions.)
1. Write on the morphology life cycle and modes of transmission of Entamoeba histolytica 12+4+4
2. Describe the structure of a coralite. Write on the mechanism of formation of corals. 8+12
3. Describe the Tadpole larva of Ascidia and write on its metamorphosis leading to adulthood. 8+12
4. What are aortic arches ? Write on their modifications in Reptiles and Mammals. 4+10+6
5. Write notes on any four of the following :-
(a) Hydroid phase of obelia.
(b) Wuchereria bancrofte
(c) Nervous system of pila.
(d) Concept of Dipleurula larva in the phylogeny of Echinoderms.
(e) Dipnoi,
(f) Electric organ of fishes,
(g) Sourischia.
(h) Affinity of Marsupial. 4x5
Answer any two questions.
6. Define Pollution. How does air get polluted ? Suggest some measures to prevent air pollution. 4+12+4
7. What is silk ? Write briefly on sericulture. 2+18
8. Write notes on any four of the following :-
(a) Flow of carbon in Biotic System,
(b) Innate behaviour,
(c) Median,
(d) Uses of chi-square test,
(e) Lac insects,
(f) Zonation of Marine Ecosystem,
(g) Ecosystem,
(h) Duties of wroker bees in a hive