The Periodic Table and Chemical Families

Submitted by pradipta pramanik on Sun, 02/27/2011 - 13:01

The Periodic Table and Chemical Families
Modern periodic law (based on atomic number); Modern periodic table based on electronic configurations, groups (Gr. 1–18) and periods. Types of elements-representative (s-block and p-block), transition (d-block) elements and inner transition (f-block / lanthanides and actinides) and their general characteristics. Periodic trends in physical and chemical properties–atomic radii, valency, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity, metallic character, acidic and basic characters of oxides and hydrides of the representativeelements (up to Z = 36). Position of hydrogen and the noble gases in the periodic table; Diagonal relationships.

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Syllabus for Mathematics [WBJEE ]