WBCS Philosophy Optional Paper

Submitted by tushar pramanick on Sun, 05/22/2011 - 23:58

WBCS Philosophy

Optional Paper



S/L Chapters Chapter Details
  Paper 1  
  Problems of Philosophy (European and Indian)  
1 Plato and Aristotle Ideas, Substance; Form and Matter; Causation; Actuality and Potentiality.
2 Rationalism (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz) Cartesian Method and Certain Knowledge; Substance; God; Determinism and Freedom.
3 Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, Hume) Theory of Knowledge, Substance and Qualities, Self and God, Scepticism.
4 Kant Possibility of Synthetic a priori judgments; Space and Time; Categories.
5 Moore, Russell and Early Wittgenstein Defence of Common sense, Refutation of Idealism, Logical Atomism; Picture Theory of Meaning.
6 Logical Positivism Verification Theory of Meaning, Rejection of Metaphysics.
7 Cârvâka Theory of Knowledge, Metaphysics and Ethics.
8 Jainism Anekântavâda, Saptabhanginaya.
9 Buddhism Four Noble Truths, Pratîtyasamutpâda, Kşaņikavâda, Nairâtmyavâda.
10 Nyâya – Vaiśesika Theory of Categories, Theory of Pramâna; Self; Theory of Causation; Atomistic Theory of Creation.
11 Sâmkhya Prakŗti; Puruşa; Causation; Theory of Evolution.
12 Yoga : Citta; Cittavŗtti.  
13 Mîmâmsâ : Epistemology; Theory of Validity.  
  Vedânta : Views of Śamkara and Râmânuja on Brahman; Îśvara; Âtman; Jîva; Jagat; Mâyâ; Avidyâ; Adhyâsa.  
  Swâmi Vivekânanda : Practical Vedânta.  
  Sri Aurobindo : Evolution; Involution; Integral Yoga.  
  Rabindranath Tagore: Nature of Man; Surplus in Man.  
  Paper 2  
  Socio – Political Philosophy and Psychology  
1 Social and Political Ideals Equality, Justice, Liberty: Views of Mill, Locke, Rawls.
2 Individual and State Rights, Duties and Accountability
3 Political Ideologies Anarchism, Marxism, Socialism and Democracy
4 Humanism; Secularism; Multiculturalism  
5 Social Change : Gandhi, Ambedkar.  
6 Mind – Body Problem Dualism, Philosophical Behaviourism, Person Theory of Strawson.
7 Levels of Mind; Proofs for the existence of the unconscious; Freud’s theory of dream, citta, cittavŗtti (Yoga)  
  Ethics and Philosophy of Religion  
8 Standards of Morality Utilitarianism (Bentham and Mill), Deontological Theories.
9 Virtue Ethics Aristotle
10 Human Rights and Discrimination.  
11 Feminism Liberal and Radical.
12 Environmental Ethics Bio-centric ethics and Eco-centric ethics.
13 Theories of Punishment; Capital Punishment.  
14 Terrorism and Just war  
15 Indian Ethics Puruşârtha, Concept of Liberation, Anuvrata and Mahâvrata (Jainism), Brahmavihâra (Buddhism).
16 Proofs for the existence of God Descartes, St. Anselm, Naiyâyikas.
17 Religion without God, Religion and Morality  
18 Religious Pluralism.  
19 Nature of Religious Language Cognitive and Non-cognitive, Analogical and Symbolic

The standard of Philosophy Optional subjects will be approximately that of an Honours Degree Examination as prescribed by the recognized Indian Universities




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