CS/B.Sc (H)/MICRO.BIO/SEM-2/MGR-204/2012
Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.
( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following :
10x1 = 10
i) Organisms that grow well at 55°C and have optimum
growth temperatures of 70°C or higher are called
a) psychrotrophs b) psychrophiles
c) mesophiles d) thermophiles.
ii) The plasmid which confers drug resistance is
a) F plasmid b) Col plasmid
c) R plasmid d) Vine lent plasmid.
iii) Penicillin
a) inhibits protein synthesis by affecting 30S
b) inhibits cell wall synthesis
c) inhibits lysogenic infection
d) none of these.
iv) The site where Rec BCD nuclease binds to initiate the
process of recombination is
a) Ori C b) Ori T
c) Chi d) none of these.
v) UV-A light causes DNA damage by creating
a) cross linking between adjacent cytosine and
thymine bases
b) alkylation of bases
c) hydrolysis of bases
d) free radicals.