Setting Up Your System
Basically, you need a computer and a C compiler in order to compile and run your own C programs or the C programs from this book. The recommended hardware and software are listed in the following sections.
Any type of computer that has or can access a C compiler is fine. (The C compiler should support the ANSI standard.) More likely, you may have a PC on your desktop. A 286 PC with a 50MB hard drive and 1MB memory (RAM) is probably the minimum requirement to run a DOS-based C compiler. For a Windows-based C compiler, you must have a bigger hard drive and add more memory to your computer. Check your compiler vendor for more details.
If you're using a UNIX-based workstation, you might already have a C compiler loaded on your machine, or at least you might be able to access a C compiler on a server machine. Check with your system administrator to find out about a C compiler that supports the ANSI standard, and set up the right path to access it. On a UNIX-based machine, you should know how to use a text editor, such as vi and emacs, to write C programs.
If you have a PC, you need to install a C compiler and a text editor on it. Most C compilers come with an editor. You can also use a text editor that is already installed on your machine.