- Linear Algebra - K.C. Prasad, K B Datta
- Calculus - Santhi Narayan
- Calculus - Das,Das & Mukherjee
- Theory and Problems of Advance calculus:Murray R. Spiegel
- Introduction To Ordinary Differential Equations:Coddington(Prentice-hall)
- Introductory course in Differential Equations:D. A. Murray(Orient Longman)
- Vector Analysis:Murray R. Spiegel(Schaum Publishing)
- A Text Book of Vector calculus:Shanti Narayan
- Statics:S.L. Loney(Macmillan)
- Dynamics of a Particle: M.Ray
- Tensor Calculus:Barry Spain
- An Elementary Treatise on the Dynamics of a Particle and of Rigid Bodies:S.L. Loney
- Introduction to the Theory of Relativity:P.G. Bergmann(Prentice Hall of India)
- An Introduction to Real Analysis:P.K. Jain and S.K. Kaushik(S. Chand & Co)
- Complex Analysis: Ponnuswamy(Narosa Publishing )
- Complex Analysis -J.N. Sharma
- Elements of Partial Differential equations: I.N. Sneddon(McGraw Hill)
- Introduction to Numerical Analysis: C.E. Froberg(Addition-Wesley)
- Numerical Analysis - S.S. Sastry
- An Introduction to Applied Probability:I. Blake(John Wiley & Sons)
- Numerical analysis and Computer Progg. - V. Rajaraman, SS Shasri