Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 03/10/2013 - 01:17

Declaring Functions

As you know, you have to declare or define a variable before you can use it. This is also true for functions. In C, you have to declare or define a function before you can call it.


Declaration Versus Definition

According to the ANSI standard, the declaration of a variable or function specifies the interpretation and attributes of a set of identifiers. The definition, on the other hand, requires the C compiler to reserve storage for a variable or function named by an identifier.

A variable declaration is a definition, but a function declaration is not. A function declaration alludes to a function that is defined elsewhere and specifies what kind of value is returned by the function. A function definition defines what the function does, as well as gives the number and type of arguments passed to the function.

A function declaration is not a function definition. If a function definition is placed in your source file before the function is first called, you don't need to make the function declaration. Otherwise, the declaration of a function must be made before the function is invoked.

For example, I've used the printf() function in almost every sample program in this book. Each time, I had to include a header file, stdio.h, because the header file contains the declaration of printf(), which indicates to the compiler the return type and prototype of the function. The definition of the printf() function is placed somewhere else. In C, the definition of this function is saved in a library file that is invoked during the linking states.
Specifying Return Types

A function can be declared to return any data type, except an array or function. The return statement used in a function definition returns a single value whose type should match the one declared in the function declaration.

By default, the return type of a function is int, if no explicit data type is specified for the function. A data type specifier is placed prior to the name of a function like this:

data_type_specifier  function_name();

Here data_type_specifier specifies the data type that the function should return. function_name is the function name that should follow the rule of naming in C.

In fact, this declaration form represents the traditional function declaration form before the ANSI standard was created. After setting up the ANSI standard, the function prototype is added to the function declaration.

Using Prototypes

Before the ANSI standard was created, a function declaration only included the return type of the function. With the ANSI standard, the number and types of arguments passed to a function are allowed to be added into the function declaration. The number and types of an argument are called the function prototype.

The general form of a function declaration, including its prototype, is as follows:

data_type_specifier  function_name(
      data_type_specifier argument_name1,
      data_type_specifier argument_name2,
      data_type_specifier argument_name3,
      data_type_specifier argument_nameN,

The purpose of using a function prototype is to help the compiler check whether the data types of arguments passed to a function match what the function expects. The compiler issues an error message if the data types do not match.

Although argument names, such as argument_name1, argument_name2, and so on, are optional, it is recommended that you include them so that the compiler can identify any mismatches of argument names.
Making Function Calls

As shown in Figure 15.1, when a function call is made, the program execution jumps to the function and finishes the task assigned to the function. Then the program execution resumes after the called function returns.

Figure 15.1. Program execution jumps to an invoked function when a function call is made.

A function call is an expression that can be used as a single statement or within other statements.

Listing 15.1 gives an example of declaring and defining functions, as well as making function calls.

Listing 15.1. Calling functions after they are declared and defined.

1:  /* 15L01.c: Making function calls */
2:  #include <stdio.h>
4:  int function_1(int x, int y);
5:  double function_2(double x, double y)
6:  {
7:     printf("Within function_2.\n");
8:     return (x - y);
9:  }
11: main()
12: {
13:    int x1 = 80;
14:    int y1 = 10;
15:    double x2 = 100.123456;
16:    double y2 = 10.123456;
18:    printf("Pass function_1  %d and %d.\n", x1, y1);
19:    printf("function_1 returns %d.\n", function_1(x1, y1));
20:    printf("Pass function_2  %f and %f.\n", x2, y2);
21:    printf("function_2 returns %f.\n", function_2(x2, y2));
22:    return 0;
23: }
24: /* function_1() definition */
25: int function_1(int x, int y)
26: {
27:    printf("Within function_1.\n");
28:    return (x + y);
29: }


The following output is displayed on the screen, after the executable (15L01.exe) of the program in Listing 15.1 is created and run from a DOS prompt:


Pass function_1  80 and 10.
Within function_1.
function_1 returns 90.
Pass function_2  100.123456. and 10.123456.
Within function_2.
function_2 returns 90.000000.

The purpose of the program in Listing 15.1 is to show you how to declare and define functions. The statement in line 4 is a function declaration with a prototype.
The declaration alludes to the function_1 defined later in Listing 15.1. The return
type of function_1 is int, and the function prototype includes two int variables, called
x and y.

In lines 5_9, the second function, function_2, is defined before it is called. As you can see, the return type of function_2 is double, and two double variables are passed to the function. Note that the names of the two variables are also x and y. Don't worry because function_1 and function_2 share the same argument names. There is no conflict because these arguments are in different function blocks.

Then, in the main() function defined in lines 11_23, two int variables, x1 and y1, and two double variables, x2 and y2, are declared and initialized in lines 13_16, respectively. The statement in line 18 shows the values of x1 and y1 that are passed to the function_1 function. Line 19 calls function_1 and displays the return value from function_1.

Likewise, lines 20 and 21 print out the values of x2 and y2 that are passed to function_2, as well as the value returned by function_2 after the function is called and executed.

Lines 25_29 contain the definition of the function_1 function, specifying that the function can perform an addition of two integer variables (see line 28) and print out the string of Within function_1. in line 27.

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