WBCS Main Examination Paper - IV (General Studies-II) - 2018

Submitted by avimanyu pramanik on Tue, 03/26/2019 - 14:09

WBCS Main Exam Compulsory Question Paper IV -2018 [General Studies-II]

1. Which is the most balanced diet ?

    (A) Rice      (B) Milk      (C) Meat      (D) Fish

2. Carbohydrate stored in the body as

    (A) glucose      (B) starch      (C) glycogen      (D) sucrose

3. Quinine is extracted from the plant of

    (A) Poppy      (B) Cinchona       (C) Sandle wood      (D) Palm

4. The organic compound used as food preservative :

    (A) Methyl salicylate      (B) Sodium benzoate      (C) Sodium acetate     (D) Sorbitol

5. The isotope used in cancer therapy

    (A) Co58      (B) C14       (C) I131     (D) Co60

6. Formula of baking powder is

    (A) NaHCO3       (B) Na2CO3, 10H2O      (C) Na2B4O7,10H2O     (D) CaSO4, 2H2O

7. Carbon atom in benzene molecule is

    (A) sp hybridised      (B) sp2 hybridised       (C) sp3 hybridised      (D) Not hybridised

8. The carbolic acid is

    (A) benzoic acid       (B) phthalic acid       (C) phenol      (D) H2CO3

9. Which of the following heterocyclic compound is not aromatic ?

    (A) Pyridiene       (B) Pyrole       (C) Furan       (D) Piperidine

10. The oxide functioning as Piezoelectric substance :

      (A) Al2O3      (B) ZrO2      (C) TiO2      (D) BaTiO3

11. Which of the following is used as high temperature lubricant ?

      (A) Mica       (B) Asbestos       (C) Graphite       (D) Silicones

12. Which of the following salt is dissolved in aquoeus ammonia ?

      (A) PbCl2       (B) Cu(OH)2      (C) Agl       (D) Al(OH)3

13. The reaction of

      Cl2+ 2NaOH = NaCl + NaOCl + H2O is a

      (A) substitution reaction      (B) elimination      (C) neutralisation reaction     (D) disproportionation reaction

14. Graphite is used in nuclear reactor as

      (A) Lubricant      (B) Fuel rod      (C) Control rod      (D) Coating

15. Black color of old oil painting can be cleaned by

      (A) Cl2 water       (B) H2O2      (C) Nascent hydrogen       (D) Oxalic acid

16. Which is the hardest material of the following ?

      (A) Corundum        (B) Diamond        (C) SiC       (D) B4C

17. NH3 gas is dried by using

      (A) Cone. H2SO4      (B) P2O5     (C) Fused CaCl2     (D) Quick Lime

18. In the contact process for the manufacture of H2SO4, V2O5 functions as

      (A) oxidising agent      (B) reducing agent      (C) catalyst      (D) neutralising agent

19. A thick mass of cement, sand and water is called

      (A) Concrete      (B) RCC      (C) Mortar      (D) Monolith

20. Bronze is the alloy of

      (A) Copper and Zinc      (B) Copper and Tin       (C) Coper and Nickel      (D) Zinc and Tin

21. The process of very slow cooling in metallurgy is known as

      (A) Quenching       (B) Annealing       (C) Hardening       (D) Cold working

22. The metal extracted from haematite using blast furnace :

      (A) Zn      (B) Cu     (C) Al      (D) Fe

23. The chemical bonding in diamond is

      (A) Covalent       (B) Ionic      (C) Coordinate      (D) Metallic

24. For deriving p-type semiconductor, the element to be mixed with Si :

      (A) Phosphorous     (B) Aluminum      (C) Arsenic      (D) None of the above

25. If the current passing through a resistance increases by two times, the heat generated will increase by

      (A) 2 times     (B) 4 times      (C) 6 times      (D) 8 times

26. Atomic defect responsible for reduction of bulk density of the material :

      (A) Schottky      (B) Frankel      (C) Interstitial      (D) Electronic

27. Largest amount of energy, the earth receiving from the sun is in the form of

      (A) Infrared and heat energy     (B) γ-rays      (C) UV-rays     (D) X-rays

28. The human eye forms the image of an object at its 

      (A) retina      (B) cornea       (C) iris      (D) None of the above

29. The connecting material in solar panels is

      (A) Si     (B) Silver      (C) Selenium     (D) Cu

30. Which of the following is a artificial rubber ?

      (A) Isoprene       (B) Chloroprene       (C) Neoprene      (D) Teflon

31. Electric power has the unit of

      (A) Volt     (B) Watt      (C) Coulomb      (D) Ampere

32. Phenol and Formaldehyde are used for the production of

      (A) Caprolactum       (B) Bakelite      (C) PVC     (D) Nylon 6

33. Nucleons are the number of

      (A) protons present in the nucleus.

