I. Restoring Balance in Ecosystem
• Need for adopting control measures to check for spoilage of landscape
• Need for conservation and management of water - integrated water shed management, recharging of ground water including rain water harvesting, development of appropriate technology
• Conservation and management of forests, grass lands, semi-arid ecosystems
• Conservation and management of ocean resources - marine and coastal ecosystems, importance of coral reefs
• Conservation and management of soil - alternate cropping, judicious use of inputs like water, fertilizers, pesticides; use of manure, bio-fertilizer and bio-pesticide; plantation and conservation of grasslands to check soil erosion; forest conservation including Joint Forest Management (JFM), afforestation including social forestry and agro-forestry.
• Measures to conserve wild life - national parks, sanctuaries and bio-reserves; breeding programmes for endangered species; preventing poaching, hunting and bio-piracy; enforcement of legal provisions,
• Application of bio-technology
• Public awareness programmes concerning conservation of water, soil, air, forests and other resources
• Relevance of indigenous practices
• Tribal culture and its linkages to forest resources and their conservation
II. Pollution
• Types of pollution - air, water (fresh and marine), soil, radiation and noise
• Sources of pollution and major pollutants; oil spills
• Effects of pollution on - environment, human health and other organisms
• Abatement of pollution
III. Issues of the Environment
• Decline in forest, agricultural and marine productivity and its effect on economy
• Resettlement and rehabilitation of people
• Energy crisis - urban and rural sectors
• Greenhouse effect and global warming
• Climatic changes
• Acid rain
• Ozone layer depletion
• Disaster - natural and manmade; disaster management and its mitigation
IV. Striving for a Better Environment
• Use of efficient and eco-friendly technology
• Sustainable use of resources
• Adoption of indigenous practices; sacred groves
• Consumer education - consumer rights, making correct choices while buying different items, food adulteration
• Community participation for ecological restoration and conservation
• Protection of wild life; cruelty to animals
• Enforcement of acts, laws and policies
• Some success stories - use of CNG, Chipko Movement, water harvesting, Silent Valley and the like
Exemplar Activities :
The activities suggested below are neither exhaustive nor prescriptive. Teachers may design their own set of activites keeping in view the overall objectives of teaching and learning of EE at this stage. They will have to make use of local flora and fauna and the available resources and facilities and take congnizance of local environmental problems. The learners should be encouraged to initiate action on their own.
• Organizing discussions and debates on issues of environment like pollution of air, water and soil, depletion of resources, disposal of plastics and urbanization.
• Guiding learners collect data from owners/drivers of the private/commercial vehicles through interview-cum-discussion method and to prepare report. The information may be sought about:
- frequency of checking air pressure
- maintenance of vehicles
- types of horn fitted in the vehicle and frequency of its use
- frequency of checking pollution
- average driving hours per day
- state of drivers personal health
• Guiding learners to collect data from different households through interview-cum-discussion method and to discuss and suggest ways and means for saving electricity and fuels. The information may be collected on :
- types and quantity of fuel used per month in the kitchen
- amount of electricity used per month or the fuel used for generator or any other sources used for lighting
- amount of fuel used per month in car, motor cycle, scooter, tractor
- measures/steps taken for saving fuel and electricity
• Helping learners find out sources of pollution of water bodies in the locality and to determine the quality of water.
• Guiding learners make plans for beautification of school campus or a park in the locality, identify suitable plants and trees, undertake plantation and look after them. (This may be introduced as a class group activity as a part of van mahotsav or eco-club programme.)
• Organizing visits to water treatment plants, sewage treatment plants or garbage dumping or vermi composting sites in the locality and helping learners study their working.
• Guiding learners collect information about global environmental issues and problems and communicate their findings through appropriate modes (like posters, charts, collage, cartons, handouts, letters, street plays, rallies, campaigns) to all concerned.
• Organizing eco-clubs and activities like debates, quizzes, exhibitions. essa> competitions on the themes related to environment concerns and problems and guiding the learners to synthesize information gathered from books, journals, magazines and internet.
3. Teaching-Learning Strategies
Teaching-learning needs to be so designed that it facilitates enhancement and concretization of understanding, refinement of habits, attitudes, values and skills. Besides, linkages between theory and practice need to be strengthened. This would ensure learner's proactive role in addressing environment related problems. The strategies may involve the following:
• Providing opportunities for the application of knowledge gained and understanding acquired
• Providing opportunities through simple projects to identify environmental problems which catch their attention
• Encouraging independent handling of projects and activities
• Providing opportunities for critically analyzing data and information collected on environmental issues • Encouraging nature study using the case study approach
• Involving learners in surveys pertaining to environment related problems/phenomena
• Involving learners in community based environment improvement programmes
• Arranging excursions and visits and preparing reports
• Organizing brainstorming sessions to identify areas of action
• Encouraging self-learning through hands-on experiences
• Utilizing group activities for nurturing leadership qualities
4. Evaluation
At this stage evaluation willl be at par with that in other subject areas. A public examination as per other subjects, at the end of class X will be conducted for EE, allocating marks/grades in proportion with other subjects. Evaluation of projects and activities will be carried out internally and grades awarded will be reflected in the co-scholastic activity report card.
Evaluation would be based on assessment of the learners' performance, both in theory and practical assignments. Multiple criteria would be adopted for assessing learners' progress. Performance in theory and practice would be assessed separately. Both formative and summative evaluation will be organized using school based continuous and comprehensive evaluation and the end of year assessment. Grading system will be used for recording the outcome of evaluation. Opportunities for improvement in grades would be inbuilt in the system.The features of evaluation would include :
• Evaluation of cognitive learning outcomes through written tests
• Evaluation of conative and affective aspects of learners could be undertaken through observation of their participation in individual and group activities, field interactions, projects and co-scholastic activities involvement in community based projects by peers, teachers and the community.
In addition it would be desirable to undertake institutional evaluation.