Chemistry of Carbon Compounds

Submitted by pradipta pramanik on Sun, 02/27/2011 - 13:17

Chemistry of Carbon Compounds
Hybridization of carbon δ and π-bonds.
Isomerism – constitutional and stereoisomerism; Geometrical and optical isomerism of compounds containing upto two asymmetric carbon atoms. IUPAC nomenclature of simple organic compounds–hydrocarbons, mono and bifunctional molecules only (alicyclic and heterocyclic compounds excluded). Conformations of ethane and n-butane (Newman projection only).

Electronic Effects – inductive, resonance and hyperconjugation. Stability of carbocation, carbanion and free radicals; Rearrangement of carbocation; Electrophiles and nucleophiles, tautomerism in b-dicarbonyl compounds,acidity and basicity of simple organic compounds.

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