একই জিনিস বারংবার ( looping ) করতে হলে কি করতে হবে ?

Submitted by administrator on Mon, 01/02/2012 - 15:25

CLASS 7 - Doing the Same Thing Over and Over

In the previous lessons, you've learned the basics of the C program, several important C functions, standard I/O, and some useful operators. In this lesson you'll learn a very important feature of the C language—looping. Looping, also called iteration, is used in programming to perform the same set of statements over and over until certain specified conditions are met.

Three statements in C are designed for looping:

  •     The for statement
  •     The while statement
  •     The do-while statement

In this lesson you've learned the following:

  •     Looping can be used to perform the same set of statements over and over until specified conditions are met.
  •     Looping makes your program concise.
  •     There are three statements, for, while, and do-while, that are used for looping
  •     in C.
  •     There are three expression fields in the for statement. The second field contains the expression used as the specified condition(s).
  •     The for statement does not end with a semicolon.
  •     The empty for( ; ; ) statement can be used to form an infinite loop.
  •     Multiple expressions, separated by commas, can be used in the for statement.
  •     There is only one expression field in the while statement, and the expression is used as the specified condition.
  •     The while statement does not end with a semicolon.
  •     The while (1) statement can create an infinite loop.
  •     The do-while statement places its expression at the bottom of the loop.
  •     The do-while statement does end with a semicolon.
  •     The inner loop must finish first before the outer loop resumes its iteration in nested loops.

In the next lesson you'll learn about more operators used in the C language.

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Another Function for Writing: putchar()

C প্রোগ্রামিং এর putc() Function এর ব্যবহার

Using the putc() Function
The putc() function writes a character to the specified file stream, which, in our case, is the standard output pointing to your screen.


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Using the getchar() Function
The C language provides another function, getchar(), to perform a similar operation to getc(). More precisely, the getchar() function is equivalent to getc(stdin).


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C প্রোগ্রামিংয়ে getc() Function এর ব্যবহার

Using the getc() Function
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The double Data Type
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