      (B) neutrons present in the nucleus.

      (C) sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

      (D) total protons, neutrons and electrons in the atom.

34. Which of the following fuel produces hottest flame on ignition with oxygen ?

      (A) C2H2      (B) H2      (C) Cyanogen       (D) Butane

35. Which material is used for production of automobile spring requiring high elastic property ?

      (A) Copper        (B) Steel       (C) Brass       (D) All of the above

36. Sound wave having frequency more than 20,000 Hertz is known as

      (A) Ultrasonic      (B) Supersonic       (C) Microwave      (C) Seismic

37. Spin of 'Boson' particle is equal to

      (A) positive integer      (B) negative integer      (C) positive integral multiple of 1/2      (D) any fraction

38. When electricity is passed through an electrolyte, it undergoes

      (A) physical changes.

      (B) chemical changes.

      (C) no physical or chemical changes.

      (D) dissociation into cation and anion.

39. Walk on a smooth floor causes fatal fall because

      (A) grip of legs with the floor surface minimises.

      (B) frictional force nil.

      (C) centre of gravity of body changes.

      (D) increase of forwarding forces.

40. Temperature (K) and volume (V) relationship of a gas undergoing adiabatic expansion, (γ=CPCV)

      (A) TV = Constant      (B) TVγ = Constatnt      (C) TVγ-1 = Constant       (D) TγV = Constant

41. The crystal having cell dimensions, a ≠ b ≠ c,  α = ß = γ = 90° has structure

      (A) Tetragonal      (B) Orthorhombic       (C) Triclinic       (D) Monoclinic

42. IC in computer stands for

      (A) Internal Circuits      (B) Integrated Circuits       (C) Integrated Current      (D) Integrated Charge

43. Quality of a musical note depends on

      (A) fundamental frequency      (B) harmonics       (C) amplitude of the wave      (D) velocity of sound

44. Wavelength of visible light lies in between

      (A) 400 to 800 nm      (B) 500 to 1000 nm      (C) 300 to 600 nm     (D) 200 to 400 nm

45. The device that converts AC to DC is called

      (A) Transformer      (B) Rectifier     (C) Induction motor      (D) Dynamo

46. The normal blood pressure of human beings should remain in the range of

      (A) 120/80 mm      (B) 110/70 mm       (C) 140/80 mm       (D) 110/60 mm

47. Universal recipient blood group is

      (A) AB       (B) O       (C) B       (D) A

48. In medicine bottles containing capsules and tablets, a pouch of SiO2 gel is kept

      (A) to kill bacteria      (B) to absorb bacteria     (C) to keep bottle warm      (D) to absorb moisture

49. Which one of the following is considered as good cholesterol ?

      (A) VLDL       (B) LDL       (C) HDL       (D) Triglycerides

50. Goitre is caused by the deficiency of

      (A) Vitamin A      (B) Vitamin D      (C) Iodine      (D) None of the above

51. BOD value will be maximum in

      (A) waste water       (B) river water       (C) rain water      (D) sewage water

52. During Bhopal gas tragedy, the harmful gas evolved was

      (A) Phosgene        (B) Ammonia       (C) Carbyl amine       (D) Methyl isocyanate

53. Plant absorbs dissolved nitrates from soil and converts them into

      (A) free N2      (B) urea        (C) ammonia        (D) proteins

54. Which ray strikes the earth due to depletion of O3 layer ?

      (A) Infrared       (B) Microwave       (C) Visible       (D) Ultraviolet

55. Which one of the following is responsible for depletion of O3 layer ?

      (A) CO2      (B) Chlorofluoro Carbon       (C) CH4      (D) None of the above

56. Which one of the following gases reacts with haemoglobin and produces toxic effect ?

      (A) CO2       (B) SO2       (C) NO2       (D) CO

57. If an enzyme fixes nitrogen in plant by evolving H2, the number of electrons and protons associated with respectively are

      (A) 6 and 6       (B) 6 and 8       (C) 8 and 8       (D) 8 and 6

58. Water becomes hard due to presence of soluble salt of ion

      (A) Al+3     (B) Na+       (C) K+      (D) Ca+2

59. Mention the main constituent of biogas and natural gas.

      (A) Ethane        (B) Methane        (C) Propane       (D) Butane

60. Which one of the following statements is false ?

      (A) River pollution is due to industrial and domestic sewage discharge.

