একই জিনিস বারংবার ( looping ) করতে হলে কি করতে হবে ?

Submitted by administrator on Mon, 01/02/2012 - 15:25

CLASS 7 - Doing the Same Thing Over and Over

In the previous lessons, you've learned the basics of the C program, several important C functions, standard I/O, and some useful operators. In this lesson you'll learn a very important feature of the C language—looping. Looping, also called iteration, is used in programming to perform the same set of statements over and over until certain specified conditions are met.

Three statements in C are designed for looping:

  •     The for statement
  •     The while statement
  •     The do-while statement

In this lesson you've learned the following:

  •     Looping can be used to perform the same set of statements over and over until specified conditions are met.
  •     Looping makes your program concise.
  •     There are three statements, for, while, and do-while, that are used for looping
  •     in C.
  •     There are three expression fields in the for statement. The second field contains the expression used as the specified condition(s).
  •     The for statement does not end with a semicolon.
  •     The empty for( ; ; ) statement can be used to form an infinite loop.
  •     Multiple expressions, separated by commas, can be used in the for statement.
  •     There is only one expression field in the while statement, and the expression is used as the specified condition.
  •     The while statement does not end with a semicolon.
  •     The while (1) statement can create an infinite loop.
  •     The do-while statement places its expression at the bottom of the loop.
  •     The do-while statement does end with a semicolon.
  •     The inner loop must finish first before the outer loop resumes its iteration in nested loops.

In the next lesson you'll learn about more operators used in the C language.

Related Items

The while Loop

The while Loop

The while statement is also used for looping. Unlike the situation with the for statement, there is only one expression field in the while statement.

The general form of the while statement is

while (expression) {

Question and Answer

Question and Answer

    Q How does a for loop work?

Exercises : Answer the following Question

To help you solidify your understanding of this hour's lesson, you are encouraged to try to answer the quiz questions and finish the exercises provided in the Workshop before you move to the next lesson.


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Question and Answer

Question and Answer

    Q What is the difference between the pre-increment operator and the post-increment operator?