কৃষিবিজ্ঞান (Agronomy)
দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির জন্য
সূচিপত্র (Index)
S/L | বিষয় | আলোচ্য বিষয়বস্তু |
1 | Growth of crop; concept of field components; growth stages of crops; preliminary conceptof the development physiology related to growth of crops such as rice, wheat, potato andjute. | |
2 | Major and minor plant nutrients and their availability to plants; soil organic matter andsoil organisms, soil reaction and ion exchange; saline, sodic and acid soils, soil erosionand its control. | |
3 | Manures and fertilizers: | |
4 | Crop production and propagation | |
5 | Crop protection | |
6 | Law of diminishing returns in fertilizer use, special features of rainfed and irrigatedagriculture. Cost of production of crops and important farm operations like ploughing,weeding, harvesting, threshing etc | |