      (B) Surface water contains a lot of organic matters and nutrients.

      (C) Oil slick in sea increases dissolved oxygen content.

      (D) Oil spill in sea causes heavy damage to fishery.

61. Which one is the major element of the following present in Earth's Crust ?

      (A) Si        (B) Al        (C) Ca        (D) Na

62. The aim of rain water harvesting is to

      (A) recharge groundwater

      (B) avoid floods

      (C) control soil erosion

      (D) conservation of freshwater

63. In which ecosystem, grassland is included ?

      (A) Marine        (B) Freshwater       (C) Terrestrial        (D) Artificial

64. —— assists in environmental protection.

      (A) Urbanisation       (B) Nuclear explosion      (C) Industrialisation       (D) Plantation and Forestation

65. World Environment Day is observed on

      (A) 14th November      (B) 27th February      (C) 5th June      (D) 5th September

66. The largest reservoir of nitrogen gas in environment is

      (A) Air       (B) Earth's Crust        (C) Ocean        (D) Plants and animals

67. Soil is rarely contaminated due to

      (A) Acid rain       (B) Chemical fertilizers       (C) Pesticides       (D) Mineralisation

68. Which part of atmosphere is richest in O3 gas ?

       (A) Stratosphere       (B) Ionosphere       (C) Exosphere       (D) Magnetosphere

69. Hydrosphere does not cover

      (A) Oceans       (B) Rivers       (C) Glaciers       (D) Rocks

70. Which one of the following is not included within the atmosphere ?

      (A) Troposphere        (B) Stratosphere       (C) Lithosphere       (D) Ozonosphere

71. Pressure Volume relation for a monoatomic gas undergoing adiabatic expansion :

      (A) PV13 = Constant      (B) PV23 = Constant      (C) PV43 = Constant      (D) PV53 = Constant

72. At 0 K, fluids are assumed to have

      (A) minimum entropy

      (B) maximum entropy

      (C) zero entropy

      (D) a fixed value of entropy

73. A Carnot engine operating between 27°C and 127°C has efficiency :

      (A) 21%       (B) 22%       (C) 24%       (D) 25%

74. Which of the following possesses zero dipole moment ?

      (A) NH3       (B) CCl4       (C) BF3        (D) H2O

75. The pressure gauge used for measuring very low vacuum of the order of 10-5 torr:

      (A) Bourdon pressure gauge

      (B) Hot filament ionisation gauge

      (C) McLeod gauge

      (D) Inclined tube manometer

76. Water has maximum density at

      (A) room temperature       (B) 0°C       (C) 4°C       (D) 100°C

77. The water used in nuclear reactor is called

      (A) Hard water       (B) Heavy water        (C) Nuclear water       (D) Critical water

78. The quantity remaining constant in isothermal expansion of an ideal gas:

      (A) Heat content       (B) Internal energy        (C) Pressure       (D) Pressure and Temperature

79. The electrical resistivity of a semiconductor

      (A) increases with temperature.

      (B) decreases with temperature.

      (C) does not change with temperature.

      (D) increases at lower temperature but decreases at higher temperature.

80. The efficient utilisation of fly ash does not recommend for making

      (A) portland fly ash cement.

      (B) fly ash based building bricks.

      (C) synthetic stone chips.

      (D) fillers in concrete.

81. By which chemical reaction, biodiesel is being prepared ?

      (A) Fermentation       (B) Combustion        (C) Polymerisation        (D) Trans esterification

82. The heart rate of adult persons should remain in the range of

      (A) 50-60 times per minute

      (B) 70-80 times per minute

      (C) 40-50 times per minute

      (D) 90-100 times per minute

83. Water gas is extremely poisonous due to presence of

      (A) N2        (B) CO        (C) H2        (D) H2S

84. The method by which desired characters of two plants can be combined:

      (A) Cutting        (B) Layering        (C) Budding        (D) Grafting

85. Which organ is not controlled by autonomous nervous system ?

      (A) Heart        (B) Uterus        (C) Glands        (D) Eyes

86. The quality of gasolene is expressed in terms of

      (A) Octane number       (B) Cetane number       (C) Gold number       (D) Reynold's number

