Exercises : Answer the following Question

Submitted by tushar pramanick on Tue, 03/05/2013 - 20:49

To help solidify your understanding of this hour's lesson, you are encouraged to answer the quiz questions and finish the exercises provided in the Workshop before you move to the next lesson.

    What do the (x=1) && (y=10) and (x=1) & (y=10) expressions return, respectively?
    Given x = 96, y = 1, and z = 69, what does the expression !y ? x == z : y return?
    What do the ~0011000000111001 and ~1100111111000110 expressions return?
    Given x=9, what does (x%2==0)||(x%3==0) return? How about (x%2==0)&&(x%3==0)?
    Is 8 >> 3 equivalent to 8 / 23? How about 1 << 3?

    Given x = 0xEFFF and y = 0x1000, what do ~x and ~y return, respectively, in the hex format?
    Taking the values of x and y assigned in exercise 1, write a program that prints out the return values of !x and !y by using both the %d and %u formats in the printf() function.

    Given x = 123 and y = 4, write a program that displays the results of the x << y and x >> y expressions.
    Write a program that shows the return values (in hex) of the 0xFFFF^0x8888, 0xABCD & 0x4567, and 0xDCBA | 0x1234 expressions.
    Use the ?: operator and the for statement to write a program that keeps taking the characters entered by the user until the character q is accounted. (Hint: Put the x!='q' ? 1 : 0 expression to the second field in the for statement.)

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Setting Up Your System
Basically, you need a computer and a C compiler in order to compile and run your own C programs or the C programs from this book. The recommended hardware and software are listed in the following sections.


Question and Answer

Questions and Answers

Question and Answer

Questions and Answers on Chapter 01 : “How To Start C programming”. Some Questions and their answers are given bellow for better understanding of Chapter 01 : How To Start C programming . If any body ask any question please write in comment page or forum.