Class IX Geography syllabus
1.Meaning, nature and scope of Geography
2.1 Earth as a planet
2.1.1 Movement of the earth -rotation and revolution and their effects, formation and length of days and nights, change of seasons,deflection of planetary winds.
2.1.2 Determination of the location of a place on the earth's surface-properties of parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude ,angular measurements and their interrelationship. Longitude and time (Mathematical calculation necessary ) International Date line and antipodes.
2.2 Lithosphere
2.2.1 Rocks, their broad classification based on their origin-igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic Rocks
2.2.2 Earthquakes-causes and effects.
2.3 Environmental Geography
2.3.1 Concept of environmental pollution with special reference to land, water and air pollution
3.1 India
3.1.1 Location of India, Political divisions of Indian Union into states and union territories , basis of their delineation
3.1.2 India's neighbouring countries: Nepal.Bhutan, Bangladesh,Myanmar, Srilanka and Pakistan
3.1.3 Economic Geography of India Concept of resource , a broad overview of Indian resources. Mineral and power resources-iron ore, bauxite, mica,coal, petroleum,electricity : thermal and hydel; non- conventional power resources
3.1.4 Population Geography of India Population distribution and density Centres of population concentration : major cities and ports
3.1.5 Type regions of India: i) The Hooghly Industrial Belt, ii) Haldia Industrial Complex,
iii) Chhotanagpur region iv) Gujarat State.
3.2 Asia
3.2.1 Location and geographic importance
3.2.2 Type regions:
i)Yang-tse Kiang basin of China
ii)Tokyo- Yakohama and Kobe-Osaka Industrial Region of Japan
Oil producing region of South-West Asia with special reference to Saudi Arabia and Iran
Desk Work: Drawing of Map, Identification of important places and natural/resource region or centres, sketches of physical features as per Syllabus for Class IX