87. Which of the following is a complex salt ?

      (A) Al(NO3)3, 9H2O       (B) K4[Fe(CN)6]      (C) K2SO4, Cr(SO4)3, 24 H2O       (D) Ca(OCl)Cl

88. Which of the following is a biodegradable pollutant ?

      (A) Dye effluent       (B) Bleaching effluent       (C) Sewage       (D) Heavy metals

89. Which compound is used as rocket fuel ?

      (A) Polybutadiene       (B) N2H4       (C) N3H        (D) Both (A) and (B)

90. When molten sulphur is poured suddenly into water, it takes the form of

      (A) milk of sulphur        (B) flower of sulphur       (C) plastic sulphur       (D) colloidal sulphur

91. The compound used in safety matches is

      (A) P4        (B) PCl3         (C) P2O5       (D) P4S3

92. The resistance of an ideal ammeter is

      (A) zero       (B) small        (C) high       (D) very high

93. Solar spectrum is the example of

      (A) continuous emission spectrum.

      (B) band absorption spectrum.

      (C) line absorption spectrum.

      (D) continuous absorption spectrum.

94. Permanent hardness of water is estimated by

      (A) Conductometric titration

      (B) Iodometric titration

      (C) Acid-base titration

      (D) Complexometric EDTA titration

95. The first step of sewage treatment :

      (A) Precipitation       (B) Chlorination       (C) Airation        (D) Sedimentation

96. Which of the following award is being given in the field of Science and Technology ?

      (A) Arjun Award       (B) Bharat Ratna        (C) Padma Bhusan         (D) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award

97. The photochemical smog is generated by

      (A) HCHO       (B) PAN (Peroxy acetyl nitrate)       (C) Acrolin       (D) Moisture

98. Blood is filtered in the body through

      (A) Liver       (B) Kidney        (C) Lungs        (D) None of the above

99. Chlorophyll contains

       (A) Zinc        (B) Iron        (C) Magnesium       (D) Cobalt

100. The gas used to extinguish fire:

        (A) CO2        (B) Ar        (C) N2        (D) CO

101. Durand Cup is associated with

        (A) Cricket        (B) Badminton        (C) Polo       (D) Football

102. Wall Street is located in

        (A) London        (B) Paris       (C) New York       (D) Germany

103. Manas Sanctuary is located in

        (A) Jammu and Kashmir        (B) Arunachal Pradesh       (C) Assam        (D) Uttarakhand

104. Which is known as Cockpit of Europe ?

        (A) Ireland        (B) Iceland        (C) Belgium        (D) Norway

105. Which place is famous as "Sanskrit Village of India" ?

        (A) Pimpri, Maharashtra      (B) Prayag, Uttar Pradesh     (C) Mattur, Karnataka      (D) Korba, Chattisgarh

106. The Headquarter of ILO is situated at

        (A) Rome       (B) Paris        (C) Geneva       (D) The Heague

107. How many official languages are there in UNO ?

        (A) 2       (B) 4        (C) 6        (D) 8

108. Which is the first space ship to orbit the moon ?

        (A) Luna -1      (B) Zond -5      (C) Lunakhod -1      (D) Soyuz -28

109. "Poilu" is the nickname of

        (A) American Soldier       (B) French Soldier      (C) Japanese Soldier      (D) English Soldier

110. The Parliament of Malaysia is known as

        (A) Majlis        (B) Shora        (C) Khural        (D) Diet

111. Which is the capital of Australia ?

       (A) Sydney       (B) Melbourne       (C) Adelaide      (D) Canberra

112. Veer Savarkar International Airport is situated at

        (A) Mangalore       (B) Kochi      (C) Gaya       (D) Port Blair

113. Which is the Headquarter of North Central Railway ?

        (A) Bilaspur      (B) Jabalpur      (C) Jaipur      (D) Allahabad

114. Which is the longest national highway in India ?

        (A) NH-27      (B) NH-30      (C) NH-44       (D) NH-53

115. MOU on river Ganga rejuvenation was signed by India on 17th April, 2018 with

        (A) UK       (B) USA       (C) Bangladesh        (D) China

116. What type of river bridge Rabindra Setu is ?

        (A) Beam Bridge       (B) Truss Bridge       (C) Cantilever Bridge      (D) Arch Bridge

