WBCS Main Examination Paper - VI (Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning) - 2016

Submitted by avimanyu pramanik on Fri, 01/05/2018 - 11:31

WBCS Examination Main Compulsory Question Paper VI - 2016 [ Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning ]

1. If P = 50% of Q and Q = 50% of R, then P : Q : R = ?

    (A) 1 : 2 : 4        (B) 1 : 4 : 2        (C) 4 : 2 : 1        (D) 2 : 1 : 4

2. The average of first 100 natural numbers is-

    (A) 50        (B) 50.5        (C) 51       (D) 51.5

3. If the sum of two numbers is 10 and the sum of their reciprocals is 512, the numbers would be-

    (A) (8, 2)        (B) (6, 4)        (C) (7, 3)        (D) (9, 1)

4. The product of two successive numbers is 1980. The smaller number is -

    (A) 34        (B) 35       (C) 44        (D) 45

5. 45 of a certain number is 64. Half of the number-

    (A) 32        (B) 40       (C) 80        (D) 16

6. Which is greater 2 or 33 ?

    (A) 2        (B) 33        (C) Two are equal       (D) None of the above

7. The fraction equivalent to 25% is-

     (A) 140       (B) 1125        (C) 1250       (D) 1500

8. A man bought 5 shirts at Rs. 450 each, 4 trousers at Rs.750 each and 12 pairs of shoes at Rs. 750 each. The average expenditure per article is :

    (A) Rs. 678.50        (B) Rs. 800        (C) Rs. 900        (D) Rs. 1,000

9. 45% of 280 + 28% of 450 = ?

    (A) 152        (B) 252        (C) 354        (D) 454

10. The radius of a circle is increased by 1 %. The percentage of increase in area is-

      (A) 1%        (B) 1.01%         (C) 2%        (D) 2.01%

11. A dishonest dealer claims to sell his goods at the cost price but uses a false weight of 900 gm for 1 kg. His gain per cent is-

      (A) 13%         (B) 1119%         (C) 11.25%        (D) 1219%

12. By selling a table for Rs. 350 instead of Rs. 400, loss per cent increases by 5%; The cost price of the table is -

      (A) Rs. 433        (B) Rs. 417.50        (C) Rs. 1,000         (D) Rs. 1,050

13. A constable is 114 m behind a thief. The constable runs 21 m and thief 15 m in a minute. In what time will the constable catch the thief ?

      (A) 16 minutes        (B) 17 minutes        (C) 18 minutes       (D) 19 minutes

14. Two trains, each 100 m long moving in opposite directions, cross each other in 8 seconds. If one is moving twice as fast as the other, then the speed of faster train is -

      (A) 40 km/hr      (B) 50 km/hr        (C) 60 km/hr       (D) 70 km/hr

15. In a river, a man takes 3 hours in rowing 3 km upstream of 15 km downstream, the speed of the current is-

      (A) 2 km/hr       (B) 4 km/hr       (C) 6 km/hr        (D) 9 km/hr

16. In what ratio must water be mixed with milk to gain 1623% on selling the mixture at cost price ?

      (A) 1 : 6         (B) 2 : 3        (C) 4 : 3        (D) 6 : 1

17. Simple interest on Rs. 16,250 at 8% per annum for 73 days is -

      (A) Rs. 460        (B) Rs. 260         (C) Rs. 560        (D) Rs. 660

18. The diagonals of two squares are in the ratio 5 : 2. The ratio of their areas is -

      (A.) 5 : 2        (B) 25 : 4       (C) 125 : 8        (D) 4 : 25

19. Each side of a rhombus is 5 cm. Its area is --

      (A) 25 cm2        (B) 23 cm2        (C) 24 cm2        (D) Data inadequate

20. [{(12)2}2]1

      (A) 16       (B) 116        (C) 4       (D) 14

21. The number of digit of the square root of 0.00059049 is-

      (A) 5        (B) 6        (C) 4       (D) 3

22. The simplified value of 156+172+190+1110+1132 is -

      (A) 184       (B) 128       (C) 584        (D) 112

23. 7 x 0.7 x 0.07 x 7000 = ?

(A) 24.01        (B) 2.401        (C) 240.1         (D) 2401

24. The value of 34 of a property is Rs, 21,000, the value of 47 of the same property is-

      (A) Rs. 16,000         (B) Rs. 28,000          (C) Rs. 14,000         (D) Rs. 19,000

25. The bell of a wall-clock requires 3 seconds to ring 5 times. The time required for the bell to ring 6 times is -

      (A) 4 seconds        (B) 334 seconds       (C) 5 seconds        (D) 312 seconds

26. 1×.3.5÷2..0.3 = ?

