
Submitted by arpita pramanik on Thu, 02/17/2011 - 14:08


Differentiation of Algebraic Functions

1. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(c) = 0[/tex]

2. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(x) = 1[/tex]

3. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(u) = \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

4. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(cu) = c ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

5. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(u + v) = \dfrac{du}{dx} + \dfrac{dv}{dx}[/tex]

6. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(uv) = u ~ \dfrac{dv}{dx} + v ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

7. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(u^n) = nu^{n - 1} ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

8. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\sqrt{u}) = \dfrac{\dfrac{du}{dx}}{2\sqrt{u}}[/tex]

9. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}\left( \dfrac{u}{v} \right) = \dfrac{v ~ \dfrac{du}{dx} - u ~ \dfrac{dv}{dx}}{v^2}[/tex]

10. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}\left( \dfrac{c}{v} \right) = \dfrac{-c ~ \dfrac{dv}{dx}}{v^2}[/tex]

11. [tex]\dfrac{dy}{dx} = \dfrac{1}{\dfrac{dx}{dy}} = \dfrac{dy}{du} \cdot \dfrac{du}{dx} = \dfrac{\dfrac{dy}{du}}{\dfrac{dx}{du}}[/tex]


Differentiation of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions

1. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\log_a u) = \dfrac{\dfrac{du}{dx}}{u \ln a}[/tex]

2. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\log u) = \dfrac{\log e ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}}{u} = \dfrac{\dfrac{du}{dx}}{u \ln 10}[/tex]

3. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\ln u) = \dfrac{\dfrac{du}{dx}}{u}[/tex]

4. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(a^u) = a^u \ln a ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

5. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(e^u) = e^u \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

6. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(u^v) = vu^{v - 1} ~ \dfrac{du}{dx} + u^v \, \ln u ~ \dfrac{dv}{dx}[/tex]


Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions

1. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\sin u) = \cos u ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

2. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\cos u) = -\sin u ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

3. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\tan u) = \sec^2 u ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

4. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\cot u) = -\csc^2 u ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

5. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\sec u) = \sec u \tan u ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

6. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\csc u) = -\csc u \cot u ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]


Differentiation of Inverse Trigonometric Functions

1. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\arcsin u) = \dfrac{\dfrac{du}{dx}}{\sqrt{1 - u^2}}[/tex]

2. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\arccos u) = \dfrac{- ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}}{\sqrt{1 - u^2}}[/tex]

3. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\arctan u) = \dfrac{\dfrac{du}{dx}}{1 + u^2}[/tex]

4. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}({\rm arccot} ~ u) = \dfrac{- ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}}{1 + u^2}[/tex]

5. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}({\rm arcsec} ~ u) = \dfrac{\dfrac{du}{dx}}{u\sqrt{u^2 - 1}}[/tex]

6. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}({\rm arccsc} ~ u) = \dfrac{- ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}}{u\sqrt{u^2 - 1}}[/tex]


Differentiation of Hyperbolic Functions

1. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\sinh \, u) = \cosh \, u ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

2. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\cosh \, u) = \sinh \, u ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

3. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\tanh \, u) = \text{sech}^2 \, u ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

4. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(\coth \, u) = -\text{csch}^2 \, u ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

5. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}({\rm sech} \, u) = -\text{sech} \, u \tanh u ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]

6. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}({\rm csch} \, u) = -\text{csch} \, u \coth u ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}[/tex]


Differentiation of Inverse Hyperbolic Functions

1. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}({\rm arcsinh} ~ u) = \dfrac{\dfrac{du}{dx}}{\sqrt{u^2 + 1}}[/tex]

2. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}({\rm arccosh} ~ u) = \dfrac{\dfrac{du}{dx}}{\sqrt{u^2 - 1}}[/tex]

3. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}({\rm arctanh} ~ u) = \dfrac{\dfrac{du}{dx}}{1 - u^2}[/tex]

4. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}({\rm arccoth} ~ u) = \dfrac{\dfrac{du}{dx}}{1 - u^2}[/tex]

5. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}({\rm arcsech} ~ u) = \dfrac{- ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}}{u\sqrt{1 - u^2}}[/tex]

5. [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}({\rm arccsch} ~ u) = \dfrac{- ~ \dfrac{du}{dx}}{u\sqrt{1 + u^2}}[/tex]

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