Class XI: Computer Application Syllabus Full Marks : 100
Theoretical (Full Marks : 70)
Practical Paper Full Marks: 30
Brief Review of Computer Hardware:
History of Computer, Computer Generations, Developments in Computer Technology, ' Block Diagram of Computer System, Input Devices, Output Devices ,CPU, Primary & Secondary Memory Systems, CD-ROM, Multimedia System
Data Representation:
Review of Number Systems-Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Conversion of Binary to decimal, Binary to Octal, Binary to Hexadecimal & Vice-Versa.
Topics on Boolean Algebra:
AND, OR, NOT Logic Functions, De Morgan's Theorems, Realization of simple Boolean functions, Universal gates.
Concepts of Computer Software & Languages :
* Importance of Software, System Software Vs Application Software.
* Operating System Overview (Dos & Windows)
* Use of Utility programs-Editor, Compiler, Interpreter.
* Programming Languages-Generation of languages, Languages used for problem soIving-Scientific, Commercial, Data Manipulation, etc. concept of visual lanuage ?
Data processing :
Information & Data, Basic Data types, processing Application.
Introduction to Word Processing—Invoking MS Word, Create, Edit & Save a document, Cut & Paste, perform operations on blocks of text, headers & footers. Mail merge, Art work, Clipart & drawing tool use. Document Printing, Printer Setup.
Introduction to Power Point—Creating new presentation, Use of Wizards Different fonts & styles, Inserting pictures drawings, saving on Secondary Storage, Slide show, printing etc.
Practical Paper Full Marks: 30
Familiarization with Computer system and Peripheral} :
And Peripherals, Media-Floppy Disk CDROM.
Study of "My Computer" details.
Edit, Copy, Delete Files, Create Directories :
Running Programs, Packages, Studying Windows
Features Use of Mouse Buttons, etc.
Windows Explorer.
Use of Word, Creating Textual document, drawing:
Cut & Paste, Erasing, 'Copy from different Document, Saving, Mail merge, Printing.
Study of Power Point Package :