      (A) 0..3       (B) 0..5       (C) 0..6       (D) 0..7

27. How many cubes of 10 cm edge can be put in a cubic box of 1 m edge ?

      (A) 10       (B) 100       (C) 1000        (D) 10000

28. Next term of the series 198, 194, 185, 169, .......

      (A) 92       (B) 112       (C) 136        (D) 144

29. Which fraction comes next in the sequence 12,34,58,716, ?

      (A) 932        (B) 1017        (C) 1134        (D) 1235

30. The last day of century cannot be :

      (A) Monday        (B) Wednesday         (C) Tuesday         (D) Friday

31. The area of a square is equal to the area of a circle. The ratio between the side of a square and the radius of the circle is-

      (A) π:1        (E) 1:π        (C) 1:π       (D) π:1

32. If 15:1x::1x:11.25 then x = ?

      (A) 1.5        (B) 2        (C) 2.5        (D) 3.5

33. By selling 100 pencils, a shopkeeper gains the selling price of 20 pencils. His gain per cent is : 

      (A) 25%         (B) 20%         (C) 15%         (D) 12%

34. Two numbers are in the ratio of 3 : 5. If each number is increased by 10, the ratio becomes 5 : 7. The numbers are -

      (A) 3,  5       (B) 7,  9       (C) 13,  22       (D) 15,  25

35. 3 men or 5 women can do a work in 12 days. How long will 6 men and 5 women take to finish the work ?

      (A) 4 days        (B) 10 days        (C) 15 days          (D) 20 days 

36. Two pipes A and B can fill a cistern in 6 minutes and 7 minutes respectively. Both the pipes are opened alternately for 1 minute each. In what time will they fill the cistern ?

      (A) 5 minutes       (B) 523        (C) 637 minutes       (D) 114

37. The product of two numbers is 1575 and its division is 79 .Then the two numbers are

      (A) 45,  35       (C) 35,  27       (B) 81, 63       (D) 36, 35

38. 2025+441+169 = ?

      (A) 59        (B) 69        (C) 79       (D) 89

39. The ratio of two numbers is 5 : 8 and their difference is 69. Then the two numbers are -

      (A) 69, 128         (B) 115,  184        (C) 43,  112       (D) 128,  197

40. IF A:B=16:15B:C=14:13C:D=13:15, then A : D is -

      (A) 124:125       (B) 127:125       (C) 124:129       (D) None of the above

41. (6.5)2(3.15)2(6.5+3.15) = ?

      (A) 3.5       (B) 3.51      (C) 3.52        (D) 3.35

42. The compound interest on Rs. 2,000 for 2 years at 8% per annum is-

      (A) Rs.. 222.80        (B) Rs. 232.80         (C) Rs. 332.80        (D) Rs. 532.80

43. The rational numbers lying between 14 and 34 are -

      (A) 940,  3141      (B) 1350264350       (C) 63250187250        (D) 2621000,  7521000

44. (77+177)2(77177)2

      (A) 2       (B) 4      (C) 1      (D) 77

45. By what least number must 21600 be multiplied to make it a perfect cube ?

      (A) 6        (B) 10        (C) 30        (D) 60

46. How many times in a day, the hands of a clock are straight ?

      (A) 22       (B) 24       (C) 44       (D) 48

47. The reflex angle between the hands of a clock at 10.25 is :

      (A) 180°       (B) 19212       (C) 195°       (D) 19712

48. The sum 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + ........... + 19 = ?

      (A) 150        (B) 170        (C) 180       (D) 190

49. 0..3+0..4+0..7+0..8 = ?

      (A) 2..4       (B) 2.44       (C) 2.444       (D) 2.4

50. If the ratio of three numbers is 3 : 4 : 5 and their LCM is 1200, then the smaller number is :

      (A) 60        (B) 80        (C) 100       (D) 120

51. 20+20+20+ = ?

      (A) 2       (B) 3       (C) - 4       (D) 5

52. What number should come next in the sequence 6, 11, 21, 36, 56, ___ ?

      (A) 78        (B) 81      (C) 82       (D) 86

53. The product of two co-primes is 117 ;  their L.C.M. should be :

      (A) 1       (B) 117        (C) equal to their H.C.F.       (D) Cannot be calculated

54. Find the odd one out -

      (A) Ear        (B) Eye        (C) Tongue         (D) Blood

55. The area of a square field is 6050 m2. The length of its diagonal is

      (A) 110 m         (B) 112 m        (C) 120m       (D) 135m

56. (997)2+(998)2+(999)2997×998998×999999×997 = ?

      (A) 0        (B) 1       (C) 2        (D) 3

57. The greatest possible length which can be used to measure exactly the length 7 m, 3 m 85 cm, 12 m 95 cm is -

      (A) 15 cm         (B) 25 cm         (C) 35 cm        (D) 42 cm

58. 248+51+169 = ?

      (A) 18        (B) 17       (C) 16       (D) 15

59. If the sides of a triangle are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5, then the largest angle is -

      (A) 50°       (B) 75°       (C) 90°        (D) 120°

60. If a : b = 3 : 4, then (7a + 3b) : (7a - 3b) = ?

      (A) 4 : 3         (B) 5 : 2        (C) 11 : 3        (D) 37 : 19

61. What number should come next in the sequence

      4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 16, — ?

