C প্রোগ্রামিং এর বিভিন্ন ধরনের Expressions এর আলোচনা

Submitted by tushar pramanick on Mon, 02/25/2013 - 10:08

An expression is a combination of constants, variables, and operators that are used to denote computations.

For instance, the following:

(2 + 3) * 10

is an expression that adds 2 and 3 first, and then multiplies the result of the addition by 10. (The final result of the expression is 50.)

Similarly, the expression 10 * (4 + 5) yields 90. The 80/4 expression results in 20.


Here are some other examples of expressions:

Expression Description
An expression of a constant.
i An expression of a variable.
6 +  An expression of a constant plus a variable.
exit(0) An expression of a function call.


Arithmetic Operators

As you've seen, an expression can contain symbols such as +, *, and /. In the C language, these symbols are called arithmetic operators. Table 3.1 lists all the arithmetic operators and their meanings.


Table 3.1. C arithmetic operators.

C arithmatic Operators
Symbol Meaning
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Remainder (or modulus)


You may already be familiar with all the arithmetic operators, except the remainder (%) operator. % is used to obtain the remainder of the first operand divided by the second operand. For instance, the expression

6 % 4

yields a value of 2 because 4 goes into 6 once with a remainder of 2.

The remainder operator, %, is also called the modulus operator.

Among the arithmetic operators, the multiplication, division, and remainder operators have a higher precedence than the addition and subtraction operators. For example, the expression

2 + 3 * 10

yields 32, not 50. Because of the higher precedence of the multiplication operator, 3 * 10 is calculated first, and then 2 is added into the result of the multiplication.

As you might know, you can put parentheses around an addition (or subtraction) to force the addition (or subtraction) to be performed before a multiplication, division, or modulus computation. For instance, the expression

(2 + 3) * 10

performs the addition of 2 and 3 first before it does the multiplication of 10.

You'll learn more operators of the C language in Hours 6, "Manipulating Data with Operators," and 8, "More Operators."



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