Inventions and Discoveries with the Inventor's Name - Part II

Submitted by avimanyu pramanik on Tue, 08/13/2019 - 10:33

Inventions and Discoveries with the names of Inventors

Neon  LampNeon Lamp — Invented by Georges Claude (France) in the year 1915.

Nineteenth Law(s) of Planetary Motion — Invented by Johannes Kepler (Germany) in the year 1609.

Nylon — Invented by Dr. Wallace H. Carothers (USA) in the year 1937.

Ozone — Invented by Christian Schonbein (Germany) in the year 1839.

Paper — Invented in China in the year 150.

Par-4 Protein (Mass killer of cancer cells) — invented by Vivek Ragnekar, an NRI Professor of Radiation Medicine, University of Kentucky (USA). .

Parachute — Invented by Andre-Jacques Garnerin (France) in the year 1797.

Parchment — Invented in Egypt in the year 1300 BC.

Parking Meter — Invented by Corlton C. Magee (USA) in the year 1935.

Phonograph — Invented by Thomas Alva Edison (USA) in the year 1878.

Phosphorus — Invented by Hennig Brand (Germany) in the year 1669.

Photography (on metal) — Invented by J. Nicephore Niepce (France) in the year 1826.

Photography (on paper) — Invented by W.H. Fox Talbot (England) in the year 1835.

Photography (on film) — Invented by John Carbutt (USA) in the year 1888.

Piano — Invented by Cristofori (Italy) in the year 1709.

Pneumatic Tyre — Invented by John Boyd Dunlop (Scotland) in the year 1888.

Porcelain — Invented in China in the year 700.

Potter's Wheel — Invented in Asia Minor in the year 6500 BC.

Printing Press — Invented by Johannes Gutenberg (Germany) in the year 1455.

Printing (Rotary) — Invented by Richard Hoe (USA) in the year 1846.

Propeller (ship) — Invented by Francis Smith (England) in the year 1827.

Proton — Invented by Ernest Rutherford (Great Britain) in the year 1919.

Pyramid — Invented in Egypt in the year 2685 BC.

Radar — Invented by Dr. Allbert H. Taylor and Leo C. Young (USA) in the year 1922.

Radioactivity — Invented by Antoine Becquerel (France) in the year 1896.

Radio Telegraphy (over 1 km) —  Invented by Lord Ernest Rutherford (New Zealand) in the year 1895.

Radio Telegraphy (Trans-Atlantic) — Invented by Guglielmo Marconi (Italy) in the year 1901.

Rayon — Invented by Sir Joseph Swann (England) in the year 1883.

Razor (Safety) — Invented by King C. Gillette (USA) in the year 1895.

Razor (Electric) — Invented by Col. Jacob Schick (USA) in the year 1931.

Reaper — Invented by Henry Ogle (USA) in the year 1826.

Record (long-playing) — Invented by Dr. Petter Goldmark (USA) in the year 1948.

Refrigerator — Invented by James Harrison (Australia) in the year 1851.

Rocket Engine — Invented by Goddard (USA) in the year 1926.

Rubber (waterproof) — Invented by Charles Macintosh (Scotland) in the year 1819.

Rubber (vulcanised) — Invented by Charles Goodyear (USA) in the year 1841.

Rubber (tyres) — Invented by Thomas Hancock (England) in the year 1857.

Rubber (latex foam) — Invented by Dunlop Rubber Co.(England) in the year 1928.

Safety Pin —, 1849. Invented by William Hunt (USA) in the year 1849.

Ship (sea-going) — Invented by Egyptian in the year 2500 BC.

Ship (steam) — Invented by J.C. Perier (France) in the year 1775.

Ship (turbine) — Invented by Hon. Sir Charles Parsons (England) in the year 1894.

Silicones — Invented by Prof. F.S. Kipping (England) in the year  1904.

Skyscraper — Invented by William Le Baron Jenny (USA) in the year 1882.