      (A) 17       (B) 18      (C)  19      (D) 21

62. Look carefully for the pattern, and then choose which pair of numbers comes next :

      9 12 11 14 13 16 15

      (A) 14  13      (B) 18  21       (C) 18  17      (D) 17  18

63. The sum of all exterior angles of a convex polynomial of n sides is :

      (A) 4 right angle        (B) 2n right angle       (C) 2(n - 2) right angle     (D) n2 right angle

64. Fill the blank in the series looking at both the letter pattern and the number pattern -

      B2CD, —, BCD4, B5CD, BC6D

      (A) B2C2D         (B) BC3D        (C) B2C3D         (D) BCD7

65. What number should come next in the sequence 3, 7, 13, 27, 53, — ?

      (A) 105       (B) 106       (C) 107       (D) 108

66. Two trains running in opposite direction cross a man standing on the platform in 27 sec. and 17 sec. respectively and they cross each other in 23 sec. The ratio of their speeds is -

      (A) 1 : 3        (B) 3 : 2        (C) 3 : 4       (D) 2 : 3

67. A student was asked to divide a number by 3, but instead of dividing it, he multiplied it by 3 and got 29.7. The correct answer was -

      (A) 3.3        (B) 9.3        (C) 9.8        (D) 9.9

68. A fisherman can row 2 km against the stream in 20 minutes and return in 15 minutes. The speed of the boat in still water is -

      (A) 7 km/hr        (B) 2 km/hr        (C) 3 km/hr        (D) 112 km/hr

69. Which of the following fractions is the largest ?

      (A) 78        (B) 1316        (C) 3140      (D) 6380

70. The simplified value of 11000(15+999494495×99) is

      (A) 99        (B) 990       (C) 9900        (D) 99000

71. Gold is 19 times as heavy as water and copper is 9 times as heavy as water. The ratio in which these two metals be mixed so that the mixture is 15 times as heavy as water, is —

      (A) 1 : 2        (B) 2 : 3        (C) 3 : 2       (D) 19 : 135

72. Find the odd one out -

      (A) Rocket          (B) Aeroplane         (C) Helicopter        (D) Van-rickshaw

73. Find the odd one out -

      (A) Doctor          (B) Teacher         (C) Student         (D) Head-master

74. How many digits are required for numbering the pages of a book having 300 pages ?

      (A) 299       (B) 492       (C) 789        (D) 792

75. Mean proportional to 0.32 and 0.02 is -

      (A) 0.8        (B) 0.08        (C) 0.008         (D) 0.4

76. On a certain sum, the simple interest at the end of 1212 years becomes 34 of the sum. The rate per cent per annum is-

      (A) 4%        (B) 5%        (C) 6%        (D) 8%

77. The least number which when diminished by 5, is divisible by each one of 21, 28, 36, 45 is -

       (A) 425        (B) 1259        (C) 1260        (D) 1265

78. Which of the following sets of numbers is in ascending order ?

      (A) 911,78,57        (B) 78,57,911       (C) 57,911,78       (D) 57,78,911

79. What comes next in the sequence 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, — ?

      (A) 33        (B) 35       (C) 36       (D) 37

80. The area of a circle is 24.64 m2. The circumference of the circle is -

      (A) 14.64 m         (B) 16.36 m         (C) 17.60 m         (D) 18.40 m

81. A pump can fill a tank with water in 2 hours. Because of a leak in the tank, it takes 212 hours to fill the tank. The leak can empty the filled tank in -

      (A) 213 hours       (B) 7 hours       (C) 8 hours       (D) 14 hours

82. What decimal fraction is 40 ml of a litre ?

      (A) 0.4        (B) 0.04       (C) 0.004        (D) 0.0004

83. A container contains x kg of milk. From this container, y kg of milk was taken out and replaced by water. This process was further repeated (n -1) times. How much milk is now there in the container ?

      (A) x(1yx)n kg       (B) x(1yx)2 kg      (C) x(1yx)n1 kg       (D) x(1yx)3kg   

84. The value of [(.98)3+(.02)3+3×0.98×.021] is -

      (A) 1       (B) 1.09        (C) 1.98        (D) 0

85. What number should come next in the sequence

      6, 18, 72, 360, 2160, — ?

      (A) 12120        (B) 13120       (C) 14120        (D) 15120

86. What comes next in the sequence 1, 3, 7, 15, 31,  63, — ?

      (A) 127        (B) 125        (C) 121       (D) 129

87. If 125:1x::1x2:178.125, then x = ?

      (A) 1.5        (B) 2        (C) 12.5        (D) 3.5

88. If 20% of (P + Q) = 50% of (P - Q), then P : Q is :

      (A) 5 : 7        (B) 7 : 5        (C) 7 : 3       (D) 7 : 8

89. Find the odd one out -

      (A) Zoology         (B) Physiology        (C) Botany        (D) Philosophy

90. Find the odd one out -

      (A) 27       (B) 64        (C) 81       (D) 125

91. The least number of square tiles required to pave the ceiling of a room 15m 17cm long and 9m 2cm broad is -

      (A) 656        (B) 738        (C) 814        (D) 902

92. Look carefully for the pattern and then choose which pair of numbers comes next -

      1, 10, 7, 20, 13, 30, 19,

      (A) 25, 40        (B) 40, 25        (C) 25, 31       (D) 40, 50

93. What comes next in the sequence 2, 6, 18, 54, — ?

      (A) 108        (B) 148        (C) 162       (D) 216

94. A man performs 215 of the total journey by rail, 920 by bus and remaining 10 km on cycle. His total journey is -

      (A) 30.2 km         (B) 38.4 km         (C) 23 km        (D) 24 km

95. (0.¯1)2[19×(0.1¯6)2] = ?