117. National Defence Academy of India is situated at

        (A) Khadakwasla       (B) Dehradun       (C) Jabalpur       (D) Wellington

118. Which is the official Flower of West Bengal ?

        (A) Lotus       (B) Palash       (C) Shephali       (D) Rhododendron

119. Which is the National Aquatic Animal of India ?

        (A) Ganges Shark      (B) Dugong       (C) Golden Mahseer      (D) River Dolphin

120. Ram Nath Kovind is the —— President of India.

        (A) 12th       (B) 13th        (C) 14th       (D) 15th

121. First countries in Gulf to introduce VAT in 2018 are

        (A) Qatar and Iran      (B) Qatar and Kuwait      (C) UAE and Saudi Arabia      (D) Bahrain and Iraq

122. All India Muslim League was founded in

        (A) 1905       (B) 1906      (C) 1911      (D) 1947

123. When did Pondicherry become a State of India ?

        (A) 1961       (B) 1962      (C) 1963      (D) 1964

124. "Jai Jawan Jai Kishan"- this is the slogan of

        (A) Rajiv Gandhi      (B) Atal Bihari Vajpayee      (C) Lai Bahadur Shastri      (D) Jawaharlal Nehru

125. Who is the Sahitya Academy Award Winner for Bengali in 2017 ?

        (A) Afsar Ahmed      (B) Nrisinghaprasad Bhaduri       (C) SubodhSarkar       (D) Sankha Ghosh

126. Which among the following nations participated FIFA World Cup 2018 for the first time ?

        (A) Morocco      (B) Tunisia       (C) Egypt      (D) Iceland

127. Which State of India touches the boundary of maximum States ?

        (A) Madhya Pradesh     (B) Telengana       (C) Uttar Pradesh      (D) Punjab

128. Which is the India's first nuclear powered Submarine ?

        (A) INS Kalvari       (B) INS Sindhuraj       (C) INS Chakra       (D) INS Arihant

129. Which is the official bird of West Bengal ?

        (A) Green Imperial Pigeon     (B) White-throated King Fisher     (C) Koel      (D) Emerald Dove

130. Krishna Deva Raya was the famous ruler of

        (A) Vijayanagara Dynasty      (B) Chola Dynasty       (C) Chalukya Dynasty       (D) Bahmani Dynasty

131. Tashkent Pact between India and Pakistan was signed in

        (A) 1960       (B) 1961      (C) 1965       (D) 1966

132. Battle of the Hydaspes was fought between Alexander the Great and King Porus in

        (A) 329 BC        (B) 328 BC       (C) 327 BC       (D) 326 BC

133. When did Goa become a State of India ?

        (A) 1947       (B) 1961       (C) 1962       (D) 1950

134. "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others"— who said this ?

        (A) Abraham Lincoln      (B) Aristotle      (C) Thomas Fuller      (D) George Orwell

135. Who is the recipient of Nobel Prize for Literature in 2017 ?

        (A) Rainer Weiss       (B) Micheal W. Young      (C) Kazuo Ishiguro       (D) Bob Dylan

136. Who wrote "The Last Moghul" ?

        (A) William Darlymple      (B) Bipan Chandra      (C) Chetan Bhagat      (D) Orphan Pamuk

137. "A Century Is Not Enough" is the autobiography of

        (A) Sachin Tendulkar      (B) Don Bradman       (C) Sourav Ganguly      (D) Brian Lara

138. "ISBN" stands for

        (A) International Standard Business Number

        (B) International Standard Book Number

        (C) International Standard Bond Number

        (D) International Service Book Number

139. What is the full form of "ISRO" ?

        (A) Indian Satellite Research Organisation

        (B) Indian Solar Research Organisation

        (C) Indian Site Research Organisation

        (D) lndian Space Research Organisation

140. The National Calendar of India is based on

        (A) Saka Calendar     (B) Gragorian Calendar     (C) Julian Calendar      (D) Hijri Calendar

141. Ghoomar is the folk dance form of

        (A) Karnataka       (B) Gujarat       (C) Rajasthan       (D) Andhra Pradesh

142. Who is the Champion of ICC Womens' World Cup 2017 ?

        (A) India       (B) Australia       (C) England       (D) New Zealand

143. Which University has produced highest number of Nobel laureates ?

        (A) Oxford University      (B) Harvard University      (C) Cambridge University     (D) Yale University