Slide Rule — Invented by William Oughtred (England) in the year 1621.

Spinning Frame — Invented by Sir Richard Arkwright (England) in the year 1769.

Spinning Jenny — Invented by James Hargreaves (England) in the year 1764.

Spinning Mule — Invented by Samuel Crompton (England) in the year 1779.

Steam Engine — Invented by Thomas Savery (England) in the year 1698.

Steam Engine (piston) — Invented by Thomas Newcomen (England) in the year 1712.

Steam Engine (condenser) — Invented by James Watt (Scotland) in the year 1765.

Steel Production — Invented by Henry Bessemer (England) in the year 1885.

Steel (stainless) — Invented by Harry Brearley (England) in the year 1913.

Stethoscope —. Invented by Rene Laennec (France) in the year 1816.

Streetcar (electric) — Invented by E. Werner von Siemen (Germany) in the year 1879.

Submarine — Invented by David Bushnell (USA) in the year 1776.

Synthesizer — Invented by Moog (USA) in the year 1964.

Tank (military) — Invented by Sir Ernest Swinton (England) in the year 1914.

Telegraph — Invented by Samuel F. B. Morse (USA) in the year 1837.

Telegraph Code — Invented by Samuel F.B. Morse (USA) in the year   1837.

Telephone — Invented by Alexander Graham Bell (USA) in the year 1876.

Telescope — Invented by Hans Lippershey (Netherlands) in the year 1608.

Television — Invented by John Logie Baird (Scotland) in the year 1926.

Thermometer — Invented by Galileo Galilei (Italy) in the year 1593.

Time Recorder — Invented by Bundy (USA) in the year 1890.

Tractor (gasoline engined) — Invented by John Froelich (USA) in the year 1892.

Tractor (caterpillar) — Invented by Benjamin Holt (USA) in the year 1900.

Transformer — Invented by William Stanley (USA) in the year 1842.

Transistor — Invented by John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain (USA) in the year 1948.

True Nature of Combustion — Invented by Antoine Lavoisier (France) in the year 1789.

Tungsten — Invented by Fausto and Juan Jose de Elhuyar (Spanish) in the year 1783.

Typewriter — Invented by Mitterhofer (Austria) in the year 1864.

Uranium — Invented by Martin Klaproth (Germany) in the year 1841.

Vaccination — Invented by Edward Jenner (England) in the year 1796.

Variable Wing — Invented by Dr. Barnes Wallis (England) in the year 1956.

Vitamin A — Invented by McCollum and Davis (USA) in the year 1913.

Vitamin B — Invented by McCollum (USA) in the year 1916.

Vitamin C — Invented by Szent-Gvorgyi and King (USA) in the year 1928.

Vitamin D — Invented by McCollum (USA) in the year 1922.

Vitamin K — Invented by Dam & Doisy (USA) in the year 1935.

Washing Machine (electric) — Invented by Hurely Machine Co. (USA) in the year 1907.

Watch (self-winding) — Invented by Abraham-Louis Breguet (France) in the year 1791.

Welder (electric) —Invented by Elisha Thomson (USA) in the year 1877 .

Wheel — 3800-3600 BC. Invented by Sumerian civilisation in the year 3800-3600 BC.

Windmill — Invented by Persian corn grinding (England) in the year 600 AD.

Writing — Invented by Sumerian Civilisation (Iraq) in the year 3400 BC.

Xerography — Invented by Chester Carlson (USA) in the year 1938.

X-ray — Invented by Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen (Germany) in the year 1895.

Ziggurats — Invented by Sumerian Civilisation (Iraq) in the year 2000 BC.

Zip Fastener — Invented by Whitcomb L. Judson (USA) in the year 1891.



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Inventions and Discoveries with the Inventor's Name - Part I

Adding Machine — Invented by Blaise Pascal (France) in the year 1642. Addressograph — Invented by J.S. Duncan (USA) in the year 1893. Aeroplane — Invented by Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright (USA) in the year 1903.