      (A) 1162       (B) 1108       (C) 1109      (D) 7696106

96. 40 men take 8 days to earn Rs. 2,000. How many men will earn Rs. 200 in 2 days ?

      (A) 10       (B) 12       (C) 16       (D) 1

97. Find the odd one out-

      (A) Square         (B) Circle         (C) Parallelogram        (D) Rectangle

98. How many 18s are there in 3712 ?

      (A) 300         (B) 400        (C) 500        (D) Cannot be determined

99. If 2A = 3B = 4C, then A : B : C is -

      (A) 2 : 3 : 4        (B) 4 : 3 : 2        (C) 6 : 4 : 3        (D) 3 : 4 : 5

100. A can cultivate 25th of the land in 6 days and B can cultivate 13rd of the land in 10 days. Working together A and B can cultivate 45th of the land in-

        (A) 4 days        (B) 5 days         (C) 8 days         (D) 10 days

101. What number should come next in the sequence 3, 8, 15, 24, 35, — ?

        (A) 44        (B) 46        (C) 48        (D) 50

102. What number should come next in the sequence 20, 27, 23, 37, 26, — ?

        (A) 44        (B) 47        (C) 50        (D) 53

103. (14)23×(8)23×4+(916)12 = ?

        (A) 413       (B) 513       (C) 412      (D) 512

104. If x+1x=2, then the value of x2016+x2016 is :

        (A) 0       (B) - 2        (C) 2       (D) 1

105. The least perfect square number which is divisible by 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 is -

        (A) 900        (B) 1200         (C) 1600        (D) 3600

106. (113)(114)(115)(1199)(11100) = ?

        (A) 1100      (B) 99100       (C) 150      (D) 125

107. A tree increases annually by 18 of its height. By how much will it increase after 2 years, if it stands today 64 cm high ?

        (A) 72 cm         (B) 74 cm         (C) 75 cm         (D) 81 cm

108. The difference of 1316 and its reciprocal is -

        (A) 118       (B) 113       (C)1516      (D) 105304

109. Find the odd one out -

        (A) Earth       (B) moon        (C) Mars       (D) Venus

110. What number should come next in the sequence 19, 2, 38, 3, 114, 4, — ?

        (A) 228        (B) 256        (C) 356       (D) 456

111. In a school, the ratio of boys and girls is 4 : 5. When 100 girls leave the school, the ratio becomes 6 : 7. How many boys are there in the school ?

       (A) 1300         (B) 1500        (C) 1600       (D) 1200

112. What number should come next in the sequence

        0,  2,  8,  14,  24,  34, — ?

        (A) 48       (B) 42       (C) 40      (D) 38

113. Find the add one out -

        (A) Motor-cycle       (B) Scooter        (C) Bi-cycle        (D) Van

114. If the diagonals of a rhombus are 8 cm and 6 cm, the square of its side is -

        (A) 25 cm2        (B) 24 cm2        (C) 55 cm2       (D) 36 cm2

115. Two whole numbers whose sum is 64, cannot be in the ratio -

        (A) 5 : 3       (B) 7 : 1        (C) 3 : 4       (D) 9 : 7

116. A commission agent allows a rebate of 2% to an investor while the company pays on interest of 15% on the investment. What rate of interest does the investor actually earn on his investment ?

        (A) 15%       (B) 1638%       (C) 17%       (D) 151549%

117. Fill in the blank in the sequence 3, 15, 4, 16, 5, 17, 6, —, 7 -

        (A) 12       (B) 18       (C) 15      (D) 13

118. When expressed 8.0¯63 as a vulgar fraction is -

        (A) 87100        (B) 8911       (C) 8411      (D) 8511

119. What comes next in the sequence 5.2, 4.8, 4.4, 4, — ?

        (A) 3       (B) 3.3        (C) 3.5       (D) 3.6

120. A, B, C is started a shop by investing Rs. 27,000, Rs. 81,000 and Rs. 72,000 respectively. At the end of one year, B's share of total profit was Rs. 36,000. The total profit was -

        (A) Rs. 1,08,000       (B) Rs. 1,16,000       (C) Rs. 80,000       (D) Rs. 92,000

121. If 15=3.8729, then the value of 5+353 is-

        (A) 7.8729        (B) 7.7829         (C) 7.2987       (D) 7.8279

122. What number should come next in the sequence 7, 14, 23, 34, 47, — ?

        (A) 62        (B) 60        (C) 64       (D) 66

123. Rs. 6,400 are divided among three workers in the ratio 35:2:53. The share of the second worker is-

        (A) Rs. 2,560        (B) Rs. 3,000        (C) Rs. 3,200        (D) Rs. 3,840

124. At what rate of simple interest a certain sum will be doubled in 15 years ?

        (A) 512% p.a.      (B) 6% p.a.        (C) 623%p.a.      (D) 712% p.a.

125. In what proportion must water be added to spirit to gain 20% by selling it at the cost price ?

        (A) 2 : 5        (B) 1 : 5       (C) 3 : 5        (D) 4 : 5

126. D is taller than C and E. A is not as tall as E. C is taller than A. D is not as tall as B. Then, who is the 2nd tallest person ?

