Pointers এর ব্যবহার ও তার প্রয়োজনীতা

Submitted by administrator on Mon, 01/02/2012 - 15:48

Chapter 11 - An Introduction to Pointers


You've learned about many important C data types, operators, functions, and loops in the last 10 hours. In this lesson you'll learn about one of the most important and powerful features in C: pointers. The topics covered in this chapter are

    Pointer variables
    Memory addresses
    The concept of indirection
    Declaring a pointer
    The address-of operator
    The dereference operator


In this lesson you've learned the following:

  •     A pointer is a variable whose value is used to point to another variable.
  •     A variable declared in C has two values: the left value and the right value.
  •     The left value of a variable is the address; the right value is the content of the variable.
  •     The address-of operator (&) can be used to obtain the left value (address) of a variable.
  •     The asterisk (*) in a pointer declaration tells the compiler that the variable is a pointer variable.
  •     The dereference operator (*) is a unary operator; as such, it requires only one operand.
  •     The *ptr_name expression returns the value pointed to by the pointer variable ptr_name, where ptr_name can be any valid variable name in C.
  •     If the right value of a pointer variable is 0, the pointer is a null pointer. A null pointer cannot point to valid data.
  •     You can update the value of a variable referred by a pointer variable.
  •     Several pointers can point to the same location of a variable in the memory.


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Making Function Calls

Based on what you've learned so far, you can write a C program that calls the integer_add() function to calculate an addition and then print out the result on the screen. An example of such a program is demonstrated in Listing 3.2.


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In the C language, a statement is a complete instruction, ending with a semicolon. In many cases, you can turn an expression into a statement by simply adding a semicolon at the end of the expression.

For instance, the following

C প্রোগ্রামিং এর বিভিন্ন ধরনের Expressions এর আলোচনা

An expression is a combination of constants, variables, and operators that are used to denote computations.

For instance, the following:

(2 + 3) * 10

Exercises : Answer these Questions

After Reading and Understanding the Chapter 03 : The Essentials of C Programs, please give the answer of following Questions. if you able to answer these question correctly then please proceed to next chapter which is on Data Types and Names in C programming.