
Submitted by pradipta pramanik on Fri, 02/25/2011 - 14:21

Gravitation :

Laws of gravitation, gravitational field and potential, acceleration due to gravity and its variation, escape velocity, Kepler’s laws and planetary motion, motion of satellites, Geostationary orbit.

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Medical, Agricultural and Economic Zoology

Medical, Agricultural and Economic Zoology:
A. Outline idea of diseases, their causative organism, mode of infection, symptoms and preventive
measures of :
(i) Malaria
(ii) Filariasis
(iii) Ascariaisis

Growth, Reproduction, and Ageing

Growth, Reproduction, and Ageing :
A. In Plants :

Endocrine System and animal hormones

Endocrine Ssystem and animal hormones :

Nervous and Muscular system

Nervous and Muscular system : Brief outline of human brain structure.

Cranial Nerves : Distribution and Function.Spinal cord – Structure and major functions, Reflex arc (types) and reflex action : Conditional and unconditional reflexes.

Excretory System

Excretory System : Histology and function of the nephron (brief idea).
Normal and abnormal constituents of urine.