        (A) B       (B) C      (C) D     (D) E

127. If A, B, C are distinct digits and


       Then the value of A + B + C is :

        (A) 16      (B) 17       (C) 18      (D) 19

128. Fill in the number grid with the numbers listed. Which of the numbers won't fit ?

                     Q-128 2016

       (A) 305        (B) 359          (C) 530        (D) 950

129. If RAM is coded as WFR, then how is SITA coded ?

        (A) NDOV        (B) NDOF         (C) XNYF        (D) XMWF

130. Find the odd one out -

        (A) Cylinder        (B) Cone         (C) Sphere         (D) Hemisphere

131. A water tank can be filled up by two pumps in 20 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. They were started together, but due to some technical fault, the 1st pump stopped after some time and the 2nd pump worked alone for the last 10 minutes. How long did they work together-

        (A) 4 minutes        (B) 6 minutes         (C) 8 minutes        (D) 10 minutes

132. Johnny's mother had three children. The first child was named April. The second child was named May What was the third child's name ?

        (A) June       (B) July       (C) Cannot be determined from the given information .    (D) None of the above

133. The distinct letters of the word EXTRAORDINARY are arranged in alphabetic order. Then the letter in the fifth position from left is-

        (A) N       (B) O       (C) I     (D) A

134. Choose the two correct numbers in the '•' marked place of the multiplication below -

             Q-134 2016

    (A) 8, 4       (B) 6, 8      (C) 4, 8       (D) 8, 6

135. Going 50 m to the south of her house, Radhika turns left and goes another 20 m. Then turing to the north, she goes 30 m and then starts walking to her house. In which direction in she walking now ?

        (A) North       (B) South East        (C) North West        (D) West

136. Find the odd one out -

        (A) Coffee        (B) Milk        (C) Sugar       (D) Tea

137. It is known that 20% of the mangoes are rotten. If the number of rotten mangoes is 35, then the total number of mangoes is -

        (A) 150        (B) 175        (C) 180       (D) 185

138. For Physical Education, students at a particular school have to choose exactly one of three games : Basketball,
Water polo, and Tennis.

Ellen said, "I played neither basketball nor water polo." If Ellen lied, which of the following statements must be true ?

        (A) Ellen did not play basketball

        (B) Ellen did not play water polo

        (C) Ellen did not play tennis

        (D) None of the above

139. Members of a club is organized into four committees according to the following rules :

        (i) Each member belongs to exactly two committees.

        (ii) Each pair of committees has exactly one member in common.

        Then the number of members of the club

        (A) equals 4       (B) equals 6       (C) equals 8       (D) cannot be determined from the given information

140. A society consists of only two types of people-fighters and cowards. Two cowards are always friends. A fighter
and a coward are always enemies. Fighters are indifferent to one another. It is known that A and B are enemies, C and D are friends, E and F are indifferent to each other, A and E are not enemies, while B and F are enemies.

        Which of the following statements is true ?

        (A) B, C and F are cowards

        (B) A, E and F are fighters

        (C) B and E are in the same category

        (D) A and F are in different categories

141. From the two statements below, which of the following conclusions can be drawn ?

        (i) Eating red meat increases the risk of heart attacks

        (ii) Most Indians are vegetarians.

        (A) Indians should eat more meat

        (B) Americans should reduce their beef consumption

        (C) Indians have lower risk of heart attacks

        (D) Doctors and statisticians are liars

142. A cow costs more than 4 goats but less than 5 goats. If a goat costs between Rs. 600 and Rs. 800, which of the
following is a most valid conclusion ?

        (A) A cow costs more than Rs. 2,500

        (B) A cow costs less than Rs. 3.600

        (C) A cow costs between Rs. 2,600 and Rs. 3,800

        (D) A cow costs between Rs. 2.400 and Rs. 4000

143. The school nurse is recording the heights of students in a class. When comparing their heights, the students find that :

        (i) Alex is taller than Brian but shorter than Charlie.

        (ii) Daniel is taller than Edward but shorter than Alex.

        Who is the tallest ?

        (A) Alex        (B) Brian        (C) Charlie        (D) Daniel

144. In a row 'A' is in the 11th position from the left and 'B' is in the 10th position from the right. If 'A' and 'B' interchange, then 'A' becomes 18th from the left. How many persons are there in the row other than 'A' and 'B' ?

        (A) 27       (B) 26       (C) 25        (D) 24

145. Fill in the number grid with the numbers listed. Which of the numbers won't fit ?

                      Q-145 2016

        (A) 137        (B) 173       (C) 301       (D) 731

146. John tells the truth on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, but lies on every other day.

        One day he said, "I will tell the truth tomorrow."

        On which day of the week did he make this statement ?

        (A) Sunday        (B) Monday       (C) Tuesday        (D) Wednesday

147. There are 3 boxes, exactly one of which has a gold bar. You can keep the gold bar if you pick the correct box.On each box there is a statement, exactly one of which is true.

        ♦ Box 1 : The gold bar is in this box

        ♦ Box 2 : The gold bar is not in this box

        ♦ Box 3 : The gold bar is not in box 1.

