Class IX Life Science Syllabus
Topic I:
Photosynthesis and Respiration
A. Photosynthesis- Definition, Explanation and overall reactions only. Components-CO2, chlorophyll, Sunlight, Water - their sources and role Site of photosynthesis, significance of photosynthesis: Entrapping of solar energy and its conversion to potential energy in food. Detail mechanism of Dark and Light reactions are not required. Conversion of glucose to starch and its transport to storage organs. CO2 - O2 balance.
B. Respiration- Definition and explanation, Site of respiration, Difference between respiration & combustion. Simple idea about aerobic, anaerobic respiration and fermentation. Difference between aerobic & anaerobic respiration, Respiratory organs in animals - Body Surface, skin, gill, accessory respiratory organs, trachea, lung. Significance of respiration - Release of energy, O2- CO2 balance.
সালোকসংশ্লেষ ও শ্বসন [ Photosynthesis and Respiration ]
A. সালোকসংশ্লেষ:- সংজ্ঞা ও ব্যাখ্যা : সামগ্রিক সমীকরণ : বিভিন্ন উপাদান ও তাদের উৎস : সালোকসংশ্লেষের উপাদানগুলোর উৎস ও ভুমিকা : সালোকসংশ্লেষের : সালোকসংশ্লেষের স্থান : সালোকসংশ্লেষের তাৎপর্য : সালোকসংশ্লেষ প্রক্রিয়ার সংক্ষিপ্ত বর্ণনা : সালোকসংশ্লেষ ও অঙ্গারআত্তীকরণ :
B. শ্বসন :- সংজ্ঞা ও ব্যাখ্যা : শ্বসনের স্থান : দহন ও শ্বসন : সবাত শ্বসন : অবাত শ্বসন : সন্ধান : বিভিন্ন পার্থক্য : উদ্ভিদের শ্বাসযন্ত্র : প্রাণীদের শ্বসনযন্ত্র : শ্বসনের কার্য : শ্বসনের তাৎপর্য : সালোকসংশ্লেষ ও শ্বসনের সম্পর্ক : সালোকসংশ্লেষ ও শ্বসনের পার্থক্য : প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর :
Topic II:
Nutrition: Metabolism and Digestion, Food, Vitamins, Enzymes, minerals and water.
Nutrition- Definition, its significance and importance.
Food—as source of energy. Types - Carbohydrates, Fats, and proteins - their sources and importance in nutrition, Micro and Macro elements in plants& animals &its importance (classification not required).
Vitamins - its importance. A, B - Complex, C,D, E, K-sources of these vitamins and their deficiency symptoms in man (Chemical nature not required).
Water-Importance in nutrition.
Plant nutrition-Autotrophs & heterotrophs (Definition & example), Essential micro & macro-elements in nutrition & their sources.
Animal nutrition- Phases of nutrition (Ingestion, Digestion*, Absorption, Assimilation and Egestion along with the names of the structures concerned with reference to man).
Enzymes-Definition, Characteristic features, Digestive enzymes with example and their role in digestion.
Diet - Definition. Metabolism - Anabolism and catabolism (definition only). B.M.R - definition only. Total calorie requirements of human being; concept of Balance diet.
Topic III:
A. Plants Definition and medium of transport, Osmosis & diffusion - definition and its role in circulation. Ascent ot sap through xylem, absorption through root, (root pressure, adhesionr cohesion force & transpiration pull to explain ascent of sap). Transportation of food through phloem (detail process not required),
Transpiration: Definition, factors affecting transpiration and importance. Experiment to demonstrate the rate oi transpiration in plants.
B. Animals Definition and medium of transport circulating fluid, Blood: Components of blood, Plasma, Thrombocytes, R.B.C, W,B.C.(detail types not required), respiratory pigments - mention heamoglobin & haemocyanin. Lymph and its importance; Blood groups in elementary way (mention A, B, O, groups RH factor and importance). Functions of blood -(i)Transportation (food, vitamins, minerals, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, metabolic waste). (ii) Coagulation. (iii)Immunity (iv) Protective function and (v) Regulation of temperature circulatory system, Components of circulatory system (heart, artery, vein, capillary -No description of individual system). Basic idea of open and closed circulation with example (Cockroach & Human), Blood circulation through human heart (with diagrammatic representation).
Topic IV:
Movement and locomotion Difference between movement and locomotion Purpose of locomotion. Mention locomotory organs in amoeba, earthworm, cockroach and fish. Mention the role of myotomes and fins in fish locomotion, Bipedal locomotion in Man - details of structure and mechanism not needed. Absence of locomotory organs in majority of plants. Types of movements in plants: (i)Tactic (ii)Tropic (phototropic, Geotropic and Hydrotropic) (iii) Nastic.
Topic V:
Environment, Ecosystem & Conservation
(A) Environment: Definition (mention: Lithosphere, Atmospheres, Biosphere, Hydrosphere) Bisophere - Definition. Biogeochemical cycles - Oxygen, Carbon and Nitrogen cycle.
(B) Ecosystem: Definition, Components of ecosystem (biotic & abiotic), definitions of Food chain, Food web, Ecological Pyramids and Energy flow in ecosystem.
(C) Conservation: Definition and importance : Necessity & ways of water, soil & forest conservation. Wild life - Definition, Causes of wildlife depletion. necessity & ways for wildlife conservation. Definition of Sanctuary, National park, Reserve forest with examples.