Study Materials for Indian History Class IX
Topic 1: Geographical factors of Indian History and Its influence
a) Historical derivation of the name of the land - the names 'India' / Hindusthan are related with the Indus - the name is derived in accordance with the geographical position - not related with any particular race / religious community (to be treated as a very short introduction). Geographical factors : Physical features of India (rivers, mountains, seas) reference to diversities according to divisions - influence.
b) Different ethnic groups (ethnic museum) and their evolution in India (very brief reference only). Concept of unity in diversity (brief).
c) Sources of ancient Indian history (with a special reference to archaeological sources)
Map - 1, illustration - I
Topic II: Evolution of Indian Civilisation .
a) The dawn of Indian Civilisation - evidence of civilisation of pre-historic age - Mehrgarh civilisation (only location and extent).Characteristics of Harappan culture (brief) - causes of decline of the civilisation - relation with contemporary civilisations.
Map - I, Illustrations - 4
b) Features of vedic civilisation - origin of the Aryans - coming of the Aryans in different groups - time and settlement (to be treated as a whole in a short introductory paragraph) - main features of social, political and economic life of the Aryans in brief- Vedic literature (brief) outer the differences in the Vedic and Harappan civilisation.
c) (i) Economic and social evolution of ancient Indian civilisation-expansion of trade - rise of towns order of sreni and/at/ towards the end of Vedic period -towns, trade & trading community.
ii) Protest Movement- ideals of the movement-main teachings of Jainism and Buddhism and their impact.
Topic III
a) Growth of kingship (conflict among tribal groups in the post Vedic age ) warfares -growth of kingship Sixteen Mahajanapadas- rise of Magadha -causes of the rise.
b) Maurya empire -origin -Chandragupta Maurya -conflict with the Greeks -expansion of empire -Maurya administration (brief outline oniy)-Asoka- Dhammavijaya -decline of the Mauryas.
c) Rise of different royal dynasties in post Mourya era (Khusanas, Satabahanas).
d) Foundation of the Gupta dynasty -growth of Gupta Empire.
Topic IV
Decline of the Gupta Empire- growth of regional:powers in North and South India-contest for political supremacy.
Topic V
a) Social transformation in ancient India-economic life-flourishing agriculture-feudalism (Indian characteristics are to be mentioned ) -caste system -position of women -India's external trade.
b)Religion, art, literature , science , painting (between 4th century B.C. and 12th Century A.D.) (Not examples only, new features of change with the changing time are to be mentioned)
Topic VI : Islam and India
a) A brief outline of political history of the Delhi Sultanate (long dynastic history is not required)- the Arab conquest of Sind (only introduction) - Sultan Mahmud of Gazni - Muhammad Ghori -Establishment of the Delhi Sultanate - Qutb -ud-din Aibak- Iltutmish and Razia - Ghias-ud-din Balban-Khalji administration - Tughluqs - Mahammad-bin-TughJuq-Firoz Shah Tughluq - Sayyids and Lodis(in brief)
b) Foundation of the Mughal Empire -Babur-Mughal -Afghan contest (as a whole) -administration of Sher Shah -expansion of Mughal Empire (Akbar to Aurangzeb in total outline) - centralised administration and integration under Mughals -Mansabdari.system -Jagirdari crisis- regional rebellions (only mention the rebellions. No detail of any rebellion is required)-beginning of the decline of the Mughal Empire.
Topic VII: Fusion of culture during the Sultanate and Mughal era
a) Sufi and Bhakti Movement (Definition and mention of the names of the Saints is sufficient, No detailed life sketch is required. A general idea of different trends leading to cultural fusion is required.)
b) Paintings, architecture, literature (reflection of culture fusion to be emphasised
Illustrations : 4
Topic VIII
a) Expansion of trade and growth of manufactures in Mughal India (while giving emphasis to trade in the Mughal era impact of European trade should not be omitted)
b) Relation with the European traders
c) Relation of the Europeans with the regional states in first half of the eighteenth century.
Topic IX
First phase of colonial rule in India - Bengal and South India -foundation of colonial rule -European capitalism and colonial economy (that colonial economy was linked with European capitalism should be clearly mentioned)
Map-t, Illustration -2