        Which box has the gold bar ?

        (A) Box 1       (B) Box 2      (C) Box 3       (D) Cannot be determined from the given information

148. There are 5 people, A, B, C, D, E, that are standing in a line facing front. A can see no one, while E can see everyone. Starting with A, each of them is asked "How many people standing before you are also taller than you are ?" The replies from each of them were 0, 1, 1, 0 and 1 respectively.

        Assuming that no two people have the same height, arrange these 5 people according to their height, starting with the shortest.

        (A) ABCED         (B) BAEDC         (C) BACED        (D) BCAED

149. Candidates in a competitive examination consisted of 60% men and 40% women. 70% men and 75% women
cleared the qualifying test and entered the final test where 80% men and 70% women were successful. Which of the following statements is correct ?

        (A) Success rate is higher for women

        (B) Overall success rate is below 50%

        (C) More men cleared the examination than women

        (D) Both (A) and (B) above are correct

150. A caterpillar crawls up a pole 75 inches high, starting from the ground. Each day it crawls up 5 inches, and each night it slides down 4 inches. When will it first reach the top of the pole ?

        (A) The 70th day        (B) The 71th day       (C) The 72th day       (D) The 75th day

151. In a plane, line X is perpendicular to line Y and parallel to line Z; line U is perpendicular to both lines V and W; line X is perpendicular to line V :

        Which one of the following statements is correct ?

        (A) Z, U and W are parallel

        (B) X, V and Y are paralleI

        (C) Z, V and U are all perpendicular to W

        (D) Y, V and W are parallel

152. Fill in the word grid with the words listed. Which word won't fit ?

                    Q-152 2016 

        (A) AGE        (B) ELM         (C) GUM        (D) LAG

153. Six persons are seated around a hexagonal table. Anup is seated opposite Belal, who is between Chirag and Derek. Anup is between Ela and Farook. Ela is to the left of Derek. Which of the following pairs is facing each other ?

        (A) Ela and Farook       (B) Derek and Ela        (C) Chirag and Ela        (D) Chirag and Derek 

154. In a particular month of some year, there are three Mondays which have even dates. On which day of the week does the 15th of that month fall ?

        (A) Monday       (B) Wednesday       (C) Friday        (D) Sunday

155. A is C's son. C and Q are sisters. Z is Q's mother. P is son of Z. How is P related to A ?

        (A) Brother        (B) Maternal uncle        (C) Uncle        (D) Grandfather

156. Two cars start towards each other, from two places A and B which are at a distance of 160 km. They start at the same time 08 : 10 AM. If the speeds of the cars are 50 km and 30 km per hour respectively, they will meet each other at -

        (A) 10 : 10 AM       (B) 10 : 30 AM       (C) 11 : 10 AM       (D) 11 : 20 AM

157. Veena who is the sister-in-law of Ashok, is the daughter-in-law of Kalyani. Dheeraj is the father of Sudeep who is the only brother of Ashok. How Kalyani is related to Ashok ?

        (A) Mother-in-law.       (B) Mother       (C) Aunt       (D) Wife

158. Find the odd one out -

        (A) Conscience      (B) Morality        (C) Conduct        (D) Weight

159. A number of bacteria are placed in a glass. One second later each bacterium divides in two, the next second each of the resulting bacteria divides in two again, etc. After one minute the glass is full. When was the glass half-full ?

        (A) At 30 seconds        (B) At 45 seconds       (C) At 49 seconds        (D) At 59 seconds

160. There are three boxes. The first box contains 10 red balls, the second box contains 10 blue balls, and the third box contains 5 red and 5 blue balls. The boxes are wrongly labelled as red, blue and red-blue. You have to correctly lable each box.

        You are allowed to open one box, pick one ball at random, see its colour and put it back into the box, without seeing the color of the other balls.

        What is the smallest number of such operations necessary to correctly label the boxes ?

        (A) 1       (B) 2       (C) 3        (D) 4

161. In a family the father took 14 of the cake and he had 3 times as much as others had. The total number of family members is -

        (A) 3        (B) 10        (C) 12         (D) 15

162. If (a - b) is 6 more than (c + d) and (a + b) is 3 less than (c - d), then (a - c) is -

        (A) 12       (B) 1       (C) 112       (D) 2

163. Three friends, Mr. Green, Mr. Red and Mr. Blue, were returning from a party. One man wore a green suit, one wore a red suit, and one wore a blue suit.

        The man in the blue suit said to the others ; Have you noticed that none of us is wearing a suit color that matches our name ?"

        Mr. Red then turned to him and exclaimed "You're absolutely right !"

        Assume everyone spoke the truth, what color suit was Mr. Green wearing ?

        (A) Green        (B) Red         (C) Blue        (D) Cannot be determined from the given information.

Instruction for Question Nos. 164 and 165

Read the following passage and answer the 2 (two) questions that follow :

Once my brother stole my wallet and put it behind a locked door. Then he laid out 5 coloured keys, only one of them unlocking the door.

Using the clues below, answer the next two questions.

        (i) The Red key is somewhere to the left of the key to the door.

