CBSE Class X ENGLISH (Communicative) Summative Assessment Question Paper 2014 (SET-1)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 11/03/2015 - 12:32

Code no. 1/1




Time allowed : 3 hours                                                                                    Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions :

(i)         The Question paper is divided into four sections :


Section A — Reading                                                               15 marks

Section B — Writing                                                                20 marks

Section C — Grammar                                                            15 marks

Section D — Literature + Value Based Question                      (25+5)=30 marks

(ii)        All questions are compulsory.

(iii)       You may attempt any section at a time.

(iv)       All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

                                                   SECTION A — (Reading)                                                                       15

1.         Read the passage given below :                                                                                                     8

The Perfect Dog

1          In the summer of 1967, when I was ten years old, my father caved into my persistent pleas and took me to get my own dog. Together we drove in the family station wagon far into the Michigan countryside to a farm run by a rough-hewn woman and her ancient mother. The farm produced just one commodity – dogs. Dogs of every imaginable size and shape and age and temperament. They had only two things in common : each was a mongrel of unknown and distinct ancestry, and each was free to a good home.

2          I quickly decided the older dogs were somebody else’s charity case. I immediately raced to the puppy cage. ‘‘You want to pick one that’s not timid,’’ my father coached. ‘‘Try rattling the cage and see which ones aren’t afraid.’’

3          I grabbed the chain-link gate and yanked on it with a loud clang. The dozen or so puppies reeled backward, collapsing on top of one another in a squiggling heap of fur. Just one remained. He was gold with a white blaze on his chest, and he charged at the gate, yapping fearlessly. He jumped up and excitedly licked my fingers through the fencing. It was love at first sight. 



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