প্রোগ্রাম Controls করার পদ্ধতি ও তার সঠিক ব্যবহার

Submitted by administrator on Mon, 01/02/2012 - 15:44

Chapter 10 - Getting Controls


In Chapter 7, "Doing the Same Thing Over and Over," you learned to use the for, while, and do-while statements to do the same things over and over. These three statements can be grouped into the looping category that is a part of the control flow statements in C.

In this lesson you'll learn about the statements that belong to another group of control flow statements—conditional branching (or jumping), such as

    The if statement
    The if-else statement
    The switch statement
    The break statement
    The continue statement
    The goto statement


In this lesson you've learned the following:

  •     An important task of a program is to instruct the computer to jump to a different portion of the code according to the specified branch conditions.
  •     The if statement is a very important statement for conditional branching in C.
  •     The if statement can be nested for making a series of decisions in your program.
  •     The if-else statement is an expansion of the if statement.
  •     The switch statement helps you to keep your program more readable when there are more than just a couple decisions to be made in your code.
  •     The case and default keywords, followed by a colon (:) and an integral value, are used in the switch statement as labels.
  •     The break statement can be used to exit the switch construct or a loop (usually, an infinite loop).
  •     The continue statement is used to let you stay within a loop while skipping over some statements.
  •     The goto statement enables the computer to jump to some other spot in your computer. Using this statement is not recommended because it may cause your program to be unreliable and hard to debug.


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The exit() Function

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The void Data Type

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