Ionic and Redox Equilibria

Submitted by pradipta pramanik on Sun, 02/27/2011 - 13:07

Ionic and Redox Equilibria
Ionic equilibria – ionization of weak electrolytes, Ostwald’s dilution law. Ionization constants of weak acids and bases, ionic product of water, the pH – scale, pH of aqueous solutions of acids and bases; Buffer solutions, buffer action and Henderson equation.
Acid-base titrations, acid-base indicators (structures not required).

Solubility and Solubility Products.
Common ion effect (no numerical problems).

Redox Equilibria – Oxidation-Reduction reactions as electron transfer processes, oxidation numbers, balancing of redox reactions by oxidation number and ion-electron methods.
Standard electrode potentials (E°), Electrochemical series, feasibility of a redox reaction.
Significance of Gibb’s equation : ∆G° = – nF∆E° (without derivation), no numerical problems.
Redox titrations with (examples); Nernst equations (Numerical problems).

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