Economics Paper-II
Time Allowed-3 Hours Full Marks-100
Group - A
1. Examine the effects of the Permanent Settlement of land revenue that was introduced in India in 1793.
2. What is the theory of demographic transition ? Critics say that demographic transition is a fact not a theory. Do you agree ? Explain your position with reference to Indian experience.
3. Do you think that foreign capital along with technology does, have an important part to play in India's post-independent economic development ? Carefully state your reasons.
4. What are the principal reasons for the transition of Indian agriculture during the British period from self-sufficient family farming to Commercial Cultivation ? What effects did it have on the economy ?
5. "It is hard to agree with the classical view that money is a veil in the economy". Do you accept the statement ? Can a monetary strategy be used to expedite economic growth in newly developing countries ? Explain your point of view with reference to Indian experience
Group - B
Answer any two questions.
6. A crucial element of the Industrial strategy of the Government of India in the post-independent period has been the pursuit of import-substitution oriented policies for industrial development. What is the rationale behind such policies ? Briefly review such policies actually followed in our country.
7. In the present Indian scenario there is a strong case for directed Institutional credit. Critically evaluate the statement against the backdrop of economic reforms and liberalisation.
8. The ultimate objective of all developmental efforts is human development. Do you agree ? To what extent the Government of India has been trying in recent years to ensure higher economic growth with social justice ?