Nervous and Muscular system

Submitted by pradipta pramanik on Sat, 02/26/2011 - 00:34

Nervous and Muscular system : Brief outline of human brain structure.

Cranial Nerves : Distribution and Function.Spinal cord – Structure and major functions, Reflex arc (types) and reflex action : Conditional and unconditional reflexes.

Autonomic : sympathetic and parasympathetic (definition only) nervous system.

Synapse : Structure and mechanism of synaptic transmission.

Different types of muscles and their structure, properties of muscles
(i) Excitability (ii) Contractility (iii) All or none law (iv) Refractory period (v) Summation of stimuli (vi) Tetanus (vii) Rigor mortis; Machanism of muscle contraction.

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