        (ii) The Blue key is not at one of the ends

        (iii) The Green key is three space away from the key to the door (2 between)

        (iv) The Yellow key is next to the key to the door

        (v) The Orange key is in the middle

164. Which one is the correct key ?

        (A) Blue       (B) Orange        (C) Yellow       (D) Green

165. How were the keys arranged ?

        (A) Blue. Yellow, Orange, Green, Red

        (B) Blue, Green, Orange, Red, Yellow

        (C) Green, Red, Orange, Blue, Yellow

        (D) Yellow, Blue, Orange, Red, Green

166. The perimeter of a rectangle and a square is same, i.e. 80 metres. But length and breadth of the rectangle is in the ratio 3 : 5. The ratio of area of rectangle : square is -

         (A) 3 : 5       (B) 9 : 25       (C) 16 : 15       (D) 15 : 16

167.  All pangs are pings. Some pings are pongs. Therefore some pangs are pongs. True or false ?

         (A) True ! All pangs are pongs

         (B) False ! Some pangs are pongs

         (C) False ! There might not be a pang that is a pong

         (D) False ! None of the pangs can be pongs

168.  Fill in the number grid with the numbers listed. Which of the numbers won't fit ?

                        Q-168 2016

         (A) 2937       (B) 7328        (C) 8928        (D) 9827

169. A car goes from city A to city B with a speed of 40 km/hr and returns to City A with a speed of 60 km/hr. What is the average speed of the car ?

        (A) 45 km/hr        (B) 48 km/hr       (C) 50 km/hr        (D) Depends on the distance between the two cities

170. Let X1,  X2, ..........X100  be 100 numbers such that X1 + X1 + 1 = 100 for all i. If x10 = 1, then the value of X1, is-

        (A) 100        (B) 99        (C) 101        (D) 1

171. Fill in the word grid with the words listed. Which word won't fit ?

                            Q-171 2016

        (A) NEWS        (B) TEST        (C) TOWN         (D) WINE

172. Several friends are planning a road trip. If John goes on the road trip, then Kelly also goes. If Kelly does not go, then Lawrence does not go. Which of the following statements must be true ?

        (i) If John goes on the road trip, then Lawrence goes too,

        (ii) If John does not go on the road trip, then Kelly too does not go.

        (iii) If John does not go on the road trip, then Lawrence goes.

        (iv) If Lawrence goes on the road trip, then John goes.

        (v) If Lawrence goes on the road trip, then Kelly goes.

        (A) (ii)       (B) (iii)        (C) (iv)        (D) (v)

173. In a box of marbles, there are three less white marbles than the red ones and five more white marbles than the
green ones. If there are a total of 10 white marbles, how many marbles are there in the box ?

        (A) 26        (B) 28        (C) 32       (D) 36

174. A hiker walks into a cave, and finds an old man, who has 9 identical looking cubes. The old man gives him a weighing scale and says ; "8 cubes are made of copper, and 1 is made of gold. The gold cube is marginally heavier than the copper cubes. If you can tell me which is the gold cube with the minimum number of weighing(s), you may have it."

        Find the number of weighing(s) needed for the man to guarantee he walks away with the gold cube.

        (A) 1        (B) 2        (C) 3        (D) 4

175. The letters of the word UNDERTAKING are arranged in alphabetic order. Which letter will be in the middle position ?

        (A) N        (B) K        (C) I        (D) G

176. Fill in the word grid with the words listed. Which word won t fit ?

                    Q-176 2016                

        (A) FATE        (B) FLAT        (C) ROLE        (D) TILL

177. The letters L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T in their order are substituted by nine integers 1 to 9 but not in that order. 4 is assigned to P. The difference between P and T is 5. The difference between N and T is 3. What is the integer assigned to N ?

        (A) 7       (B) 5        (C) 4        (D) 6

178. How many triangles are there in the image below ?

                            Q-178 2016

        (A) 26        (B) 27        (C) 20        (D) 30

179. Two men, Anil and David, and two women, Shabnam and Rekha are in a sales group. Only two speak Tamil. The other two speak Marathi. Only one man and one woman can drive a car. Shabnam speaks Marathi, Anil speaks Tamil. Both Rekha and David can drive.

        Which of the following statements is true ?

        (A) Both the Tamil speakers can drive a car

        (B) Both the Marathi speakers can drive a car

        (C) Both of those who can drive a car speak Marathi

        (D) One of those who can drive a car speaks Tamil

180. Sandy says, "I went to the market."

        Teresa says, "Sandy went to the market of the theater."

        If we know that Sandy lies and Teresa spoke the truth, which of these statements must be true ?

        (A) Sandy did not go to the market

        (B) Sandy went to the market

        (C) Sandy went to the theater

        (D) Sandy did not go to the theater

181. Location of B is north of A and location of C is east of A. The distances AB and AC are 5 km and 12 km respectively. The shortest distance (in km) between the locations B and C is-

        (A) 60        (B) 13       (C) 17       (D) 7

182. A vessel contains syrup, and another vessel contains are equal amount of water. From the first vessel, a cupful of syrup is transferred to the second vessel and mixed well. Then a cupful (using the same cup) of the mixture in the second vessel is transferred to the first vessel and mixed well. Then-

        (A) the ratio of syrup to water in the first vessel is greater than the ratio of water to syrup in the second vessel.