144. Who is the present Speaker of the Lok Sabha ?

        (A) Meira Kumar     (B) Venkaiah Naidu      (C) Sumitra Mahajan      (D) Biman Banerjee

145. The best picture of 2018 Oscar was awarded to

        (A) Darkest Hour     (B) Lady Bird      (C) Get Out      (D) The Shape of Water

146. Who is the recipient of Dada Saheb Phalke award in 2017 ?

        (A) Amitabh Bachchan      (B) Soumitra Chatterjee      (C) Shashi Kapoor      (D) Vinod Khanna

147. 2022 FIFA World Cup will be held in

        (A) Mexico      (B) Canada       (C) USA       (D) Qatar

148. How many medals India secured in the Commonwealth Games 2018 ?

        (A) 198      (B) 136      (C) 66       (D) 82

149. "Deuce, Smash, Drop, Love, Let, Fault"— these terms are related to

        (A) Badminton       (B) Wrestling       (C) Table Tennis       (D) Boxing

150. What is the measurement of a Kabadi field ?

        (A) 13mts x 10 mts      (B) 13.40 mts x 5.18 mts      (C) 18 mts x 9 mts      (D) 34 mts x 16 mts

151. Rumtek Monastery is located in

        (A) Sikkim       (B) Arunachal Pradesh       (C) Meghalaya       (D) Manipur

152. How many languages are recognised by Constitution of India ?

        (A) 20        (B) 21       (C) 22      (D) 23

153. Bharat Natyam is the classical dance form of

        (A) Kerala       (B) Tamil Nadu       (C) Karnataka       (D) Andhra Pradesh

154. The best actor of 2018 Oscar was awarded to

        (A) Denjel Washington       (B) Daniel Kaluua      (C) Daniel Dey-Lewis      (D) Gary Oldman

155. Who won the 65th National Film Award for Best Actor ?

        (A) Riddhi Sen      (B) Jishu Sengupta      (C) Kaushik Ganguly     (D) Ritwick Chakraborty

156. Who is the recipient of Jnanpith Award in 2017 ?

        (A) Raghuvir Chaudhury      (B) Bhalchandra Nemade       (C) Krishna Sobti      (D) Pratibha Rai

157. How many Gold Medals India won in the Commonwealth Games 2018 ?

        (A) 80      (B) 45      (C) 26      (D) 15

158. A sports term "Bull's Eye" is related to

        (A) Wrestling      (B) Rifle Shooting      (C) Rugby      (D) Polo

159. Agha Khan Cup is associated with

        (A) Football       (B) Hockey       (C) Lawn Tennis      (D) Badminton

160. Red Square is located in

        (A) China       (B) Venezuela       (C) Vietnam        (D) Moscow

161. Corbett National Park is located in

        (A) Uttarpradesh       (B) Uttarakhand      (C) Gujarat      (D) Madhya Pradesh

162. India's active diamond mine is located at

        (A) Panna, Madhya Pradesh

        (B) Ratnagiri, Maharashtra

        (C) Singareni, Telengana

        (D) Kolkar, Karnataka

163. The Headquarter of WHO is situated at

        (A) Rome       (B) Paris        (C) Geneva       (D) The Heague

164. The study of coins and medals is known as

        (A) Philately       (B) Numismatics      (C) Notaphily      (D) Deltiology

165. Who was the last king of France ?

        (A) Napoleon III      (B) Louis Philippe I       (C) Henry V      (D) Charles X

166. "Old Glory" is the nickname of

        (A) Scotland Flag       (B) U.K. Flag      (C) Canada Flag      (D) U.S.A. Flag

167. Northern Rhodesia is now known as

        (A) Zaire       (B) Congo       (C) Zambia       (D) Zimbabwe

168. The Parliament of USA is known as

        (A) Congress        (B) House of Commons       (C) House of Lords       (D) Parliament

169. Which is the capital of Ecuador ?

        (A) Maputo       (B) Bangui       (C) Quito        (D) Rabat

170. What is the theme of World Environment Day 2018 ?

        (A) Go Wild for Life

        (B) Beat Plastic Pollution

        (C) Think Eat Save

        (D) One Planet One Future

171. International Yoga Day is celebrated on

        (A) 21 June       (B) 5 September       (C) 11 May      (D) 7 December

172. Who is the first Indian woman to become Miss World ?

        (A) Zeenat Aman       (B) Reita Faria       (C) Aditi Gowitrikar       (D) Diana Hayden

173. Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar International Airport is situated at

        (A) Nagpur       (B) Pune        (C) Kohlapur        (D) Nashik

174. Which is the Headquarter of Western Central Railway ?

        (A) Bilaspur       (B) Allahabad       (C) Jaipur      (D) Jabalpur

175. India's place in the world production of Steel is

        (A) First       (B) Second       (C) Third      (D) Fourth

176. Who wrote "Canterbury Tales" ?

        (A) Geoffrey Chaucer      (B) Charles Dickens      (C) William Wordsworth       (D) John Milton

177. "Crossing The Line" is the autobiography of

        (A) Sunil Chhetry       (B) Luis Suarez.      (C) Maradona        (D) Roy Keane

178. What is the currency of Bhutan ?

        (A) Dong       (B) Vatu       (C) Lempira       (D) Ngultrum

179. What is the full form of "VIRUS" ?

        (A) Various Information Resources Under Stage

        (B) vital Information Resources Under Siege

        (C) Various Information Resource Unlimited Storage

        (D) Vital Images Reviews Universal Studios

180. What is the full form of "RADAR" ?

        (A) Radio Device and Ranging

        (B) Region Device and Ranging

        (C) Radio Detecting and Ranging

        (D) Radio Detect and Ranges

181. Which country introduces Smog insurance to combat air pollution ?

        (A) USA       (B) India        (C) China       (D) U.K.

182. Immediate remedial measure to tackle non-degradable plastic waste pollution is

        (A) Bio-diesel production      (B) as Bitumen filler     (C) C-black production      (D) Recycling

183. Monitoring of SO2 gas is done by passing through

        (A) [HgCl4]-2 solution

        (B) K- pyrogallate solution

        (C) Fehlings' solution

        (D) Ammoniacal Cuprous Chloride solution

184. Radioactive wastes should be entrapped in leakproof —— containers before dumping into sea.

        (A) concrete       (B) glass       (C) plastic      (D) steel

185. Detrimental solid waste liberated by thermal power station is

        (A) Red mud      (B) Fly ash       (C) Granulated Slag      (D) Carbon black

186. Desalination of water is performed by

        (A) Lime-soda method       (B) Permutit method      (C) Ion-exchange method       (D) Reverse Osmosis

187. The bed of catalyst used for conversion automobile emissions to CO2 is made of

        (A) Pt      (B) MnO2      (C) MoO      (D) V2O2

188. Instrument used in industry for purifying air contaminated with dust and smoke:

        (A) Scrubber       (B) Blower       (C) Extractor      (D) Electrostatic precipitator

189. CO level in burnt flue gas upto 150 ppm can be monitored by means of

        (A) Non-dispersive IR spectroscopy

        (B) UV-Vis spectroscopy

        (C) Atomic absorption spectroscopy analysis

        (D) Flame photometry

190. Permissible limit of Arsenic in drinking water:

        (A) 5 ppm       (B) 7.5 ppm       (C) 10 ppm       (D) 12.5 ppm

191. The most effective sewage treatment is conducted by

        (A) Cation-anion exchange method

        (B) Activated sludge method

        (C) Incineration technique

        (D) None of the above

192. White lung cancer is caused by

        (A) Asbestos       (B) Silica        (C) Paper       (D) Textile

193. Acidity of normal rain water is due to

        (A) CO       (B) NO       (C) CO2      (D) H2S

194. In photosynthesis, chlorophyll of green plants reacts with CO2 and H2O in presence of sunlight to generate

        (A) N2       (B) O2       (C) H2      (D) Cl2

195. Worst possible rays responsible for cell mutation and cancer:

        (A) ß-rays        (B) α-rays       (C) γ-rays       (D) X-rays

196. Historical monuments and temples are badly damaged due to corrosive action of

        (A) SO2       (B) CO2        (C) NH3       (D) C2H2

197. The best method for sterilisation of water uses

        (A) Autoclaving       (B) Ozone       (C) Chlorine water       (D) UV rays

198. The scavengers of the earth is 

        (A) Bacteria        (B) Viruses         (C) Algae       (D) Fungi

199. Smoke is a colliodal suspension of

        (A) negatively charged carbon particles in air.

        (B) positively charged carbo-cation particles in air

        (C) inert particles of carbon black in air.

        (D) None of the above

200. Which one of the following is not metallic pollutant ?

        (A) Hg       (B) Pb       (C) Cr      (D) Detergent



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