WBCS Examination [Main] - 2011
Optional Paper
Anthropology -Paper II
Answer any three questions.
1. What are the criteria for defining civilization ? Give a brief account of evolution of Indus Valley civilization.
2. Discuss the impact of Christianity on the tribal societies in India.
3. Give an account of tribal economy With its geographical distribution. Briefly discuss the changes brought about in tribal economy by modernization.
4. What are the major criteria for studying demographic profile of India ? Discuss the importance of demographic profile study in India.
5. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Constitutional safeguard for scheduled tribes.
(b) NGO and tribal development.
(c) Acheulian culture of India,
(d) Sanskritization
(Answer any two questions)
6. Give an account of the economy, society and polity of Indian culture as found in Rigveda.
7. Define the concept of ethnicity. Discuss contribution of anthropology for the understanding of ethnicity and political movement in India.
8. Critically discuss rehabilitation problems faced by displaced Indian tribes due to hydro projects. Give specific example of any area known to you.