Submitted by tushar pramanick on Mon, 02/25/2013 - 12:20

Debugging Your Program
In the computer world, program errors are also called bugs. In many cases, your C compiler and linker do not find any errors in your program, but the result generated by running the executable file of the program is not what you expect. In order to find those "hidden" errors in your program, you may need to use a debugger.

Normally, your C compiler vendor already includes a debugger software program in the C compiler package. The debugger can execute your program one line at a time so that you can watch closely what's going on with the code in each line, or so that you can ask the debugger to stop running your program on any line. For more details about your debugger, refer to the manuals made by your C compiler vendor.

Later in this book, you'll learn that debugging is a very necessary and important step in writing software programs. (This topic is covered in Hour 24, "What You Can Do Now.")


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