        (B) the ratio of syrup to water in the first vessel is less than the ratio of water to syrup in the second vessel.

        (C) the ratio of syrup to water in the first vessel is same as the ratio of water to syrup in the second vessel.

        (D) which ratio is larger depends on the size of the cup.

183. Recall that for any positive integer n, n ! = 1 x 2 x ..... x n.

        If x!=(7!)!7! then x equals-

        (A) 6 !        (B) 7 !       (C) 7 ! - 1       (D) (6 !) !

184. The average score of 10 students in a test is 25. The lowest score is 20. Then the highest score is at most-

        (A) 30        (B) 70        (C) 75       (D) 100

185. Let X1, X2 ..., X100 be 100 integers such that the sum of any five of them is 20. Then-

        (A) the largest X1 euqals 5

        (B) the smallest X1 equals 3

        (C) X17 = X83

        (D) None of the foregoing statements is true

186. If 642 = 362 + 20z, the value of z is-

        (A) 70       (B) 120         (C) 140        (D) 180

187. Examine the following statements-

        (i) George attends Music classes on Monday,

        (ii) He attends Mathematics classes on Wednesday.

        (iii) His Literature classes are not on Friday,

        (iv) He attends History classes on the day following the day of his Mathematics classes.

        (v) On Tuesday, he attends his Sports classes.

        If he attends just one subject in a day and his Sunday is.free, then he is also free on —

        (A) Monday        (B) Thursday        (C) Saturday        (D) Friday

Instruction for Question Nos. 188 and 189

        Read the following passage and answer the 2 (two) questions that follow :

        Four persons, Alok, Bhupesh, Chander and Dinesh have a total of Rs. 100 among themselves. Alok and Bhupesh between them have as much money as Chander and Dinesh between them, but Alok has more money than Bhupesh; and Chander has only half the money that Dinesh has. Alok has in fact Rs. 5 more than Dinesh.

188. Who has the maximum amount of money ?

        (A) Alok        (B) Bhupesh        (C) Chander         (D) Dinesh

189. Who has the least amount of money ?

        (A) Alok        (B) Bhupesh         (C) Chander        (D) Dinesh

190. Fill in the number grid with the numbers listed. Which of the numbers won't fit ?

                          Q-190 2016       

        (A) 2670         (B) 2790        (C) 7096        (D) 9027

191. Fill in the words grid with the words listed. Which word won't fit ?

                        Q-191 2016

        (A) AND        (B) ARE        (C) EAR       (D) RUN

192. Between 6 PM and 7 PM the minute hand of a clock will be ahead of the hour hand by 3 minutes at —

        (A) 6 : 15 PM       (B) 6 : 18 PM         (C) 6 : 36 PM       (D) 6 : 48 PM

193. When the price of onion is decreased by 25% it becomes Rs. 48/kg. What was the previous price ?

        (A) Rs. 56/kg        (B) Rs. 64/kg         (C) Rs. 80/kg        (D) Rs. 96/kg

194. X walked 35 m towards South, then turned left and walked 25 m and again turned left and walked for 35 m. He then turned to his right and walked 20 m. At what distance and direction from the starting point is X now standing ?

        (A) 20 m West        (B) 45 m East        (C) 5 m East        (D) 45 m North

195. John, Aries and Joseph are brothers with different ages.

        Given that-

        (i) Aries is the oldest,

        (ii) Joseph is not the oldest.

        (iii) John is not the youngest.

        Who is the youngest ?

        (A) Aries        (B) John        (C) Joseph       (D) Cannot be determined from the given information

Instruction for Question Nos, 196 and 197

Read the following passage and answer the 2 (two) questions that follow :

        A, B, C, D, E and F are cousins. Assume that the ages are in whole number and no two cousins are of the same age. The youngest is 17 years old and the oldest E is 22 years old. F is somewhere between B and D in age. A is older than B. C is older than D. A is one year older than C.

196. Which one of the following is possible ?

        (A) F is 18 years old        (B) F is 19 years old        (C) F is 20 years old        (D) D is 20 years old

197. What is the number of logically passible orders of all six cousins in terms of increasing age ?

        (A) 1        (B) 2        (C) 3        (D) 4

198. In a group of six women there are four dancers, four vocal musicians, one actress and three violinists. Giriji and Vanaja are among the violinists while Jalaja and Shailaja do not know how to play on the violin. Shailaja and Tanuja are among the dancers. Jalaja, Vanaja, Shailaja and Tanuja are all vocal musicians and two of them are also violinists. If Pooja is an actress, who among the following is certainly a dancer and a violinist ?

        (A) Jalaja        (B) Pooja         (C) Shailaja        (D) Tanuja

199. In a knock-out tournament - that is a tournament in which the winner in any match moves to the next found and the loser gets eliminated-there are 22 participants. Then the total number of matches to be played in the tournment is-

        (A) 20        (B) 21        (C) 22        (D) depends on the way the fixture is prepared

200. BACON is coded as 2131514, hence DARING is coded as-

        (A) 4116947        (B) 41619147        (C) 419146         (D) 41189147



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