Sir, can I know what is my earning on my Bengalstudents SiteAuthor account ?
What is my earning ?
Related Items
Please increase eCPM rate
BengalStudents admin, I noticed that this website ( pays his members 5 rupees for 1000 visitors. But I find out one website, which pay 5$ for 1000 visitors. So there is a long difference.
How to calculate SiteAuthor earnings ?
How to calculate SiteAuthor earnings ?
How can I improve my Content Quality ?
How can I improve my Content Quality?
Go to your "Workspace" ---> then you will see Total views --->
Total views: ????Today's total view: ????
Then read SiteAuthor program policy
At present eCPM rate is Rs.5/-
Calculate your earnings?
Your earnings= (Total views X 5)/1000
And with your earning you will get an extra amount for Content Quality ( 0 to 100% of you earning depends on following) .****
****Content Quality depends on1. Quality of your post2. Bengali language factor3. SiteAuthor 's image4. Content effectiveness.5. Content information authenticity.