
WBCS Exam Main Optional question Paper on Anthropology (Paper I) - 2018

Answer any threee Questions : 1. Briefly discuss the concept of ‘race’ in Anthropology. Discuss about anthropological debate on ‘race and racism’. Define ‘polymorphic traits’. Discuss polymorphic traits with special reference to ABO Bloodgroup and its distribution. 7+8+15

WBCS Exam Main Optional Question Paper on History [Paper II] - 2019

1. Answer any one question : (a) Which factors would you attribute to the Anglo-French conflict in India ? Why the French were defeated ? 10+10=20 (b) Why was Western education introduced in India by the East India Company ? What role did Bentinck and Macaulay play in it ? 10+10=20

WBCS Exam Main Optional Question Paper on History [Paper I] - 2019

1. Answer any three questions : 10x3=30 (a) Examine the importance of archaeology for the re-construction of ancient Indian history. (b) How would you explain the urban characteristics of the Harappan civilization ?

WBCS Exam Main Optional Question Paper on History [Paper II] - 2018

1. Answer any one Question :- a) Write a note on Dual System of Administration of Bengal. How did it affect the political economy of early colonial Bengal ? 20

WBCS Exam Main Optional Question Paper on History [Paper I] - 2018

1. Answer any three Questions :- 10x3 a) How valuable are literary sources for reconstruction of ancient Indian history ?

WBCS Main Examination Paper - II (English) - 2019

1.(a) Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper expressing your views on the problems caused by the Mushrooming of unplanned buildings rapidly in the city. Also suggest some measures to arrest this problem. (Write the letter within 150 words and use X, Y, Z instead of name and address) 40

WBCS Main Examination Paper - II (English) - 2018

1. a) Write a letter to a noted doctor whose practice is outside your city describing the nature of your ailment and seeking an appointment with him at his earliest convenience (write the letter within 150 word and use X, Y, Z instead of name and address) 40

WBCS Main Examination Paper - I (Bengali) - 2019

1. নিম্নলিখিত যে কোনো একটি বিষয় সম্পর্কে আপনার অভিমত কোনো বাংলা দৈনিক পত্রিকার সম্পাদকের কাছে অনধিক ১৫০ শব্দের মধ্যে পত্রাকারে বিবৃত করুন : 40 (নাম ঠিকানার পরিবর্তে X Y Z লিখুন) (ক) যুবসমাজে মোবাইল ফোনের অতিরিক্ত ব্যবহার ও তার কুফল (খ) বর্তমানে বাংলায় নারীর অগ্রগতি (গ) প্রবীণ নাগরিকদের নিঃসঙ্গতা ও অসহায়তা দূর করার জন্য সামাজিক উদ্যোগের প্রয়োজনীয়তা

WBCS Main Examination Paper - I (Bengali) -2018

1. নিম্নলিখিত যে কোন একটি বিষয় সম্পর্কে আপনার অভিমত কোনো বাংলা দৈনিক পত্রিকার সম্পাদকের কাছে অনধিক ১৫০ শব্দের মধ্যে পত্রাকারে বিবৃত করুন : 40

বিজ্ঞানের জয়যাত্রা

মানব সভ্যতার বিজয়রথের চালক হল বিজ্ঞান । সমগ্র মানবসভ্যতার অগ্রগতিতে বিজ্ঞানের অবদান অপরিসীম । মানব সভ্যতার হাহক হল বিজ্ঞান । গুহাবাসী মানুষ যেদিন আগুন জ্বালাতে শিখল, যেদিন নগ্ন গায়ে গাছের ছালকে পরিধেয় হিসাবে ব্যবহার করতে শিখল, সেদিন থেকেই শুরু হল বিজ্ঞানের জয়যাত্রা ।

MCQ on General Science - Botany and Zoology

1. Who propounded the theory of natural selection ? (A) Mendel (B) Lamarck (C) Darwin (D) De Vries 2. Who, among the following, is associated with the theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics ? (A) Charles Darwin (B) Lamarck (C) Spencer (D) De Vries

WBCS Main Examination Paper - VI (Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning) - 2019

1. The ratio of bus and train fares from Burdwan to a certain place is 3:4. If the train fare increases by 20% and bus fare by 10% then what will be the new ratio of bus and train fares ? (A) 12 : 23 (B) 11 : 16 (C) 12 : 15 (D) 16 : 15

WBCS Main Examination Paper - V (The Constitution of India and Indian Economy including role and functions of RBI) - 2019

1. "Preamble of our Constitution is of extreme Importance and the Constitution should be read and interpreted in the light of the grand and noble vision expressed in the Preamble." Justice Sikri expressed the above opinion in the case of (A) In re Kerala Education Bill (B) A.K. Gopalan v. State of Madras (C) In re Berubari Union (D) Keshavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala

Days & Anniversaries for the Month of November

World Vegan Day : November 1 All Saints' Day : November 1 World Tsunami Awareness Day : November 5 Legal Services Day : November 9

Days & Anniversaries for the Month of October

World Vegetarian Day : October 1 International Day of the Elderly : October 1 Gandhi Jayanti/International Day of Non-Violence : October 2 World Teacher's Day : October 5

Days & Anniversaries for the Month of September

Teachers' Day (India) : September 5 World Literacy Day : September 8 World First Aid Day : Second Saturday of September Hindi Day (India) : September 14

Days & Anniversaries for the Month of August

Hiroshima Day : August 6 International Forgiveness Day : First Sunday of August Quit India Day : August 8 Nagasaki Peace Day : August 9

Days & Anniversaries for the Month of July

World Doctor's Day : July 1 International Joke Day : July 1 World Sports Journalists Day : July 2 World UFO Day : July 2

Days & Anniversaries for the Month of June

Global Day of Parents : June 1 International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression : June 4 World Environment Day : June 5 World Brain Tumour Day : June 8

Days & Anniversaries for the Month of May

World Labour Day : May 1 International Press Freedom Day : May 3 World Asthma Day : First Tuesday of May International Energy Day : May 3