Submitted by tushar pramanick on Mon, 02/25/2013 - 12:36

The void Data Type

You may notice that the void word has been added into the C program in Listing 2.2. void is a keyword for a data type in C. When a void is placed prior to a function name, it indicates that the function does not return a value.

As you have learned, the exit() function does not return any values, but, by default, the main() function does. Therefore, as shown in line 5 of Listing 2.2, void is used to modify the returning data type of main() and to make the main() function not return any value. (You'll learn more about data types in C in Hours 4, "Data Types and Names in C," and 18, "More Data Types and Functions.")


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In line 4 of Listing 2.1, you see this function:

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The exit() Function

There is also a C library function, exit(), that can be used to cause a program to end. Because the exit() function is defined in a header file, stdlib.h, you have to include the header file at the beginning of your program।

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Let's now move to line 2 in the C program of Listing 2.1:

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